Chapter two

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Chapter 2

That night as she went to sleep, Artemis couldn’t help but wish that him finding out was just a dream. She closed her eyes and went off to dreamland.

The room was filled with rose petals and sweet things. Artemis was in front of a bed with Wufei laying in it under the covers. She was in some sexy lingerie and was getting down on her knees on the bed.

Wufei looked at her as she crawled up the bed to get in under the covers. She felt him pull her into him, she could feel him getting hard.

“I think someone has been a bit bad today…and needs to be punished…” Artemis heard him say, slowly starting to smirk.

“And who is going to punish me…?” Artemis felt herself say, smirking herself. Damn did he make her want him in the worst way.

“Come here and find out…”

With that being said, Artemis jolted awake at the sound of her alarm clock. She slowly started to get ready for the day. She saw Caroline looking at her. “What…?”

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah why?”

“Your face is so red….” Caroline said, slightly giggling as she said it. They were both ready to go and opened the door to find a very red-faced Wufei and Demetri.

“She’s like that too huh…?”

“Yep…won’t tell me what is wrong either.” Artemis glared as did Wufei. They then proceeded to go to breakfast. Wufei and Artemis couldn’t seem to look each other in the eye for very long.

“…Stupid dream…” Artemis heard him mutter under his breath.

“…Similar dream huh…?” Artemis felt her heart skip when he looked at her surprised.

“You had a weird dream as well…? It didn’t deal with rose petals everywhere did it?”

“…Yeah…” She was extremely surprised as they got their food and sat down. Wufei seemed rather stunned. Had they had the exact same dream at the same time? That would explain why he seemed so embarrassed.

“…Dreams huh?” Demetri glanced at the two in slight amusement. They both shot him a glare and he backed down. “Sooooo the words being said in your sleep about someone needing to be punished was in the dream huh?”

“Shut up! Like you haven’t talked in your sleep before…” Wufei frowned at him.

“Please tell me your joking…”

“Nope, not a joke at all.”

They were all set up into groups of two. They were to work their way out of a possible capture sequence together. All while being bound to each other. Artemis was extremely well versed in speed training due to her father. Wufei was as well and they took off in their scenario. They were able to get themselves untied when they saw a pretend guard appear. They found a weapon, Artemis found a Katana as did Wufei. They had to fight their way out using identical weapons.

Artemis’s skill level surprised Wufei as they fought their way out before any of the other teams. Then Caroline and Demetri appeared about a minute later. They were all unbound and graded by their instructor.

“Well done, you finished in under five minutes.” The instructor gave them all a passing grade and they were released for a couple of hours at least.

“Well what should we do now? Martial arts training isn’t for another three hours…” Caroline asked, as they all proceeded to walk into the dorm that the girls shared. They seemed to spend a lot of time there.

“We could probably study for the computer diagnostic exam that’s coming up for tomorrow.” Artemis suggested as the boys were there listening.

“I think we should study until lunch time and then we can work on preparing for training…” Wufei said, crossing his arms a bit. He wondered how the hell that dream would have played out had it kept going. He soon snapped out of it.

“Sounds good to me everyone.” Demetri nodded. So they started working on their studying as the instructor reported how well the four of them worked.

“Artemis and Wufei were only in there for less than three minutes and the tape shows quite a lot of team work. Demetri and Caroline were out not even a minute later.”

“I see, we have a lot to be proud of in them, let’s see how their test tomorrow goes,” the leader said.
“They are studying for that now as we speak.”

“Good, thank you for your report. You may be excused.” The instructor nodded as he left the room. The little girl that was with him looked at their stats. She smiled as she read their files.

“Seems like we have some powerful soldiers in them, huh?”

“It appears so, especially in Artemis and Wufei. They work extremely well together despite the early on situation,” the leader said, looking at Mariamaia Khushrenada, the daughter of the late Treize Khushrinada.

“Oh you mean the little spat they had when she was going to set up her room?”

“Yes, she even tripped him before yelling at her brother and slamming the door in both of their faces.”

“Well it seems that they have gotten past that…”

Soon it was time for martial arts training and Artemis was improving very steadily against Wufei. Many seemed rather jealous of their sudden closeness. Some males did not like him getting so close to her and the same goes for the females only the roles being reversed.

“Let’s see if you can beat me this time,” Wufei said, smirking at her.

“Yes, let’s. Just don’t be too upset about it if I do~” Artemis smirked back. As always, they were doing the best out of the entire class. Artemis landed him on his back before pinning him down.

“Looks like I have finally won.” Artemis grinned as she side stepped a sneak attack from him. He seemed to be rather amused just like she was.

“It only took you a month to beat me,” Wufei shrugged it off. She helped him up as a lot of people clapped. They had indeed gained some respect from all the higher up soldiers. One came by them and congratulated Artemis and Wufei both. They had risen to quadruple black belt status.

“There will be a congratulation based party in your  honor, good job to you both.”

“Well thanks, it’s what we are here for, to serve our leader to the best of our ability,” Artemis nodded as did Wufei.

“Artemis, you have a couple of visitors.” Wufei nudged her shoulder. She turned around to see Victoria, her elder sister, and Karina, her mother.

“Hey, how are you both doing?”

“Rather well as you seem to be as well.” Victoria chuckled before turning to Wufei, “I take it that you are Wufei?”

“Yes, I am the one that spoke to your mother about Artemis.”

“It’s good to meet you, as you know, I am Artemis’s and Demetri’s mother. And this is my eldest, Victoria.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you both,” Wufei said, looking at Artemis slightly.

“The zoo has finally decided to let you come back to visit it, Artemis, just don’t release any of the animals this time please.” Karina gave a slight laugh.

Both Caroline and Wufei looked confused. Artemis casually scratched the back of her head in embarrassment.  “…. I kind of got banned from the zoo at three years old…”

“Do we even need to ask how you managed that…?”

“I released the lion from its exhibit the first time…The Second time I released the tiger and an ostrich…I was banned after that…” Artemis felt her heart beating quick from  sheer embarrassment.

“… Why does this not surprise me…?”

“No one got hurt….right?” Caroline looked worried.

“No one was hurt thankfully.” With that being said, they went inside. There were looks of admiration from both sides. They got ready to go to the dinner which made them dress up.

Artemis wore a strapless black and red lace dress with heels. She had her hair in a French braid. Wufei was in a suit. They walked in to see music and lots of delicious food. This would be the start of something great in both of them. And so the party officially began and there was no turning back from either side. Caroline as well as Demetri walked up to them.

Caroline wore a black and violet lace dress with matching heels. Her long brown hair had been put up into a tight bun. She looked absolutely phenomenal.

Demetri was dressed similarly to Wufei only his shirt was a light cream color and not white like Wufei was wearing. They all stunned every one with their looks, especially the girls. So many people whispered to each other.

“Man…what I would give to be beside either of those girls…”

“Yeah, especially Artemis. How did Wufei even become friends with them? He normally keeps to himself…”

“I have no idea, I just wish I was him right now…”

Wufei merely sweat dropped at the males whispering. He could understand everything they said. He too wondered how he became friends with any of them. That didn’t seem to matter as he took Artemis out on the dance floor.

Karina was so excited to see this. For so long, she saw her daughter suffer. She was just happy to see her actually smile again. Wufei seemed to be just as happy. She watched as they danced the waltz with so many people watching.

Victoria was the same as her mother. To see her sister smile even through all she had been through, it made her want to cry. It had been far too long since Artemis felt so comfortable around others.

Wufei could not believe that he could feel so comfortable after his late wife died. That didn’t seem to matter when he was around Artemis. Her laugh, her beauty and smile just felt right for some reason. He didn’t understand it.

Artemis had never been as happy in her life since meeting and befriending Wufei and Caroline both. The lights dimmed as a congratulation cake was brought out. It almost seemed like a wedding in a sense. As they all sat down at the table, the leader walked out.

“We are here today to celebrate the commitment that Artemis and Wufei have shown to our cause. May they continue to inspire every single person in this room with their courage and determination.” With that being said, the cake was cut and another brought out to make sure all were able to get a slice.

Everything seemed just perfect even as Mariamaia sat beside her grandfather, the leader. She noticed that they were still prepared to take the test in the morning. She looked at them with a slight smile. She was excited to see what future they would bring to help the movement become a reality. It was just a matter of time and she could not wait.

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