your brother finds out you're pregnant part 3

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-sorry I posted this a day late:)


maddison: me too.
*end of recap*

i smile and wrap my arms around joey's waist, a few hours go by and he stands up and turns his bedroom light off along with his lamp. he lays back down and turns his tv off, he lays on his his side along with me. he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to his chest so we're spooning, he pulls the blankets over us more.
maddison: i love you.
joey: i love you too.

he kisses my cheek and we fall asleep a few minutes later, i wake up the next morning to the front door opening and closing. i rub my eyes and open them, i notice that joey isn't in the bed anymore. i yawn and sit up, i get off of the bed and walk over to the doorway. i walk out of his room and walk downstairs to the kitchen, when i enter the kitchen i see joey putting some food away in the fridge. he turns around and looks at me, he smiles and walks over to me. he cups my face with his hands and i wrap my arms around his torso, he kisses me and i kiss him back.
joey: i love you so much.
maddison: i love you so much too.

i smile back at him and he pecks my lips, he pulls away from me and walks back over to the fridge. he puts a few more things away, he shuts the fridge then puts the paper bags underneath his sink. i walk over to the island and sit down on one of the chairs, he leans against the other side of the island so we're facing each other. 
joey: when do you want to go back home to talk to calum?
maddison: i don't know.
joey: what about now? that way if he says yes we can start packing your room up and move you here?
maddison: okay.

he smiles at me and i smile back at him, i stand up off of the island and walk over to the doorway. i put my shoes on and he grabs his keys and phone, we walk outside and walk over to his car. we get in and he pulls out of the driveway and starts driving back to my house, when we get there he parks his car and we get out. he grabs my hand and locks our fingers together, we walk over to the front door and i open it. we walk inside shutting the door behind us.
maddison: calum?!
calum: i'm downstairs!

me and joey start walking over to the stairs.
joey: i hope he says yes.
maddison: me too.

we walk down the few steps into the basement, we see calum sitting on the couch with like watching parks and recreation.
calum: hey joey.
joey: hey.
maddison: so we had a question.
calum: okay. what's up?
maddison: so since you know now we were wondering if i could maybe move in with joey.
calum: what?
joey: we have been talking about it and we think it would just be a lot easier for her and for the baby when he or she is born.
calum: so you do know she's pregnant?
joey: yes.
calum: when did you find out?
joey: i was here with her when she took the test.
calum: okay. tell me why you guys thing it would be easier.
joey: well when she does have the baby and goes into labor then i'll more than likely be right with her so she wouldn't have to wait for me to come pick her up from here and it would be easier when the baby is growing up so she or he wouldn't have to go to a different house all the time to see one of us and if she can move in with me than when the baby is finally here then we can be our little happy family.
luke: cal those seem like good reasons. maybe it's a good idea. joey seems to have his priorities straight.
calum: i get that and i understand that but i wasn't prepared for you want to move out. that's a big step madi.
maddison: i know but i'll always come over here. it's not like i won't ever see you again.
calum: i know it's just that you're my little sister and it's kind of hard seeing you grow up like this. what if things go wrong between you two? what if joe starts treating you badly? what if-
joey: i would never treat her badly calum. i promise i'll treat her right and treat her how she's supposed to be treated.
calum: maddison do you feel safe with moving in with him? you don't feel like he would treat you wrong?
maddison: yes i feel safe moving in with him cal. if i didn't than we wouldn't have asked you. it's been almost a year and a half so i don't think he would treat me wrong.
calum: okay well i guess that's okay then. are you guys going to go pack up your room now?
maddison: yeah.
calum: okay well there's boxes in the garage.
maddison: thank you cal.

joey lets go of my hand and calum stands up, i walk over to him and smile. i hug him and he hugs me back, we let go of the hug a few seconds later. me and joey walk up the two flights of stairs to my room, we walk into my room and start gathering my things. joey walks out of my room and comes back up a few minutes later with some boxes, we start packing my room up.

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