Chapter Eleven - Brick

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Roy and I were hanging around the temporary hideout for the Team. Everyone else was busy doing other stuff so we were looking for things to keep us busy.

"You up for some training?" Roy asks all of a sudden.


We made our way to the area set up for training. It was a room with mats set out on the floor, plain and simple. Nothing like what they had at the Cave.

"You ready?" He asks.


We both got in position for the fight. He swept a leg, trying to kick my legs out from under me, but I jumped in time. Then I started throwing punches. But he slipped behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, picking me up. We both started laughing.

"Put me down, put me down!" I said through laughs.

"Don't go easy on me then," he tells me.

"Who said I was going easy?"

"You let me slip right behind you"

"Okay, okay, just put me down"

He set me down on my feet and I managed to spin around him, pin his arm behind his back, and tackle him to the ground. He was laying on his stomach and I was straddling him, keeping his arm pinned.

"Ha! I won"

I got off of him and helped him stand up. We were standing close together and when I noticed I tried to step away, but he kept hold of my arm and kept me there, not letting me move away. After another moment of us staring at each other he smiled and turned away.

"See ya"

"I want to tell you something," he paused, looking back at me. "Roy, I like you"

He raised an eyebrow. "I know that. Why are you bringing it up now?"

"No, not in that way-"

"Hey, you two, I've got a mission," Nightwing said as he rushed in. "There was an accident in Star City"

"Shouldn't the cops have that covered?" Roy asks.

"They do, but I'm thinking this wasn't an accident. So I'm sending you two to check it out. If this wasn't an accident, figure out what happened"

"Why send us?"

"Yeah, shouldn't that be a job for some detective? And why not the whole Team?" I ask.

"The Team is busy, and it might be someone the police aren't suited to handle. I'd do it but I'm still trying to find evidence on the Reach," Nightwing tells us, scratching the back of his head with a sigh.

"All right, we're on it"

Nightwing gave us the location and we headed over in our normal clothes, trying not to draw attention to ourselves until we decided if it really was an accident or if it was a hit.

We moved through the crowded street, trying to make it to the scene. I felt an arm wrap around my waist, a hand placed on my back. I didn't know who it was and it was too crowded for me to tell. Then Roy spoke up.

"Stay close," he said, moving us forward. "I don't want to lose you in the crowd"

"What do you think happened?" I ask. "He wasn't very big on details. All he said was there was an accident"

"I don't know, that's why we're checking it out first. So we know what we're getting into"

We stopped at the barricade set up by the police. Roy kept his arm around me, seemingly forgetting he had it there.

"Uh, Roy, your arm..."

"Oh, sorry," he mumbled, moving his arm as he blushed, looking away from me. "It looks like a car accident, but there's a small bullet hole in the back window"

"Someone must've been after him," I whisper. "Seems like a gang hit. It's not so easy getting a shot like that"

I looked around at the nearby buildings, see if I could find where the gunshot might've come from. I caught a glimpse of a tall, burly man moving away from an open window. It was a familiar man.

"Brick? I thought we put him in prison?"

"You fought him before?" He asks me.

"Yeah with... Red Arrow"

"Where'd you see him?"

"Up in that building," I say, pointing to the window.

"Let's go"

We went somewhere to quickly change into our hero outfits and then ran to the building, hoping not to lose him. When we made it up to the 7th floor we searched around, unable to find him.

"We missed him," I sigh.

"Found him," Arsenal said.

He was looking out the window, down at the street. He had his crossbow ready, pointed out the window. I stood beside him, peeking out the window. Down in the street, Brick was walking away from the scene, unnoticed by everyone since they were all too distracted by the 'accident'.

Arsenal shot something at Brick, and it landed in his neck. But he simply swatted at it, not thinking much of it.

"What was that?" I ask.

"A tracker"

"So now what do we do?"

"We go after him. What else?"

We tracked him down to the docks, the same docks I had fought him with Red Arrow years ago. But this time he was about to step into a speedboat and race away to who knows where.

"He must've been tying up loose ends. It looks like he's running," I whisper as we crouched in the dark, watching as he walked towards the boat.

"He isn't going to make it far," Arsenal says, shooting an explosive down at the boat.

The boat exploded and Brick stopped in his tracks, turning around and immediately finding us in the dark. We stepped out of the dark and Brick smirked.

"I remember you. What happened to that annoying boyfriend of yours? You trade him in for this kid?"

"He wasn't my boyfriend!" I yell, jumping down towards him.

"Whatever you say," he said with a chuckle.

Arsenal and I both charged Brick. I kept him distracted while Arsenal prepped a foam arrow. As the arrow went flying towards us I went invisible, the arrow flying straight through me and landing on Brick's chest, foam spreading around him once again.

He growled. "Annoying brats!"

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