Feburary 20th

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"And now why do you wait? Rise and be baptized and wash away your sins, calling on his name." Acts 22:16 (ESV).

Have you ever been baptized? If you have, do you remember when? I remember I was 9 or 10 and it was the beginning of April. Still really cold, but I did it anyways. But wait, what does it mean to be baptized?

In John 3:5, it says, "Jesus answered, 'Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. Dr. Ray Pritchard says in What Does Baptism Mean, he says right off, in one word, baptism means identification. It means we turned from the old life of sin to a new life in Jesus Christ.

When you are baptized it requires water! Plenty of water (John 3:30) and when you stand there, in the water waiting to go into the water, that symbolizes Jesus dying on the cross. The part when you are lowered into the water, that would be Jesus being buried in the tomb. And once you rise from the water you are symbolizing Christ rising from the dead.

Before you are baptized, it says in the bible that we are to recognize that we have sinned and we are in need of salvation (Romans 3:23). Now I know what you might be thinking! I was only around 9 years old when I was baptized. But as long as you declare your love for God, that is all it takes. Do out of obedience and love for Jesus (John 14:15).

So when we are baptized we publicly declare that we have come to a saving faith in Jesus. So whenever you want and have the chance, take it. 

Dear Lord,

Thank you for dying on the cross for our sins. Thank you for your amazing love! Your love is never ending! It is powerful. Thank you for giving me the chance to be baptized when I'm ready to. Thank you. Give me the knowledge to know when I'm ready. I want to know what it means and know that when I get baptized, that I mean it. Thank you for reminding me everyday of your amazing grace. In Jesus Name, Amen.

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