chapter three

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Chapter 3
The party was great and she felt happier than she had been in a very long time. Artemis did not know just how much Wufei had come to care for her. While the girls got changed in their dorm, Wufei decided to talk to Demetri about the subject.

“Something wrong?”

“I need to talk to you about something serious…it deals with your sister…”

“Okay, in a good way or bad way?”

“Good way, I have never even felt like this before, it is taking me by storm…I don’t want to make you angry but I think I can see myself being around her full time…even after the war.” Demetri noted that Wufei seemed a bit worried about his answer.  He could not help but start smiling. He was right.

“Wufei, I don’t see a problem with this. I have not seen my sister as happy or smile so much until you both got to know each other.”

“You are okay with me asking her to date me?”

“Yes, I would have no problem with that. Victoria asked me about it as did mom. They want you to know that they have no problem with it either…if you need me there, I can be.”

“Okay…I was really worried about you saying no. I know how much she means to you.”

“I know. Seeing her actually happy means so much more to myself, Victoria and mom.”

That next morning, the girls were getting ready for the day. Artemis couldn’t help but be excited to see Wufei and her brother. She opened the door to see them both standing there. Something seemed different but not in a bad way.

“Hey, ready for breakfast?” Artemis smiled as they began to walk to the mess hall. They made it to the line and she couldn’t help but notice that Wufei was in an unusually good mood.

“When we get to the table, I want to talk to you about something Artemis.”

“Alright, is it a good thing or bad thing?”

“You will just have to wait and see…” Demetri seemed to know something she didn’t. She hoped it was something good. She could not seem to stop herself, she knew that she was falling in love with Wufei.
They made it to the table which was located in the middle of the room. As they sat down, Wufei sat beside her as usual with Demetri sitting beside Caroline on the opposite side of the table.

“So…what’s up?” Artemis felt her heart skip a beat as she wondered what was going to be said.

“Well, I know that we started off rocky, but believe it or not, I was seeing your reaction at the time, I noticed you during the recruiting process. And I need to confess something…” He seemed slightly nervous.

“I wondered about that…”

“I talked about this with Demetri last night and he said it was okay to ask you this…I want to know if you would become more than just a friend…” He finished, and his words made her smile.

“Yes.” Artemis smiled as Wufei hugged her. Demetri smiled before turning to Caroline. Artemis had a feeling that her brother liked Caroline as well. She definitely knew Caroline was head over heels with him.

“I decided to take a cue from Wufei, I really like you Caroline, would you please be my girlfriend?” Caroline’s eyes lit up and she immediately said yes. The mess hall was silent as this all took place. Suddenly the place erupted in clapping, this included the leader and Mariamaia.

“Oooooooh this is going to be even more interesting. Especially with them all working together…”

“Yes, yes it will indeed.”

Xavier walked in to hear everyone clapping at the four in the middle of the room. He heard people say how it was about time that guy asked her out and how cute it was to see Wufei ask Artemis to be his girlfriend.  He couldn’t believe it.  How the hell did he get her to date him?! This just made him beyond livid but Artemis didn’t seem to care to notice.

So after the whole conversation at breakfast, they went to their turn for the computer diagnostic exam. As the exam went on, Artemis was able to find the problem and fixed at the same time as Wufei. Soon Demetri and Caroline followed suit.

Some of the other people in the exam seemed to be annoyed with whom they considered the ‘Overachiever group’ while others were inspired by them. Most were extremely impressed. Artemis overheard one of the people she used to be treated so poorly by complaining that she was able to do it too easily. The instructor was not impressed by the complaint. She merely walked over to the person who was still trying to figure out the problem. 

“I noticed them all studying for this class, you might think of following suit next time.” She then walked back to her desk. She knew that they would be training in mobile suits during the next exam. The four of them were excused with a passing grade. So many people wanted to be Artemis right at that moment. Not only was she skilled in and out of combat, she was able to gain the affections of one of the most sought after soldiers; Chang Wufei.

“I think the next exam deals with mobile suits, doesn’t it?” Artemis asked Demetri as he had the knowledge of that kind of exam scheduling.

“Yeah, I know how well dad taught you on those so you should be fine. Besides, you were top in the recruiting class on that.” Demetri glanced at his sister.

“Yeah, a lot of those girls got jealous over that too. Called her an overachiever,” Wufei said as they continued to walk towards the martial arts training area.

Suddenly they were stopped by Xavier who looked livid. He pointed at Wufei as if it was going to phase him. Wufei merely stared blankly at him.

“Can I help you?” Wufei looked kind of bored.

“You have a lot of nerve…taking her away like this!”

“She is not a possession you know, so why don’t you back off,” Wufei didn’t seem amused.

“Xavier, I would walk the other way. You were never going to have me so be a good little boy and get lost.” Artemis’s eyes narrowed into slits. That’s when Mariamaia and her guards walked up and took hold of him.

“We will handle him, you can go to the class now.” She smiled before Xavier was dragged away.

At the class, Artemis and Wufei actually had a draw during their spar.

“Well, you definitely have improved.”

“I’d say we both have.” Artemis was stretching a bit more. She looked at Demetri and Caroline sparing. He was giving her tips and she was using them. She seemed to be having fun.

“Looks like they are enjoying the fight,” Wufei seemed rather impressed with both of our progress. Most women weren’t interested in martial arts training. They had a mutual understanding of it from the beginning.

Both Artemis and Caroline were at the top in their classes. They almost could compete with Wufei and Demetri in that regard. Only they got along from the beginning of their friendship. There was a group of girls blocking the path when they were trying to leave.

“Can we help you?” Wufei looked kind of annoyed at this point. One grabbed Artemis by the shirt. Artemis merely stared blankly at the attacker.

“Why don’t you go home Karashimu, where you belong!”

“Oh look everyone,  we have a badass here,” Artemis merely smirked, “I think you need to understand something, I am not going to run and hide from you, I’m not eight years old anymore.” With that said Artemis clamped onto the girls hand and yanked it away from her shirt.

“First of all, she doesn’t need to go anywhere, second of all, you just attacked a higher ranked officer. This will be reported.” Wufei growled before pushing his way through them. Demetri nodded as they all walked away.

It was finally time to show her skill in a mobile suit. As they walked in, Artemis walked to her custom made mobile suit.

Hers had mounted on the arms separate parts of what appeared to be a battering ram. While in the shape of two horn shaped blades, it could combine to double as a beam cannon. However it would have to be combined for the beam cannon to work. Everyone was jaw dropped at the sight, including Wufei.

“Well this makes things more interesting…” He seemed surprised and kind of intrigued.

“My dad created these for a living, he made this one specifically for me before he died. See you in the training room~” Artemis smiled as they walked into their mobile suit docks.

The suits soon were deployed as a team. The autopilot mobile suits they were to face were set into place. This was definitely going to be fun.

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