What You Deserve

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"Stacy you look really smart!" Brittany complemented while looking up at her after she arrived from hearing her groundbreaking news.

"Thank you." Stacy replied as she brushed the crumbs off of the bench before sitting next to Isabella at the lunch table.

"You look really nice." Maddie told Stacy from the opposite side. Maddie was basically Penny's replacement. Stacy actually liked her a lot, she seemed quite nice and decent.

"Thank you." Stacy repeated. This time sounding more appreciative while giving her biggest smile. "I was told by Ellie that I look like her mum this morning." Isabella's eyebrows drew together in confusion, forming a line on her forehead.

"Well, I guess her mum has a great sense of style then." Maddie smiled.

Stacy struck her palm against her chest "That's what I was thinking." She laughed elegantly, removing her long loose curls away from her shoulder. She was really surprised at the fact that non of these negative opinions actually effected the love she had for her outfit.

After, sharing a couple of more laughters, Stacy finally made the move to open up and tell them about everything that's been messing with her emotions. Amber, Ellie and the popular boys in her class. Everything.

"Hey.. Emm... I have something to say." Stacy bit her lower lip while fidgeting with her vintage halo pearl cut diamond ring. It was the only thing left of her mom's. Everyone's heads whipped towards Stacy, giving her their full attention.

She took a deep breath and began. "Umm.... Recently, I've been struggling with bulling a lot." She swallowed the lump rising down her throat . "It's been really difficult for me after Jenna left and what's worse is that she left a few months after my parents go divorced." Her voice quivered. "No one else really knows about my parents' divorce because I've only mentioned it to Jenna plus I like to pretend that its just always been this way... Just me and my dad living together and I avoid thinking about it as much as possible and focus on school because I.. I.." She forces her eyes away before the stained hardwood floor turns into a puddle of tears. "Don't want any distractions and it's been really hard when Amber and the others do this to me..." The last word came out more as a whisper "You know? Tease me every lesson.. For... For being different and just for being me." The memories split her apart causing her to clench her jaw in frustration. She suddenly lost the softness in her voice when anger slithered inside of her, boiling in her brain. "Sometimes I don't even recognize my self any more it's like..." She sniffed. "Why am I not smiling?" She lifted her head up, shifting her eyes towards them. "What happened to me?" Stacy exhaled deeply after feeling like the heaviest weight had been lifted off of her chest.

The girls shared glances not knowing what to say "Oh..." Brittany replied breaking the silence Stacy created. Stacy's chest ached and her heart leaped from their reply. She finally told someone the things that had been screeching her soul for so long but that was their response? Stacy's eyes were glued to them, waiting for them to say things only true friends say like "we will always be here for you" "we will fight them off" but no. All she got was an "Oh..." A fucking oh!

"I don't know what to say." Maddie mumbled while Isebella just blankly stared down at the table.

"What the fuck is wrong with this world!" She waited a little while for them to say something more but they were still silent, eerily silent. She didn't even get advised to tell a teacher. Stacy stood up from her seat after discovering more about her "friends" then paced away from them while her breath heaved and her fist clenched. Even though, she tried her best to hide how annoyed she was by their reaction but failed epically.

Luckily, Amber wasn't in her lesson after lunch. The last thing she wanted was to face Amber again. Isabella happened to be in her last lesson but they sat miles away. Stacy sat at the front forcing her head just to stare at the whiteboard until the lesson ended, which couldn't get any slower. They shared a few glances after everyone headed outside the class as soon as it ended but their mouths were zipped. Stacy remembered that the dance club started today so she went straight towards her locker which was lined along with the other ones to grab her p.e kit.

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