Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

After getting back into the normal spot with everyone, Artemis felt herself smiling at the fact the mission was successful. Wufei seemed just as happy.

"That Heero guy seemed like a stick in the mud," Artemis merely said before Wufei looked at her.

"He is known for being extremely serious, Duo seemed very surprised that you were so skilled in combat, Most girls we know don't fight that much..." He said as they all were relaxing.

"Ah I see, well at least we helped to get rid of a spy..." She shrugged her shoulders slightly. She knew that this was only going to become a gruesome war. That was something that she'd prepared for since exactly one year ago. She felt her mind fall back to that fateful day.

"So this is your early birthday gift, I know it is a week early, but I know you will do great things with this suit." Saultin Karashimu himself said.

"Thanks daddy, I promise to make sure it is used in the proper way!" Artemis smiled as she hugged him. That's when they saw a mobile suit battle above them. One seemed out of control. A bullet was accidentally shot their way. She felt her dad push her out of the way. Unfortunately, he was hit in the chest.

"DADDY, NO!" Artemis screamed and ran to him. That was the worst day of her life.

She snapped out of it when felt Wufei hugging her close. Her face had tears streaming like a waterfall. Demetri was right beside her.

"Artemis, what's wrong?"

"Oh marks one year...since dad died..." Demetri fell silent as Wufei kept her in his arms. She was crying so hard. That memory kept moving in and out of her mind.

"...I want him hurts so much..." Artemis felt Wufei pull her into his lap and just held her close. She knew that she was about to be 16 in one week. She wished so much to have him with her. "It wasn't supposed to hit him..."

"What do you mean?" Caroline asked, trying to help her friend calm down.

"He pushed me out of the was originally supposed to hit me..." Wufei kept her in his arms.

"It will be okay...Just think of next week sis..." Demetri was having trouble with keeping his composer himself. He pushed back her bangs behind her ear.

"That's right! You turn 16 in exactly one week...lets try to keep our minds on that, we will have a small party within ourselves for it, alright?"

"Alright, we need to get some rest, see you in the morning," Wufei said as he gently laid her onto her bed. Soon the girls were asleep. As Wufei and Demetri walked to their room, they noticed Mariamaia waiting for them.

"I saw your sister turns 16 in a week, if you want we can have a party for her," she smiled.

"She would love that, maybe it will help her keep was the 1 year anniversary of our dads death, she is in need of some kind of distraction..."

"Well, I will get it set up, I am very sorry about your loss as well..."

"Thank you..." He said as she left. The boys walked into their room for the night. They seemed to spend a lot of time in the girls' room. They got ready for bed and went to sleep.

The next morning, they all got up and were soon at the mess hall for breakfast. It seemed busier than normal but she couldn't figure out what was going on. Artemis was extremely confused. As they sat down to eat, Artemis noticed those bullies from her childhood glaring at her from across the room.

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