Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

As the enemy suits engaged them in combat, Artemis and Wufei split to each side. Wufei went on to destroy one of the suits. Artemis set into effect her ram weapon before sending it into one before using the beam cannon immediately. It was completely destroyed.

As they finished the training, everyone gathered around them. All extremely impressed by their skills, the females from before looked shocked.

"How the hell did she use that so well....?"

"It's called practice, you know, something you should look into sometime," Wufei said causing everyone to laugh at them.

The girls looked so embarrassed and angry, they failed to complete their test all together. As soon as the test was completed, Demetri, Caroline, Artemis and Wufei ended up in the normal spot of the girls dorm room. Demetri turned to his sister and smiled.

"You would definitely make dad proud," Demetri said as they all sat down for snacks and hot chocolate. It was a definite good outcome so far. Artemis couldn't help but smile at the comment.

"I definitely would hope so considering how he taught me to use a mobile suit. He always said to be prepared for anything especially when you never know what enemies are capable of..." She smiled before taking a sip of her hot chocolate.

"Well he definitely is right...besides those girls who are trying to bully you didn't even complete the exam after what Wufei said to them," Caroline nodded as everyone laughed slightly.

"They used to bully me in school. They literally turned the entire school against me because they did not like's why I never had any friends growing up..." Artemis looked down slightly before Wufei put his arm around her. He never had to deal with that as much. He hated that happened to her.

"Well that is in the past and you have definitely proved them that they were wrong to doubt you."

"He's right you know, mom used to report them but nothing was done until dad got involved. He promised to make sure that you would rise far above their judgements."

That's when her phone rang, she looked at it to see it was Victoria. She answered to see how everything was, "Hey Victoria, what's up?"

"Heard that you crushed the enemy mobile suit exam, I just wanted to say congratulations on that, plus I heard you dealt with some of those bullies," Victoria said, you could hear the pride in her voice.

"Thanks Vic! How are you and mom doing?"

"Mom wants to talk to you," she said, handing the phone to their mother.

"Great job today sweetie! How are all of you doing? Is Demetri behaving?"

"Thanks mom, he is especially now that he asked Caroline out," Artemis smiled.

"I heard that you and Wufei decided to come together, which makes us very happy as well," Karina smiled softly as she said that.

"Yep, at first I thought I was in trouble but nope," Wufei merely laughed slightly at her comment.

"That surprised huh?"

"I thought that because of the way you said that at first..."Artemis said as they all finished their snack session. They opened the door to see Mariamaia standing there.

"Grandfather needs to see both Artemis and Wufei," She smiled and they nodded. They were soon in front of their leader.

"You wanted to see us sir?" Wufei asked as he stood beside Artemis. The leader nodded as he stood up.

"I believe you both are ready for an actual mission. We have word that there might be a spy. I need you both to follow whom we believe the spy is,"

"Who do you think is the spy, sir, if you don't mind me asking..." Artemis asked.

"Xavier Maki, I know that he has been harassing you, I need you to follow him to their base to see whom he talks to, if needed, take him out. I have faith in you both, you may be excused," They both nodded and took their leave.

They noticed him walking to his mobile suit, so they followed him. They got into their own suits and went after him. They kept a safe distance so he was unable to notice them following him. Soon they arrived at the enemy station. They watched him be greeted by non other than Duo Maxwell.

"They have a very strong team. They are unfortunately Chang Wufei and Artemis Karashimu," Xavier reported.

"Hold on, Wufei is on their side?!"

"Yes, I would have seen them in action, Artemis is very skilled in both hand to hand combat and mobile suit, I would be extremely careful around her," This was all the information needed. Unfortunately they were spotted. They landed on the base and immediately got out. Artemis was extremely angry as was Wufei.

"You better hope that I don't get a hold of you Xavier!" Artemis jumped down as did Wufei. Duo jumped in at that point.

"What is wrong with you, Wufei?! They are not for peace of any kind," Duo was pissed.

"I don't agree with Relena's way of obtaining peace," Wufei merely stared blankly.

Artemis noticed Xavier trying to run. She caught up to him and sent a upper cut to his face. "HOW DARE YOU!" Artemis blocked a kick from Duo.

"Going to have to be better than that to stop me!" Artemis did a back flip kick to Duo sending him backwards. Duo stood up and prepared to strike again. She blocked every shot with ease then another one came out. She jumped away and back over to Wufei.

"Shit, I take it your Artemis?"

"The one and only." Artemis crossed her arms over her chest. She was not amused. Suddenly she dodged an actual bullet. "Bringing a gun to a battle huh?" Suddenly she brought out a gun of her own.

"You have no business being here," The other male said.

"Well aren't we blunt, guess who does not care?" Artemis glanced icily at him. Wufei glanced at the male.

"You won't be able to get her to leave Heero," He snapped. Heero glared at him.

"Well then let's see how well she fights in a suit," they all returned to the mobile suits. Heero and Wufei were immediately going at it. She was fighting against Duo. She hit him with the ram extension weapon. He could barely keep up. Xavier suddenly tried to attack her. She countered with her ram weapon only deciding to use her special weapon.

"Have fun in Hell, you bastard!" With that said she shot her beam cannon point blank, instantly killing him and destroying his suit completely.

"We have all we need Artemis, let's go." Wufei said as they made their escape easily. The leader had seen the entire fight and was extremely impressed on their teamwork. As they were getting out of their suits, the leader met them.

"Mission was successful, sir." Artemis said as they stood before him. "He warned them about us and tried to tell them the location of the base, we stopped him as well before he could. He had to be destroyed."

"Yes, she had to go into hand to hand combat with Duo Maxwell, she was successful in that as well. We were able to get footage."

"Well done, you may have the rest of the day off," the leader nodded.

"Yes sir!" They both nodded as they walked back to see Caroline and Demetri. They rushed towards them.

"What a battle!" Demetri grinned at them. This was the start of everything that they knew being ripped apart.

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