Chapter 30:New Arrivals:Nimue

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Nimue was having a normal afternoon, well if you call her normal as yelling at Kumaglak almost all day. When she heard a knock on the door. She stopped her yelling at Kumaglak, and looked at the him and he just looked back. He clearly wasn't going to go get the door.
   She got up for her seat, and walked over to the double doors and opened one of them slightly.
   She looked down at a boy around nine years old. He had dark ice blue eyes and jet black hair. He looked a lot like Kumaglak, which was kind of creepy.
"Who the heck are you?" She asked him, distain dripping from her words as she studied the scrawny looking boy.
   The boy was accompanied by a snow-white dragon with icy blue wings and feathers and small pointy spikes hidden in its feathers. Dark ice blue eyes liked out at her like this small white dragon, barely even half of Hurricane's size, wanted to attack her. She would like to see it try.
Then the white dragon started growling at her. Either she made it mad with her words she said to the boy or she made a face that the dragon didn't like. She knew it was the first one because she was a little harsh with her words.
She felt the white dragon direct her thoughts at Nimue, and say, "Don't you dare treat Siku like he's worthless you two-legged scavenger."
She saw the boy's eyes go wide in fright as if he thought she was going to hurl him half way across Erdas. In truth she was a little ticked off at the white dragon for assuming that she didn't give a crap about the boy named Siku.
   He maybe had the potential to become a good fighter if he put aside his idea that almost all people were good and assumed that almost every stranger was a potential enemy readying to stab you in the back the first chance they got, like how she thought.
She held her head higher up and looked down her nose at him—she couldn't look down on the dragon unfortunately—, determined to show them who had the upper hand here.
Apparently she started a growling competition between the white dragon and Hurricane, who just showed up after he heard the white dragon start growling at her.
But then all of a suddenly Hurricane stopped growling at the white dragon, and looked at the white dragon like it was the greatest thing in all of Erdas.
"She's a female, Nimue. A female of my own tribe!" Hurricane exclaimed with excitement that there was a female dragon from his own tribe that was around his own age.
He was currently five years old, and Anaba told them all that since their dragons spent longer in their eggs than normal dragon they would develop faster and smarter minds than dragons of their own age, as well as emotions, such as love for another dragon.
"I know, but you don't know how she feels. You'll have to see. But remember she's only two and for all we know she might actually have the mind of a two year old dragonet and not an advanced one, like those who have spent years in their eggs." She warned Hurricane, not wanting this dragon to break his heart. If that did happen, then she and this dragon would have a very serious and stern conversation.
Then Kumaglak had to come and ruin it all by mocking her and saying, "Nimue what's going on out there? Who's at the door? Don't tell me it's your little friend Damek and his demonic dragon?" Her anger boiled over.
She turned towards Kumaglak's smiling face, and yelled, "Kumaglak I swear to Mulop if you do not shut up in the next five seconds! I'm going to send your head flying across the Training Grounds tomorrow!" Kumaglak looked unfazed from where he was sitting at one of the tables.
"That's not very nice," Kumaglak said to her in a very irritating voice.
"And you say I need to control my temper." Hurricane reminded her.
"Whatever," she muttered to Hurricane.
   "I think I found your doppelgänger, but only younger." She said to Kumaglak, determined to set his mind on something else.
"There's no way," she heard Kumaglak muttered in disbelief like he thought she was lying to him.
He came walking over to her, and pushed the door open wider.
Seeing the two of them next to each other, she could almost believe them to be brothers.
Turning to her, Kumaglak asked her wryly, "Nimue, are you picking on my cousin?" He asked to her disbelief. Instead of being brothers, they were cousins.
"He's your cousin!" She yelled in shock. "Great, now I have to deal with two Kumaglaks. Yay!" She said grumpily, and went back into the common room, and headed to her room.
She could tell Hurricane wanted to stay with the white dragon, but he knew she needed him most right now. Hurricane was the only one who calm her down besides her five year old sister, Tatiana, and her best friend Alana.
Once in her room, she sat down on her bed and angrily started sharping the blade on her kusarigama with her whetstone.
She could hear Kumaglak and his cousin go into Kaya's room to no doubt terrorize the single most nicest person in this whole castle.
The bell then rolled three times in a row, dismissing them to dinner. Normally they would be in Study Hall, but today was Saturday, so they had no classes today except for Battle Training and Flying Practice.
She put her weapon and whetstone on her dresser and left her room with Hurricane.
The twins and their cousin along with their dragons were already half way down the corridor heading for the main staircase that led to all the floors in the castle.
She and Hurricane stayed far behind, mostly because Nimue didn't want to intrude on their family reunion.
Nimue could tell from here that Siku was uncomfortable around his older cousins like he thought he was a disappointment to them. His movements were slower and more hesitant like a caged animal deciding wether to run or stay. He acted like he didn't belong here.
She felt something spread throughout her, like a longing to help him. To help all those who felt misunderstood and unwanted, just like her. If she helped him, maybe she would learn to trust again. Perhaps even her par—no. She would never trust them again. She would only help those who didn't belong. She would only trust them and them alone. No one else. If people wanted her to trust them, then they had to make her believe she could. If not, then it would be a very, very bad day for them.

When they got to the Great Hall, Nimue and Hurricane found the twins and their cousin already sitting at their usual spot; Kumaglak and Siku sitting on one side of the table and Kaya on the other side. They deliberately left a spot open for her to sit.
The dragons were over by the fireplace eating raw or cooked fish. She noticed that the white dragon stayed far away from the fireplace as she could.
All the Elders were sitting at their table at the front of the hall on a raised platform. The only Elders not present were Armand and Kala.
Nimue saw Hurricane walk over to the white dragon and try to be as friendly and charming as possible.
Nimue went over to sit down next to Kaya, who unlike Kumaglak knew how to keep her mouth shut when Nimue was mad or upset.
For dinner they were having roasted deer and cooked potatoes and carrots along with bread and jelly and green and red apples.
No one had filled their plates yet because the Elsers were suppose to introduce the newest Rider before anyone ate; the dragons were excluded from this rule, they could eat whenever they wanted.
Siku still looked nervous being around his cousins and even more so being in the presence of the Elders and their mountainous sized dragons.
Anaba then stood up, catching everyone's attention; Anaba had this presence that surrounded her, like an air of command that made one want to follow her to the ends of Erdas.
"Tonight we are welcoming Siku and Snowdrift to the Riders." Anaba announced, nodding her head in respect to Siku and Snowdrift. "May they prove themselves worthy." They all muttered the last part.
She could tell Siku was completely unnerved by having all the Elders bow their heads in respect to him.
When Anaba say back down, they were all free to eat.

After dinner they all went back to their rooms, except Kumaglak and Kaya went to help Siku and Snowdrift settle in with this whole new life.
Nimue sat down at her desk, and took out her paper on SwiftWings or any other tribes they could choose.
All she had done was the title and the introductory paragraph. And the worst part was that her essay was due tomorrow in History.
Dipping her quill into the dark blue ink in her inkwell, she began her second paragraph on SwiftWings; she planned to cover the four types of SwiftWings: the Hydros, Pyros, Aeros, and Terras. The history of the tribe and the kingdom. Finally the history of the tribe's queens.
They started this essay Wednesday. She had spent all her Study Hall hours in the library looking for good scrolls and books on the SwiftWing tribe.

After a few hours, she finished her essay.
Her eyes felt droopy.
She got up from her desk, and changed into a soft, long sleeved shirt and soft trousers.
Taking her hair out of its loose braid, she let her long, curly dark brown hair fall over her shoulders.
She climbed into her bed and blew out her candle and went to sleep, listening to Hurricane's soft breathing as he dreamed of Snowdrift.

P.S. Hope you're all enjoying. I do not own the SwiftWing tribe it is a fandom tribe.

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