Chapter 4:Leaving Home:Kumaglak

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Kumaglak was in his bedroom, in his parents' igloo in Arctica, packing for his trip, along with his partner of soul and mind, Darkstalker, and his sister, Kaya and her dragon, Whiteout, to the Dragon Rider base: Sanctuary, to finish his Dragon Rider training.
He strapped his hand and a half sword to the top of one of his bags and was now finished packing his bags, and he walked over to the entrance into his room, tripping on Darkstalker's tail.
"Oh, sorry boy. I didn't see your tail there." He apologized to the black and white dragon who was now eight feet tall and twenty-four feet long, big enough to carry him a good five to eight miles before having to stop and rest.
Darkstalker slightly opened one light, ice blue eye and looked at him, and then said to him with his mind, "Just watch where you're walking next time. Some us are trying to sleep and rest so we can fly you and Kaya about a third or half way across the continent before we have to rest."
"Sorry, take as much time you need to rest, but just remember we're suppose to meet Anaba in the northern Amaya mountains in a week."
"Ok Little Warrior." Darkstalker responded, closing his eye, and using the nickname he gave Kumaglak a year ago when he and his sister were attacked by a man named Tristan, who worked for a man named Galbatorix.
Walking the rest of the way to his doorless doorway, he leaned out it and looked at Kaya's room, and said, "Are you ready to go yet or are you still packing?"
"I'm almost done, just give me a few more minutes, and besides we don't leave till after dinner. Mother and father are planning a whole feast for us, which I say is absolutely unnecessary and just another reason to keep us here longer." His twin sister responded.
"Ok..." He responded, confused why she gave a long explanation.
Then going back into his room, he picked up Darkstalker's saddle and placed it on his bed, and set to work making sure the saddle was well oiled, since they wouldn't have the time to do it while traveling to Amaya. He also made sure all the straps weren't damaged in anyway incase Darkstalker's rough scales rubbed against a worn leather strap too much causing it to become weak and possible snap in flight.
The saddle was in good condition.
Finding another thing to do while he waited till the feast with the village his parents planned for their fairwell till they came back this winter. He checked his bags, making sure he had everything he needed and that they weren't too heavy for Darkstalker to carry added with his own weight and Kumaglak's weight. He checked his sword to make sure it was sharp.
His bags weren't too heavy and his sword was razor sharp.
Then from the outside of the igloo he heard shouting and the sound of people clapping hands together and on the back thanks to his excellent hearing he gained through his bond with Darkstalker.
"The hunters are back. Dinner will be ready in an hour, be ready by then." He heard his mother say, as she entered the igloo to get bone knifes for skinning, gutting, and cutting up the seals.
"Okay." He and his sister responded to his mother.

An hour later their mother came to fetch them, and they went to their village's large igloo made for large village gatherings. They entered, without Darkstalker and Whiteout, who were to large to fit through the entrance. Then they sat down by their father at the front of the igloo.
Once he and his sister sat down by their father, he felt all the eyes in the igloo look at him. It unnerved him, making him want to fight Tristan again than sit here while his whole village looked at him.
Then out of the corner of his eye he saw his father stand up, drawing all the attention on him and his sister to their father.
Then his father opened him mouth and said, "We are all here today to bid farewell to my children, Kumaglak and Kaya as they go back to the base of the Dragon Riders to continued their training, so that they may defend Erdas in the future from attacks of our foes, like those who tried to conquer Erdas nearly a century ago. Let the feast begin!" His father said, drawing more attention to him and his sister when he finished his speech.
When the feast began all the attention slowly faded away as the villagers became engrossed in their own conversations.
Then he saw through Darkstalker's eyes some Ardu bringing him and Whiteout a seal each.
Then blinking him eyes, the vision went away.
He was glad Darkstalker would have a big meal before a long journey with not much time to hunt; the seal should last him at least a week because it was a good sized animal and he would have to digest all the bones, but he would probably have to hunt maybe once or twice on their journey.
His mother nudge him, and he looked at her and saw her offering him some seal meat. He accepted and thanked her.
He sucked up the pink fat off the brown seal meat, savoring the last meal he would have at home before leaving for Sanctuary. He was going to miss the seal meat and brains he grew up eating though the food at Sanctuary wasn't that bad, it was actually really good, and kinda exotic in its own way, since most Ardu didn't see most of the things he had seen while at Sanctuary.

After the feast he exited the igloo with his sister, and they went back to their parents' igloo to get their saddles and bags.
Then exiting the igloo they walked over to Darkstalker and Whiteout, who laid by their parents' igloo, waiting for them, and got up when they saw him and his sister coming.
"Are you ready?" He asked Darkstalker.
"Yes. The question is: Are you?"
He remained quiet for a moment before saying, "I don't think I'll ever be ready to leave this place."
"I know this is your home as it is mine. It is a place that should never be forgotten."
He nodded glumly thinking of all his memories here, he just never could forget this place. He would remember it for ever.
He was also surprised by Darkstalker's wisdom, since he usually liked joking around with him.
"What? Are you surprised I can be wise sometimes?" Darkstalker asked him, joking around with him like he usually does.
"Yes, I am surprised."
Then taking Darkstalker's saddle, he placed it on his back and tighten the straps the way Anaba showed him about a year ago. When the saddle was comfortable on Darkstalker's back, he tied his bags to the back of his saddle. Once he was done with that he checked with Kaya to see if she was ready to go. She was and then they went to say bye to their parents.
They found their parents in their igloo cleaning the bone knifes they used to skin, gut, and cut up the seals.
Their father must have heard them come in because he turned around to face them. Kumaglak saw depression etched in his face and in his eyes. Then their mother turned around and he saw her in tears. Then without warning their mother rushed towards them, and pulled them into a bone crushing embrace. Then their father joined in.
He could hardly breath. It felt like someone was squeezing the air out of his lungs.
Warm fingers stroked his hair and he turned around to face his father.
Putting strong hands on his shoulders, his father looked him in the eyes and said, "Be strong, brave, and fast. Never let your guard down, always be fast on your feet, and protect your sister." His father whispered in his ear.
He nodded and whispered back, "I will."
His father tried to smile, but it didn't look like the one his father normally gave him. This one was sad and pained.
Then with one last embrace from their parents, they let them go, and they all said their goodbyes, and then he and his sister walked outside.
He walked over to Darkstalker and climbed onto him, Kaya did the same. Then he felt Darkstalker crouch down and then shove himself off the ground, his black wings flapping as he struggled to fight the binds of gravity to get into the air. Once in the air with Whiteout they set off to the south, towards Amaya and Anaba, and then to Sanctuary.

P.S. Hope you all are enjoying.

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