January 23rd

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"What ever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not men," Colossians 3:23(ESV).

Do you have a passion or a dream to do something? Like becoming a writer, or a painter, a dancer, etc. I bet when you were little, you knew exactly what you wanted to be.

Ever since I was little, I always wanted to be a meteorologist. I wanted to be the weather girl. As I grew up my parents bought me tons of books on weather. I thought it was so amazing. Then something changed once I got more involved in the church. Also, my dad told me I would be a great psychologist, or a counselor. He told me that I was a great person and I could really help people. As I look at it, I realized I liked that idea so much more. Even one of my teachers suggested the idea. I could really see myself doing this as a job. Not just any counselor though, but a Marriage and Family Counselor, on a christian foundation. I plan to go to Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, BSSM, and fulfill my new dream. My dream is to help people.

We know God has a plan for us. He has our whole life planned out. Think about that for a moment. Whatever you dream of, never think its impossible. God's plans are so much bigger than what we think! If we have a dream God will help us get there! Isn't that amazing? God has everything planned for us!

A guy at my church, thought God wanted him to be a missionary, go to Africa with his girlfriend. But  god wanted him to stay. It wasn't a bad thing because he knew that was God's plan for him. He still followed what he wanted, by talking to different churches. If you have a dream or a passion to do something, do it, and God will be with you the entire time.

So go write the book, or go sing your heart out! If it feels right, you know you were meant to do it!

Dear Lord,

Thank you for all the opportunities in my life. Thank you for giving me the chance to do what my heart is telling me to do. Thank you for standing with me and letting me know if I am making the right choice to follow my dream. Lord, THANK YOU SO MUCH. You will guide me every step of the way. You have my entire life planned out and your plans for me are so much bigger than mine are for myself. In Jesus name, Amen.

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