Dosen't Hurt To Have A Little Fun

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"Where are we going." Bella asked again while her eyes scanned the gloomy roads through the clear car window. She seemed so uninterested in the jokes James had been making throughout the drive just to get her to laugh at least once tonight but Bella still seemed cold as ice.

"Where do you think I'm taking you?" He asked then took a right turn making Bella shift out of her seat and lean towards James.

"Grouse mountain." She was quick to answer.

"And I'm glad to prove you wrong." He grinned, entering a place which seemed kind of familiar to Bella.

"Well, I had to guess grouse mountain. It's not like you can take me anywhere exotic." Bella hissed.

Both of James's eyebrows slide up. "Damn, prom queen! What's up with u today?" Bella just shrugged in response, just letting him figure it out himself. She had every right to feel irritated but she had gotten her period earlier that day which made her feel more irritated than usual.

As soon as he started parking his car Bella was alarmed straight away. "Coal harbour?" The corners of Bella's lips lift up but she quickly recovered, making sure James didn't see her reaction to it. The only time she had been to coal harbour was with Delilah to walk her dog but they only strolled past the marina, noticing other people dance and drink champagne in ridiculously antique yachts also go on a Stanley park false creek tour, rent supercharged jet skis and take fun sailing lessons. She never got a chance to experience any of those things until tonight. Bella was dying to find out which one they were about to do. Guess she just had to wait and see.

"Yup, the only place in Vancouver we haven't visited together." He replied then unbuckled his seat belt.

As soon as Bella got out of the car, her head rotated around, admiring how phenomenal everything seemed at night. The gorgeous line of glass buildings were gleaming in the dark while the reflection of it was shining in the marina, lights from historic tug boats sparkled from a distance and the full moon sweeped over the water as the waves gushed back and forth. It was absolutely breathtaking!

They passed the line of royal yachts and towards the edge, where all the jet skis were resting. James swung his legs around a yellow jet ski then started buckling his life vest while the instructor stood next to him. Both of them giggled and smirked about this inside joke they had. The instructor seemed young and clearly familiar with James. The instructor's gaze shifted towards Bella then back at James. Were they about to do what she was thinking?

"Get behind me." James ordered while the instructor gave Bella a small smile.

"No." Bella folded her arms across her chest.

"What?" Wrinkles form on his forehead.

"My clothes will get wet." She rolled her eyes to indicate how obvious the reason was but James knew very well that she was trying her best to be difficult. When it came to having fun, not even wet clothes can stop Bella.

"You reuined your white dress by paintballing." James gave a dull look.

"It was last seasons." Bella argued.

"And what you're wearing right now is this season's?" He pointed out how ridiculous she sounded. "At least come up with a better excuse." Bella genuinely didn't know what else to say. "Come on. It will be fun." He insisted.

Bella sighed heavily. "Fine!" She gave in.

"Really?" His face lit up.

"Yah." She shrugged. "I missed beating u in skiing might as well beat you in this too.

 "I missed beating u in skiing might as well beat you in this too

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