5 Don't Lie To Me!

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Deseree's point of view

We sat on the sofas in loft. I couldn't exactly call it a living room, a living room belongs in a house... Not exactly a boarding house. "So Elena" I took another sip of my drink "what've I missed in these past three years?" I noticed she shared a quick look between the Salvatore brothers, as though asking for help "Oh not much" she took an awkward sip of her drink "school, friends, Jeremy stopped being a druggy" Jeremy pushed her playfully at that. I smiled. I guess mystic falls really hadn't changed, it was as normal-and boring- as I'd left it.

"So which one is yours?" I pointed to the brothers, knowing she has to be with one of them. Elena choked on her drink "what?" She asked, trying to act innocent "come on Elena" I rolled my eyes "I know you're with one of them.... I just can't tell who" I rubbed my chin, pretending I had a beard. "Um" she put down her drink. Damon raised my hand "yeah uh that would be me" I raised an eyebrow. I would've thought Elena would've gone with Stefan... He seemed more her type, sweet and polite. Then it clicked.

She was with Stefan at first! That's why everyone got awkward! I laughed out loud on accident "what?" Damon asked, probably thinking I laughed at the thought of him being with Elena. "I never would've thought Elena would go for brothers" I took another sip of my drink. Elena gave me the stank eye "Hey she's probably just drunk" Stefan said, trying to lighten the mood "oh yeah that's totally it" I slurred. How many drinks had I had?... Oh yeah. A lot. I giggled. Every one looked at me as if I was crazy, I blew a kiss to Elena "you still love me" I ran up to her to hug her but I then tripped. Not surprising, nothing surprises me when it comes to me being clumsy.

I fell on top of my glass, causing the glass to fly every where, making a big gash in my hand "oh my god!" I shrieked standing up, looking at both Damon and Stefan "I am so sorry! Ugh I'm so clumsy!" I started to cry. I noticed Stefan was very stiff. I moved closer to him "Hey Stefan are you ok?" I asked raising my hands, almost as if I was walking towards a baby deer. I felt completely sober now. Suddenly he got these weird vein like marks under his eyes and his face became... A monster. I opened my eyes and mouth in horror as we walked slowly towards me before Damon slammed him into the wall, whispering something in his ear I couldn't hear.

"Elena" I whispered as she took me into her arms, shaking I walked up the stairs with her to the restroom to clean my hand. "Elena what was- what was that?!" I asked once she began working on my hand "uh, nothing Des, you're drunk" "DONT LIE TO ME" I moved away from her "Dont lie to me! What the hell was that Elena, who are they, what are they?!" I cried. What the hell was going on?! I knew this wasn't the alcohol to blame. "Des" she moved near me "No!" I got up hurriedly, running to the stairs "Des! I can explain-" "Can you?!" I stopped. I was tired of being left out of everything.

"I-" "I didn't think so" I ran out into the loft, running out the door when someone grabbed me "No!! Let go!!"

I swung at who every grabbed me when I saw who it was. Jeremy. "Des calm down you're drun-" "Why does everyone insists it's because I'm drunk?!" I yelled "I swear I've never felt more sober in my life!" I moved out of Jeremy's arms reach, running to where ever it was my feet were taking me.

"Deseree run" a voice ran through my head, flashes of something in the past played through my head. "Run!" It was my dead aunt Loraine. This was a memory. Why is it that I only remembered it now? A man came out from nowhere and smashed her against a wall, mouth attached to her neck. He turned around and I saw the same veins i'd seen on Stefan's face those years ago.

I found my self on a street in the middle of mystic falls, the grill right across the street. I was in the park now. My breathing became rugged. I know what he was now; that man from those years ago, the one that killed Loraine... I also now knew what Stefan was... And Damon was probably the same thing.


So she finally found out!!!!! :O what will happen next?! Will Elena tell her everything?! Where are the mikaelsons in this?! What about Jeremy, will he confess he's a vampire hunter?! Will Matt be the one to explain everything??

Find out in the next chapters ;)

❤️ The Girl In Gray

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