16 - Discussions and Merriment

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Thomas lifted his head once he saw the glow of a torch and heard the sounds of footsteps approaching.

Gally was escorting Joan to the cell beside his, a dirt wall separating them.

There was only the sound of flames crackling and the squeak of the door opening and shutting before Gally left. Then, silence.

Thomas sat in his cell, it dimly lit from the torches outside. He hesitantly shifted towards the wooden bars of the cell door. He then craned his neck to peek at Joan's cell next to his.


A few moments of silence ensued before he heard the shifting of dirt, and a shadow caught his eyes.


Thomas hesitated before replying;

"Are you okay?"

Another few moments of silence passed before she answered.

"I'm fine."

Thomas looked down, knowing deep down that that wasn't true.

"It wasn't just you. He was talking about me too." He said softly.

"I know."

He bit his lip and looked down, trying to think of another way to console her.

"I know I didn't say this before but, thanks for saving me back in the maze, I owe you one."

When Thomas heard small sniffles instead of a reply, his stomach sank.

"Joan, talk to me.." He pleaded softly.

"What did I do?" she whimpered. She hated how she was crumbling in front of him, but she couldn't hold it in anymore.

"They've all said I've done something to them. It has to be true, and they hate me for it." She continued.

Thomas sat silently for a few seconds as he digested what she said, the cogs in his mind spinning.

"They?" He questioned gently, trying to understand.

This seemed to once again silence Joan as she contemplated on opening up further.

She had kept her feelings in for too long, and Thomas had put his life in danger to run after her into the maze. She had a feeling deep down that she could trust him.

Hesitantly, she scooted closer to the cell gate, and she could make out his face in the low light across from her as she rested her head against the

"His name was Peter. We were really close.."

Thomas listened, him also now able to see her face if he tilted his head right.

"He got stung like Alby and he said the same things. He said that he saw me put him here, and how I was..responsible for everything."

Thomas started to feel a sense of dread form in his gut, sensing that this wasn't the worst part of what happened.

"Then he..tried to kill me. He almost did. He stabbed me in my shoulder." Joan's voice was quiet as she shivered at the memory, once again feeling the boy's grip on her.

Thomas exhaled a breathe that he didn't know he had held.

"I'm so sorry.."

Joan looked down at the dirt, feeling some of the weight come off her chest.

"Its so hard not knowing what you did to make your friends hate you. What makes them want to kill you.." she said, her voice wavering.

"Maybe the new girl can help. She seems to know me, maybe she remembers something." Thomas pointed out.

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