Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

The day of the gender reveal party was finally here. Everyone showed up to see two boxes filled with blue or pink balloons. One for each baby. They each took one box to open.

"Ready...set...go!" they opened both boxes to pink balloons galore.

"Twin girls!"

Artemis's eyes lit up as did Wufei's. They would teach their daughters not to bully and expect them to never do it. They'd know their mothers pain from bullying for sure. Hopefully they would listen to their parents.

About a month later, Artemis started to feel immense pressure in her lower abdomen. She doubled over causing Sandra to race over to her. She noticed that Artemis's water had broken.

"We need to get you to the hospital, your water broke." Sandra called 911 while Artemis called Wufei.

"What's wrong?"


"What?! On my way now, I will call everyone else to let them know." Wufei was rushing and ran into Duo.

"What's wrong man?"

"Artemis is in labor!" Soon everyone was at the hospital but something was wrong. Artemis could be heard screaming at the top of her lungs. Doctors rushed in saying something about her hemorrhaging.

Wufei was holding her hand as Jaslene was born. Two minutes later Danielle was born. However, Artemis started losing oxygen at an alarming rate. Her doctors rushed to get her stabilized and did so in the right timing.

Soon the doctor came out to explain the situation to everyone. "She is stabilized but will be in here for an extra day to keep an eye on her health. The babies are fine though."

"When can we go see her?" Karina asked, very apprehensive about everything. The doctor took everyone into the room Artemis was staying in. Artemis was holding Jaslene while Wufei held Danielle.

"How are you feeling sis?" Demetri asked, noticing the exhausted look on her face.

"I feel like I have been hit by a semi..." Artemis softly joked. At least she still had a sense of humor. Wufei was beaming with pride at his children and Artemis. He was one proud daddy.

After about four days in the hospital, Artemis and the girls were ready to go home. As they walked out the door, Artemis noticed a few familiar faces.

"What do you want, Cassandra?" Artemis was still so exhausted.

"Look, I know that we've never treated you like a decent human being..."

" think so?"

"We probably don't ever deserve to be forgiven for it...but we wanted to apologize for how we have treated you."

She could tell they were in fact sincere in their apologies. She decided to be the bigger person and forgive them. However, they only had one chance to prove they can be trusted.

"I forgive you as we are all human. However, you have only one chance to make things right."

"You won't regret it." That's when Wufei showed up to pick up Artemis and their daughters. As they situated the car seats properly, Wufei noticed Artemis seemed more at peace.

"So what was that about?"

"They apologized. They feel they shouldn't be forgiven but we are all human. I decided to forgive and give them one chance to correct things..."

Karina met them at the house with Sandra. Artemis and Wufei carefully removed the car seats. As soon as they got everything situated with the girls, Artemis decided to let her mom know about the apologies.

"They apologized mama..."

"They did? And what did you say about that?"

"I accepted their apologies. We are all human. We all make mistakes." This brought a smile to literally everyone's faces.

Soon she had to feed the babies. Luckily they took bottles and not just breast feeding. So Wufei fed Jaslene while Artemis fed Danielle. This was almost sureal for Wufei. He'd almost given up hope of finding love again and having a family.

After the girls were down for a nap, Heero and Relena showed up. They walked in to see how Artemis and Wufei were doing.

"How's everything going? How do you feel?" Heero asked before Relena could open her mouth.

"I am okay. Just exhausted...what about both of you, Heero?" Artemis looked so wiped out as did Wufei. Parenthood wasn't as easy as they thought.

"Oh we are doing just fine."

"Just a word of advice, parenthood is not easy..." Artemis looked at Relena when she said this.

"We are aware of that, Artemis..." Heero said, looked down at the girls. I could tell he wanted to have a family more than anyone knew.

"Just remember that we are always here if you need anything." Wufei nodded in agreement.

"Thank you..."

Soon one of the former bullies, Alexandra, knocked on the door with her three cousins. The ones I'd saved on the ice rink.

"They wanted to thank you personally for saving them..." Alexandra said.

"Thank you miss Artemis!" They said, smiling so big.

"You are very welcome girls, how are you all feeling? This includes you Alexandra."

"They are fine as am I. Just getting used to being in a peaceful world. How's your family?" She asked.

"They are very good, hope yours is as well..." It felt weird not being picked on but also felt good. I had high hopes for this to work out. And needless to say, only time would be able to tell if it would. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2020 ⏰

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