Chapter Twelve - Warworld

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A giant ship that looked like a planet had flown into our solar system, it was even bigger than the moon. And it was here to destroy the Earth.

While some heroes were in space, defending the Earth, the Team snuck inside the ship to stop everything from the inside since all those outside could do at the moment was hold off the attacks.

"Green Beetle's schematics are on the money at least so far," Superboy told Nightwing through the communicator as him, me, Arsenal, Wolf, and Wonder Girl all moved down a hallway. "We're en route to take down Mongul. No commander, the threat ends"

Drones started attacking us from behind so we had to stop to fight them off. Superboy attacked them, but then Arsenal pulled out a bazooka and shot at the ceiling, blocking them off from us.

"A little warning might have been nice," Superboy said, brushing off the rubble he was covered in.

Arsenal shrugged. "Take cover"

"Ah. Come on, we're close"

We ran down another hallway and I went invisible, hoping to use that as an advantage. In the control room there was a single large seat in the middle, and when it turned around a big guy stood up.

"He is a big one," Arsenal said.

"This is your attack force?" Mongul asks, stepping forward. "I'm insulted"

"Learn to cope," Superboy said, him, Wolf and Wonder Girl rushing forward.

He easily swatted them both away, and then grabbed Superboy by the throat.

"Little Kyrptonian, so proud of your powers. Did you truly believe yours was the only race to come from a world with a red sun?"

Wonder Girl wrapped her lasso around him, but he yanked on it, pulling her towards him, and knocked her out. Arsenal shot an arrow, foam encasing Mongul, but he easily broke out of it, tossing Superboy to the ground.

Then Wolf tried to attack, but Mongul picked him up by the nape of his neck. "The novelty of this encounter has officially worn off"

He threw Wolf at Wonder Girl and then Arsenal aimed his crossbow at Mongul. "Nap time, ugly"

Gas came from the arrow be shot, but when it was gone Mongul was still standing, a smirk on his face. "I like that. It smells like victory"

He charged Arsenal, momentarily getting sidetracked when Superboy charged him. But when he was done with Superboy he went back for Arsenal who now had his bazooka in hand again.

Mongul placed a hand on the bazooka, making it explode in Arsenal's face when he shot it, sending him flying back. He tried to push himself up but couldn't.

"Do you really not understand?" Mongul asks. "Your deaths today in the face of the Reach are a mercy. My grand laser remitted would have ended your world in a matter of minutes. Another mercy. But it seems the mercies of Mongul are not appreciated. So we will do this the hard way and the Warworld will unleash all its weapons upon the Earth. You're welcome"

Mongul sat back in his chair as more rockets launched towards the Earth. I saw Arsenal's eyes opening briefly.

"If you're gonna do something do it now!" Arsenal said as loud as he could.

I floated up behind Mongul, looking to remove the headset he was wearing. While watching the fight I had pieced together that he was using that to control the Warworlds. And if I had that I might be able to stop the attack.

As I reached for the headset I had to turn visible since I couldn't physically touch stuff when invisible. He must've noticed because he reached back and grabbed my arm, flipping me over him. I landed hard on the ground, groaning in pain.

We all stood up, back on our feet and ready to fight again, but we didn't need to. The room started to fill with light, following the pattern on the floors and walls it all led to Mongul, electrocuting him.

All the drones fell to the ground with a clang, and Mongul stood up, stumbling around. That's when we all jumped in to defeat him. When he was on the ground Wonder girl tied him up, and the rockets stopped launching.

"All surface weapons have been silenced. Is it over?" Captain Atom asks.

"Mongul is down and contained," Superboy told them.

"Nice work, Alpha," Batgirl said.

"I'd love to take credit but we didn't do it. His own machine stung him. I'm guessing with a little help"

"Great job, everyone. Now rendezvous asap so I can bring you all home," Nightwing tells us.

We all made our way to the docking bay, having to trudge along with Mongul in tow. When we finally met up with the others, Bumblebee and Guardian were kissing. Everyone seemed to be in a good mood after the win.

"Wow, how do I get that reward?" Arsenal asks.

Since I was walking beside him, I leaned over and kissed his cheek without a second thought.

"It's a start," he said with a chuckle.

"Well, the gang's all here," Blue Beetle said, holding some sort of crystal in his hands.

He took the crystal and hit Impulse over the head, knocking him out. Then he used some sort of sonic cannon on Batgirl and Guardian. The others just barely dodged in time.

"Blue, what are you doing?" Superboy demands.

He flew over and sent Superboy flying into the wall, flipping Mongul over so he squat Wonder Girl.

"No. Not again," Arsenal mumbled, looking for a way out. "I will not be taken again"

Arsenal hit a button and the doors opened, the air being pulled out of the room. We were all trying to keep ourselves from getting sucked out of the ship, and Jaime barely shut the door before he got lost in space.

We all hit the ground, most of the others starting to lose their breath since most of the oxygen had been sucked out of the room.

"Why?" Superboy asked weakly.

"Don't waste you're breath, Hermano. There's very little left in here," Blue Beetle told him.

I went invisible, hating to leave the team but knowing if I stayed I'd end up like them. And who knew what Blue Beetle was going to do to them.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, flying up and away from the docking bay towards an open air duct that I'd be able to hide in.

But as I flew Blue Beetle must've somehow found where I was, because just before I was completely gone a laser was shot at me. It must've been a special kind of laser because it hit me in the side. No longer able to stay invisible or fly I had to trudge my way through the vent I ended up in.

When I was far enough away I stopped, sliding down against the wall, a hand covering my wound.

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