Chapter 32:My Winglet Is Made Up Of Idiots:Reena

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Three days after Reena had contacted the leader of the Riders a woman with fire red hair and fire blue eyes showed up with an extremely muscular amber-brown dragon.
The woman's name was Kala and her dragon's was Amber.
They had set off immediately after the introductions.
It took them about a day and a half to reach the Rider base.
Once at the Rider base Kala had led her up many flights of stairs to her common room she would be sharing with the rest of winglet.
She had to admit for being isolated for about a century, the Riders kept up with the latest furniture and clothing.
Her bedroom was in the same condition as the common room.
She hadn't met any of her winglet members yet, but she had a feeling that they were probably going to be absolute idiots. Idiots who acted like this was the coolest thing in all of Erdas, and that were completely devoid of the heavy burden of the fate of Erdas resting on their shoulders.
A loud crash from the common room drew her attention to the slight movement she felt in the common room.
Checking the movement in the common room through her seismic sensing ability she saw the outline of a person pacing around in the common room as well as a dragon laying nearby.
Using her feet as her eyes, she headed down to the common room.
She entered the common room, and could see a young boy around her age pacing about the common room, looking at something on a piece of parchment paper.
Apparently she was so quiet that boy nor did his dragon see or heard her.
"This schedule makes no sense and neither does this map." The boy complained to the dragon laying by the couch, watching him pace.
There was silence for a few minutes before the boy spoke again.
"I know I can ask Kumaglak and Kaya, but I don't want to bother them with my own problems when they got this major examine coming up." He said to the quiet dragon.
There was another moment of silence.
"Ask the Elders? Are you insane! Kala looks at me like she wants to rip my head off. The rest of the Elders just plain unnerve me with their non-blinking stares." The boy expressed his dislike for talking to the Riders.
She found their conversation a little weird; maybe it was just because she was the one eavesdropping and not on the actually conversation.
"Should I introduce myself or just wait till he's done rambling?" She asked Terra for her advice.
"Well would you rather keep eavesdropping or pretend to have just entered the room?" Terra asked her.
"The second option," she told Terra.
Then taking a deep breath, and filling herself with confidence, she exited the threshold of the Girls' dormitories, and acted like she just entered the common room.
She heard and felt the boy stop pacing, and look in her direction as he heard her come down the rest of the staircase.
"Oh...hi. Are you new?" The boy asked her, clearly wondering why he hadn't ever seen her before if she was in his winglet.
"Yes," she responded to his question.
"Well nice to meet you. I'm Siku and that's Snowdrift." He introduced himself and his dragon.
"I'm Reena and this is Terra," she responded in kind.
"It's a pleasure to meet someone in my winglet." He told her.
She felt him walk over to her and extend a hand in greeting.
She had trouble finding his hand at first since she wasn't using her temporary vision from Terra.
   The boy noticed it too.
"Are you—oh, you're blind." He came to the conclusion all on his own; he must have seen her glazed eyes behind the strands of hair she let hang in her eyes so that no one would be able to see her eyes very well.
"H-how long have you err..." he trailed off, apparently not sure how to word his question and not wanting to hurt her feelings. He honestly wouldn't have offended her in any way if he called her blind.
"Blind?" She finished for him. "Two years" She answered.
"Oh," he sounded stunned at her revelation.
"I'm so sorry. What happened? Err, forget I asked that. I didn't mean to be so rude." He apologized.
"It's fine. Everyone feeling pity for me is the story of my life. Always being constantly sheltered and watched by my parents." She admitted, feeling somewhat comfortable around him. She usually kept to herself. But this boy had a sad, lonely sound in his voice and in his posture as well like he was used to being told what to do and being forced to give in to that decision made for him. No matter how much he tried to hide the depression with all his smiles—she could feel the movement of them forming—he still couldn't hide his past from anyone. He was like a open book.
"Ya, I know what that's like," he sounded mournfully. "My father was kind of like that. Always expecting the most of me, even when I was already doing the best I could." His voice cracked in despair, like he was reliving the worst moments of his life.
"I'm sorry," she said honestly, understanding his pain and how he felt and the high expectations from one's parents.
"It's okay. You probably don't want to hear me talk about my problems when you clearly have more problems than me. No offense."
"None taken. And I don't like being babied so don't baby me and I won't baby you."
She felt Siku shrug, and say, "Sounds good to me." He agreed with what she said. "Oh and also apparently our other winglet member is in the Hospital Wing. You want to go meet them?" Siku asked her, cracking a small smile.
"Okay," she said since she literally had nothing else to do than sit here and talk with her winglet member. She might as well meet the other one and see it they were a ridiculous idiot like Siku.
Siku was sweet, but underneath all that pain he was a free spirit, who just wanted to break free and have fun and do reckless things, just like an idiot. So she better see if she had two idiots on her hands.

P.S. Hope you are all enjoying.

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