Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

As the shuttle took off, Artemis felt a sense of peace with the loss of her father. It almost seemed as if he played a major role in all of this. Wufei felt like his life was finally falling into place since meeting Artemis and the rest of the family.

"Well back to business as usual huh?"

"Yeah, we met a ton of awesome people on this trip...especially after we saved the day," Artemis merely nodded her head. The shuttle finally made it to their home where everyone was there to meet them.

"How was the trip?" Karina smiled softly as they got all of the luggage off the transport plane. It was more than what they left with. This made Demetri confused before realizing it was due to getting things for everyone.

"Great, we met a ton of great people that we are going to keep in contact with," Wufei said as they all sat down at the house. They had a luggage filled with just things for everyone. They gave everything to the respective people.

"Because we saved the resort, they cut our cost in half and gave us a larger room as a thank you. I'm just glad we were there in time to help them," Artemis merely said as she looked around at everyone.

"Even with a gun to your throat huh, sis?"

"Yep, especially when some of the people there were also pregnant, we weren't going to let them or their unborn babies be harmed." This brought a glint of absolute happiness to Karina and Victoria. Artemis had indeed grown up since Wufei and Caroline came into her life.

"So why don't we get dinner started and we can hear more," Victoria suggested. After dinner they shared all the pictures they had done during the trip. When they got to the school of fish picture, everyone was stunned.

"All in all, it was a great experience but I am glad to be home...I missed everyone," Artemis merely chuckled as did everyone else.

"We missed you both as well..."

"So Demetri, I hear you have been trying to convince Caroline to do something..." Wufei merely sweat dropped.

"...She told on me didn't she...?"

"Yeah, try to be patient, you can't rush that kind of thing you know..." Artemis felt herself grinning at her elder brother. Demetri stared at her blankly.

Everyone had a wonderful time but soon it was time to sleep. Artemis and Wufei had to work the following morning. It was going to be her first day working at the museum. She'd been training on everything needed and she was so ready for this. There would be a day with one entire middle school. She was extremely excited about this opportunity.

The following morning, after they both were ready and eating breakfast, Artemis felt herself smiling softly. This is something special for her. She was going to educate the kids on the reason for the entire mobile suit exhibit of the museum.

As they all prepared for the day, Artemis felt herself thinking about the good this would do in the long run. Once the place was ready, they brought in the kids. She started by thanking them for coming. One raised her hand.

"Did you know the man who this talks about personally?"

"Yes, he was actually my father. He made this exact suit for my birthday the day he passed. He was a very hard worker when it came to making the mobile suits." Artemis said before explaining about the war they just finished. She told it as much as needed which made the kids extremely excited to learn more.

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