3. Elena Gilbert... Nice To See You Again

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So I kind of made this chapter to be almost immediately after the last one

Deseree's pov

"Jer" I bit the inside of my cheek "who was that!" I whisper yelled. "No, Des they're bad" he whispers. "I-" "No, end of discussion" I honestly didn't understand what his problem was, they didn't seem 'bad'... Then again I knew nothing about them, but I did know I wouldn't get anywhere with him. "So uh why don't we- why don't we go see Elena and everyone Des?" Jeremy offered, changing the subject. I nodded, grabbing my stuff waking out the door with Jeremy.

We ended up somewhere that was definitely not the Gilbert house. We ended up in this boarding house "Jeremy" I breathed "Who's house is this!" I squealed jumping out of the car spinning; for what ever reason the air outside of this boarding house seemed fresher than the rest of mystic falls. "Des" Jeremy called, getting my attention as he opened the door "This is the Salvatore residence" I walked in when I realized. I didn't know any Salvatore's.

"Hello" a hot guy behind me randomly appeared "I'm Damon Salvatore" He smirked "I'm sure little Gilbert has already told you about me" he punched Jeremy's shoulder and came out sounding cocky "Damon I-" Jeremy started when I interrupted "Actually no, he didn't" I smiled "And I think I know why" "Oh and whys that?" He winked. Did he seriously think he was getting anywhere?! I leaned in moving to the side of his head "Because I asked him to not introduce me to assholes" I walked around him. He only laughed, causing me to roll my eyes; I dealt with guys like him a lot on campus. "Damon, don't patronize the guest" yet another voice spoke walking down the last few steps o the stairs"So you've met the negative Salvatore, now to meet the positive one" the guy took my hand shacking it " Stefan Salvatore " Him I already liked, not in that way but I knew we would get along well "Deseree Montoya or Donovan but you know" I introduced my self

"Donovan?" Both Salvatore's asked "I though Matt only had one sister" Damon said accusingly. I laughed "No no, I'm Matts cousin, my uncle and his mom got married, had him and got divorced" I explained my relation to the employ of the month at the grill. "Well it's nice to have you here" Stefan smiled once again "likewise" I said, taking a glance at Damon "kinda". Jeremy's phone rang "It's Elena" he told us answering his phone,walking away. "So, Deseree how long are you planing to stay in mystic falls?" Stefan asked, nice enough to make small talk "Ah you know, just passing through I'm sure" Damon answered for me taking a sip from his drink. I gave Damon the stank eye "Actually, I plan to stay here as long as I'm needed" I took Damon's drink away from him "Um yeah sure take my drink" he scoffed "Thanks" I winked.

Jeremy's pov

(A/N bet you weren't expecting that huh? ;) Wait, no, you probably were)

My phone rang as Deseree was talking "It's Elena" I told them before walking out of the room "Hello" I answered "Hey Jer, how's it going?" Elena's bright voice asked "Fine, hey you remember Deseree right?" I questioned although knowing she remembered her quite clearly "Uh yeah, I mean she only got Matt and I together like 4 summers ago" she laughed "Well she's in town at the moment" I told her smiling even though I knew she couldn't see me "Really?! That's great! Geez it's been how long now? 3 years!" I heard a car door open- hers I'm guessing- and keys jingle "Where are you guys right now?" "Salvatore's" I told her expecting her to say 'ok see you in a few' but guess what? Nope.



"Does she know?


"Jeremy!" She complained "The last thing we need is someone else getting sucked up into all of this! Please tell me that Damon's at least not there"

"Uh.." I knew I was screwed

"Gosh! Dang it Jeremy I'm on my way, keep her away from Damon until I get there ok?" She hung up.

I starred at the empty screen on my phone before I walked back to Damon,Stefan, and Deseree.

"So little Gilbert" Damon started "What did Elena say?" The door opened before I could say anything "What didn't Elena say" my sisters voice rung out. "Elena Gilbert" Deseree said behind me "Nice to see you again."

Elena walked over to Des and smiled before hugging her. I suddenly got this feeling that by the end of tomorrow Deseree would somehow find out about everything.

I really hoped I was wrong.

Yay!!! Another chapter! So I threw in Jeremy's pov a bit and introduced the Salvatore's and Elena! Yaaaay

Is this feeling Jeremy has something serious?? Will Damon screw up?? Or will she put all the pieces together??

Find out in the next chapters ;)

❤️ The Girl In Gray

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