Chapter Five - A Clone

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I snuck in through the open window of my room, closing it quietly behind me so no one would notice I was ever out. When I turned I jumped a little, finding Roy standing there with his Speedy outfit on.

"You up for a mission?" He asks.

"Really? I thought you were going all solo now," I say, sitting on my bed as I fixed my boots.

"Why would I-"

"After walking out of the Hall, you sort of avoided me. Was that intentional?"

"No, I just needed some space from everyone. Now I want us to be a team"

"Our own team"

"If you're coming, hurry up, we have a narrow window," he told me, walking towards the window.

I jumped up and followed after him without any question. We ended up at the docks in the dark, him explaining stuff to me on the way.

We watched some bad guys from above as they unloaded a shipping container, and Speedy shot an arrow down at them. The leader - also known as Brick - picked up a gun, aiming it up at us.

"You again! I'm starting to get insulted Green Arrow's not messing up my operations personally"

He shot at us but we avoided fire, Speedy shooting back with an explosive arrow, ruining his suit, which only made him mad.

"Do you know what I pay for a suit in my size?!"

I jumped down and started attacking, noticing something fast running around and taking out the rest of the bad guys. I stopped fighting, watching the figure stop in front of me with a smile.

"Hi again," Kid Flash said.

"Oh, hi. What are you doing here?"


I raised an eyebrow as he ran off. But then I ran over to some shipping containers, joining Speedy as he spoke with Aqualad on top of one.

"The Cave is perfect," Aqualad explained. "It has everything the team will need"

"For covert missions, you know, spy stuff," Robin adds, landing behind us.

"And wait till you see Superboy and Miss Martian," Kid Flash adds, running up the container to us. "But I saw her first"

Brick threw a boulder at us, but we all moved out of the way, continuing the fight. Speedy shot a couple arrows but they didn't do much,

"Tell Arrow he shouldn't send boys to do a man's job," Brick said with a chuckle. "Go ahead"

Speedy shot another arrow, except this one hit him dead in the chest, surrounding him in foam, leaving him immobile.

"High density polyurethane foam. Nice," Kid Flash said.

"So, Speedy, you in?" Robin asks.

"Pass. I'm done letting Arrow and the League tell me what to do," Speedy told him. "I don't need a baby sitter or a clubhouse to hang out with the other kids. Your junior Justice League is a joke, something to keep you busy and in your place. I don't want any part of it. Come on, Mastera"

He walked off into the shadows between the shipping containers and the boys all glanced at each other. Then they looked over at me.

"Mastera?" Aqualad asks.

"You don't have to stay with him," Kid Flash says.

"The invitation is for you as well"

"I..." I looked down where Speedy walked off.

"Mastera, you belong on the team," Robin says. "And unlike Speedy, you're not so stubborn that you can't see it. We're doing good"

"I... I can't just leave Speedy. Someone needs to try to keep him in check. Even Green Arrow seems to have given up on him a little bit, after that scene in the Hall. It just-it hasn't been the same"

"Why do you stick around him?" Kid Flash asks me. "It seems like he's just pushing you around"

"He's my best friend. When I started training, it was with him and Green Arrow," I smiled at them. "Besides, we're our own little team. We've got each other's backs"

I ran off through the darkness, hoping I could still catch up to Speedy. But he was long gone, so I decided to stop by the Arrow hideout, thinking he might've gone there.

When I walked in he was hanging up his Speedy outfit, taking the mask off of his eyes. I went over towards the couch but started pacing in front of it as I started ranting loudly.

"Could you stop acting like a dick?! If you hadn't noticed, I like you, but you're too hung up on yourself and what you're doing to even notice I'm here! I just gave up a perfect opportunity, for you"

"I'm not who you think I am, Rou. I'm not Roy," he told me as he came closer to me.

I scoff. "Is this your way of turning me down? A simple 'I don't like you that way' would work just fine," I mumble.

"I'm a clone," he blurts out, making me shut up.

"Y-you're a-a what?" I stopped my pacing, staring at his blue eyes that I now knew for sure didn't belong to him.

"I'm a clone"

I sat down on the couch, knowing my legs were about to give out if I continued standing. My eyes didn't leave his. I was hoping it wasn't true, but I could tell it was all the truth.

"How long have you known?"

He didn't answer my question so I found the strength in my anger and stood up, getting in his face. I grabbed the front of his shirt tightly in fists.

"Why didn't you tell me?!"

"This... this is why"

I looked down at my hands and let go of his shirt, plopping back down on the couch. I continued to glare at him, though.

"I didn't-I didn't want to hurt you. You're still my friend, I don't want to see you hurt. I thought..."

"You thought what?"

"The real Roy, he's still somewhere. I was hoping to find him before you figured it out, and you'd never know"

"You were going to keep it a secret? You think I wouldn't have noticed when there's suddenly two Roy Harpers? How long do you think it would've taken? It could take years to find him. Were you going to wait that long?"

"No. I didn't think it'd take that long. But... I can't keep it from you. I may not be the real Roy, I know I'm not him. Even with all his memories and-and feelings... I'm still him"

"But you're not"

"And I'm not"

"So how long? When did you realize?"

"It didn't take me too long to realize I wasn't the real Roy Harper, you were actually the first to notice, during our fight when you mentioned how I was different. Wherever Roy was taken, he's still there"

"Then how do you not know where he is?"

"They left me somewhere, in the state Oliver found me in, giving him clues on where to find me"

I stood up once more and stepped closer to him. "You're not Roy Harper"

"I know"

I hugged him tightly, him tensing up under my touch. "But you're the one who's been my friend since his disappearance. And, thank you"


"I really missed him. Seeing you, everything was back to normal, even for a little bit"

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