"For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men of their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins." Matthew 6:14-15 (NIV)
Are you mad at someone that hurt you or upset you in some way? Are you still mad at someone that hurt you a while ago? If you are still mad, you're holding a grudge and you haven't forgiven them. Forgiveness is very important. I learned this when I knew I was holding grudges against people that let me down and emotionally hurt me. My mom told me the truth and said "You need to forgive them." She said "Until you forgive them, I am allowing them to control me."
Forgiveness is not easy, it never is. Even when it seems like it can never happen when you have been through so much pain. Unforgiving is like poison. You can't forgive without the power of the Holy Spirit. So when you find yourself stuck and you are having troubles forgiving, ask God for help. Ask God to find the part of your heart to forgive. Call out for his help.
When you say you're going to forgive someone it doesn't mean what they did was right. When you forgive, it doesn't mean they have to know. Its between you and God. You are setting your heart free from grudges. Ephesians 4:31-32(NIV) says "Get rid of all bitterness, rage, and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."
So after you forgave that person, but you still have an ache, still feeling like you are holding on to something. I felt like this even after I forgave the biggest people in my life that hurt me. I then asked God and something told me that there was something else. My parents and my grandparents. God was telling me to forgive them and forgive my best friend. I thought about it. I know they never let me down or hurt me, but I looked at a bigger picture. What if I forgot about when I was mad at them because they didn't agree with me or listen to me? Something small like that, held me down. I finally forgave them and I felt like all the weight on my shoulders had fallen off. I realized I could finally ask God for forgiveness. If I forgave everyone else, I could ask God to forgive my sins.
Dear Lord,
Many people have hurt me in the past. In order to be happy, I need to forgive them. Lord, whatever it is that they did, give me the strength to forgive them. I have gone through enough pain and suffering where I want to let go of the grudge I am holding on to. Help me, Lord, to remember anyone, no matter how big or small my grudge is. Help me to remember anyone, no matter how far back it goes. I want to feel happy, and I want to be able to forgive. I want to be set free because I have no need to hold on these grudges. Help me to pray about the ones that did hurt me so they can't hurt me anymore. Help me, Lord, so I can forgive myself and ask you for forgiveness. I want to make my relationship with you stronger and I don't want anything to come between that. In Jesus name, Amen.
God Didn't Create Us To Be Average (Daily Devotional)
SpiritualGod didn't create us to be average. We were made to excel. Ephesians 1:4 Daily devotions written by a teen girl to teen girls. Dedicated to God, my mother, my three amazing sisters, and my truly fantastic best friend. Also to all you teen girls out...