chapter 6

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Chapter 6

After checking in, the resort had a little situation happen. Some thieves had decided to try to take everyone hostage. Artemis and Wufei weren't about to let that happen. One put a gun against Artemis's throat for not listening to their demands. This only made her smirk.

"Looks like we get to have some fun, riiiiight?" Artemis glanced at Wufei who merely nodded smirking as well. Suddenly she clamped her hand down onto the gunman's hand before merely knocking the gun from his hand. Sending a roundhouse kick and an additional uppercut punch to his face, she knocked him clean out. Wufei did the same only grabbing the gun and putting it on the other thieves throat.

"You picked the wrong place to attack, now you are going to enjoy a nice jail sentence," Wufei said as the police came and took the thieves to their cars. They then came back to take a statement from everyone. The greeter smiled as he gave his.

"We were very lucky to have mobile suit pilots with us, they saved everyone's lives today." He then looked at Wufei and Artemis before taking off his hat.

"Hey Kalon, long time no see," Wufei said a nod of his head. Kalon smiled at them before congratulating them on their marriage. The whole place was stunned but they were all grateful for them being there.

One of the bigger suites in the resort was given to them as a thank you as well as the cost being cut in half by the resort management. They got into their room and just decided to relax for a bit.

"Well that was an interesting way to start our honeymoon huh?" Artemis laughed slightly as she said that.

"Definitely was but it could have been really bad had we not been here," Wufei said as he looked out the window at the water. It was somewhat calming to them both. They laid back onto the bed with Artemis laying her head on his chest.

Meanwhile back at home, Karina and the others heard of what transpired there. They also saw that Artemis and Wufei dealt with the thieves. Hotel lobby cameras caught everything on video which was released. It showed everything even the gun put to Artemis's throat. They also noticed the smirk on her face before they sprung into action.

"Never a dull moment with them huh?" Duo said, sweat dropping a bit. Everyone followed suit. They then heard Caroline's phone ring. She picked it up and answered.

"Hey Artemis, I see you both had fun in the lobby today," Caroline said, laughing slightly.

"Yep, Kalon is here as well as the greeter. How's everything doing over there?"

"Perfectly fine, some old admirers of Demetri were caught on the property however."

"Somehow that doesn't surprise me..." Wufei said he looked at the time. It was time for the resort dinner. They finished the call and went downstairs to eat. Everyone was there to greet them. Some were curious about what it was like piloting a mobile suit.

"It took a ton of concentration and you had to be alert at literally all times, but it was interesting." Wufei said as the food arrived. The conversation lasted a good hour after the meal was finished. They all said their good byes for the night.

Upon returning to their room, they noticed some sweets had been put there from the staff at the hotel. They snacked a bit before laying on the bed together. They felt like that day was a good one. They soon went to sleep for the night.

At the house, Heero and Demetri were discussing the days events. Heero asked him how Wufei had proposed to Artemis.

"He did it on her birthday by pulling her into the middle of the was somewhat cute you could say, especially when Artemis nearly dropped what she had in her hand. I take it you need ideas for Relena?"

"Yes...I am not good at these kinds of things."

"You could always take her to a private dinner if you don't want anyone else there," Demetri suggested.

"I might just do that..."

"I can help you find a place to do it if you would like, I have a few connections with restaurants around here," Demetri offered.

"I might just take you up on that offer..." Heero looked at Demetri and nodded. Meanwhile that next morning, Artemis and Wufei were eating breakfast with everyone. It was day two of the honeymoon and they decided to go swimming with the fish that day. Artemis's swimsuit nearly got every single person in the area to drop their jaws, including Wufei.

As they were getting in the water, a school of fish swam around them. The photographer got it all on film. It was downright beautiful to see. They spent about an hour there before going to the beach connected to the resort.

"It is so peaceful here, don't you think?" Wufei asked as Artemis leaned her head onto his shoulder.

" really is. So what should we do now?" Artemis asked as it was finally lunch time. At the luncheon in the resort, they were greeted by some of the other guests at the resort.

"Ah, you must be the two who saved everyone's lives here yesterday, it is a definite honor to meet you. I am Annabelle and this is my husband Trevor."

"Yeah, it's a pleasure to meet you as well, I am Artemis..."

"And I am Wufei, we were just here in the correct timing."

They all sat down at the table and were chatting as the food came out. It was a lobster feast with everything you could want with it. The waitress was very good and quick to make sure they had everything needed. They decided that the next day they would go to the shopping district to get some gifts for everyone.

They bought something for everyone and after dinner they went up to their room. They had candlelight and it set up the scene for what was to come next. They felt like it was time for a little bit of fun. She slowly started to unbutton her shirt. Slowly removing it she worked on her skirt. It dropped to the floor as Wufei removed his shirt and pants. Leaving the boxers on for now.

There was music in the room. The song "Nobody" by Keith Sweat. As he pulled her closer to him, her bra slowly fell to the floor. Her size 38 DD breasts pushed into his chest. He put her on the bed and slowly started touching and squeezing her chest. This got a moan out of her. Suddenly he put her onto the bed a little more steadily. He started kissing down her body stopping in front of her private part. He slowly pulled them off and pulled her legs apart slowly.

He decided to very softly bring down his tongue onto her clitoris. She felt a very strong sensation as he kept his mouth on it. She let out a moan as he started thrusting his tongue inside of her a bit. It felt better than she thought it ever would. Soon it was her turn and she very slowly pulled off his boxers.

She began rolling her tongue extremely slow on the tip. She felt him jump slightly before putting his dick into her mouth. Moving up and down until it was hard enough for the next part. He slowly started to penetrate which was slightly painful for her at first.

Once it was in, he started the thrusting which definitely made her yell out in sheer pleasure. After about an hour and a half, he finally finished. They were definitely in a good mood. After a good nap, Artemis's phone rang. It was Caroline.

" sound really tired, you alright?"

"Just fine...what's up?"

"Just wanted to check up on you both, if you are 'busy', I can let you go..."

"Not least anymore..." Wufei said smirking and causing Caroline to blush.

"I am glad Demetri wasn't in here...he has been trying to talk about that with me...but I think I will let you go. Sleep well you two..." Artemis laughed as Caroline was in a hurry to hang up. Soon it was time to go home, everyone there exchanged numbers to keep in touch. Soon they were on their way back home.

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