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"Whoever's back there, come the fuck out."

To be brutally honest with you, he already knew who it was the moment his feathers picked up the sound of my heartbeat.

Who wouldn't recognize the love of their life?

I shuddered at the thought of how easy it was for him to detect someone. Noting down how I should I should at least be a good five or six feet away next time. Peaking out from behind the corner of the building, we caught each other's gaze.


Touya looked over at me as well with a less surprised expression. He knew I was visiting today, but he didn't think I was gonna come around this time. Forget that, I refocused to the winged man.

His eyes, riddled with fear, scared. It's was as if you caught your child red handed after they broke your neighbor's window. Even from a distance I could tell how frightened he was. His breath was uneven. Looking closely I could see his arms tremble every so slightly. From Touya's smile, I could also see how much he was enjoying this right now.

Keigo took a step towards me. With a look in his eyes, I knew that his heart probably dropped, now heavy at the sight of me. I stared back at him, wondering if I should move as well.

"[N/N], I wont hurt you."

As much as I wanted to run up to him, cradle his head in my arms and whisper how much he meant to me, I couldn't. Not with Touya behind him, watching my every move. Reminding me that everything I had done up to this point was for one mission. A mission that I couldn't afford to fail.

So I took a step back.

Every step he took towards me, I stepped back, away from him. Eventually he stopped trying to come to me, instead he stood there. He looked at me with a expression I knew all too well. A expression I used to carry every day.


"You gotta listen to me [N/N], I'm not who you think I am."

It took all the strength in me to retort.

"How would I know?"

"Could you trust me on this?"

"I don't know what to think."

He sneered, but I knew he wasn't annoyed at me. It was at himself. Not because he was being too careless that he got himself caught, but at the thought of how he got himself involved with me knowing that he was the danger.

"Right." He turned back to face Dabi, "We'll talk about the rest next time."

The brunt man raised both of his hands up, palms facing Hawks as he shrugged. He shot me one last look before walking away with his hands in his pocket. Hawks turned back to me.

"I know that I probably just lost all your trust just now." He watched me carefully, eyes glued, like a predator scoping out its prey. "I'm not gonna make excuses."

All that was going through my head at this moment was guilt. It was eating me up. If this was how he reacted after I found out he was talking to a someone he shouldn't be talking to. How would he react if I told him who I really was? Would he still be as understanding and loving like he is now?

Vermilion Wings - Hawks x readerWhere stories live. Discover now