your brother finds out you're pregnant part 2

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calum: joey is eighteen. he should know how to use protection and what it is and it's illegal for him and maddison to even legally be together.
*end of recap*

ashton: joey is a good kid though. he treats maddison right and never disrespects her. he'd never leave her-
calum: until he finds out madi is pregnant.
ashton: cal shes four months pregnant and i'm pretty sure he knows about it and since he hasn't left her yet then he's clearly never going to leave her. i know it's still bad that she's pregnant and that she's kept a secret for so long but at least it's with an eighteen year old who knows how to treat her instead of a low life sixteen year old who doesn't know what he's doing. joey loves her and he wouldn't leave her because of this.
calum: i should've just never let them start dating in the first place because look where we are now.
ashton: calum even if you said no to them dating they would've still done it and she seems a lot happier now then before she met joey.
calum: i know. this is just a difficult situation and i'm not exactly sure what to do.
ashton: all you can do is support her and be there for her. she's still only sixteen and she's scared. she knows and understands what's happening but she's still scared as any sixteen year old would be. go back in there and talk to her. don't say anything rude about joey either because that's gonna make her more upset. 
calum: okay.

i stand up off of the chair and put my cigarette out, me and ashton walk back into the house. we don't see maddison in the living room anymore, i walk over to the key rack and see her keys gone. i open the front door and look at the driveway and see her car gone, i walk back inside shutting the door behind me.
calum: she's gone. she's not here.
ashton: relax. she probably just went to joey's. you upset her a lot with your reaction.
calum: i know but knowing now that she's pregnant and just left without saying she was going anywhere and where she was going freaks me out even more.
ashton: just call her and ask where she went. if she says joey's then just say okay and let her be. she needs joey in this time and she'll come home when she's ready to cal.
calum: okay.

i grab my phone and go to my contacts, i press on maddison's number and call her. i put my phone to my ear.

-maddison's p.o.v-
i pull up to joey's house and park in the driveway, my phone starts ringing. i grab it and see that it's calum, i wipe my eyes and turn my car off. i answer the call, i put my phone to my ear.
calum: hey uh maddison?
maddison: y-yeah?
calum: i just wanted to say that i was sorry. i'm sorry for the way i reacted. it wasn't right and it wasn't okay. i need to be supporting you right now and me blowing up definitely didn't sound like i support you but i do. i won't blow up again and i'm sorry. i'll be here for you and joey the whole time.
maddison: thanks.
calum: where did you go?
maddison: i came to joey's. i'll be h-home tomorrow.
calum: okay. well i'll see you tomorrow. i love you.
maddison: i-i love you too cal.

i take my phone away from my ear and hang up, i grab my keys out of the ignition and my wallet off of the passenger seat. i get out of my car and lock it, i walk up to joey's front door. i unlock the door with the house key he gave me, i walk in shutting and locking the door behind me. i take my shoes off and set my keys and wallet on the counter, i walk upstairs to joey's room and open the door. he looks at me and smiles, i walk over to him and lay down on top of him. he sets his phone down and wraps his arms around me, i lay my head between his shoulder and neck. he pulls the blanket over us.
joey: i missed you and our little bean.
maddison: i-i missed you too.
joey: what's wrong? it's sounds like you were crying.
maddison: calum and the guys f-found out.

joey tightens his grip around me, a couple of minutes go by.
joey: what did he say?
maddison: he was really mad that we kept it a secret for a while. he called me when i got here and said he was sorry for blowing up and that he supports us but it was still scary being yelled at almost.
joey: i'm sorry madi. he had to find out soon anyways. you're starting to show more and more every week.
maddison: i know.

joey flips us over so he's on top of me, he leans his down and kisses me. i kiss him back and he pulls away, he lays back down on his back. he pulls my hoodie and shirt up, he puts one of his hands on my stomach and smiles.
joey: your bump is so cute  

i smile and let out a small laugh along with him, i lay my head on his chest and he wraps his other arm around me.
joey: so you know how we've talked a few times about you moving in here with me before the baby is born?
maddison: yeah.
joey: maybe we should talk to calum about it and do it as soon as we can so we can get everything we need for the baby and we can get the baby room set up so we're prepared.
maddison: we can talk to him tomorrow.
joey: okay.

a couple of moments go by.
joey: when do we find out what gender the baby is?
maddison: in three weeks.
joey: i hope we have a little girl.
maddison: me too.

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