Chapter 22:Geokinesis:Reena

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Reena heard her bedroom doors open.
She immediately thought about what would happen if her handmaidens found Terra.
She moved her hands around under the covers, but she didn't feel Terra anywhere.
Fear seized her heart.
What if one of her guards found Terra last night when she was asleep, and killed her. But then wouldn't she feel despair for Terra's death through their bond?
"I'm not dead. I hid under your bed when I heard your handmaidens coming." Terra said, filling her with relief that Terra was alive.
"Lady Reena it is time to get up." One of her handmaidens said to her.
She opened her eyes lids, and her handmaidens helped her up, and got her ready for breakfast.
When she was presentable, her four guards led her down to the dinning room.
When she took her seat, her parents said nothing to her, and breakfast that morning was nothing but eerie silence between her and her parents.
After breakfast, her guards led her back to her room.
   This time instead of just sitting in her room doing nothing, she sat in silence with Terra, occasionally talking to her mentally.
   Terra planned on doing their lesson tonight at about ten o'clock.
   Reena agreed with that plan for it was a chance to get out of this oppressing estate that made her want to kill herself just to escape.

Later that night, a little before ten, Terra had Reena get up and get ready to go back to the cave Terra's mother, Sandstone was at.
Terra lent her some temporary vision so she could grab her cloak and a pair of pants to put on underneath her night dress. She took a belt and she pulled the hem of her night dress up to her waist and secured it with the belt, so her dress wouldn't drag or so she wouldn't trip on it.
Fastening the cloak around her neck and pulling her hood up, she went to the window and opened it so she could climb down the tree near her window.
Once down the tree, she snuck across the garden, using the trees and shrubs as cover; Terra ran right alongside her the whole way, lending her speed to escape the sentries watchful eyes.
When she got to the edge of the garden, she looked up at the smooth stone walls that surrounded her family's estate. There was a big tree next to the wall that would allow her to get over the twenty foot tall wall, if she survived the drop.
The tree was about fifty feet away. If she made a mad dash for the tree before the sentries spotted her then she might just have a chance to escape.
"Be fast and stealthy, and they may not see you. I will lend you as much speed, strength, and stealth I can. And when I say jump as you near the tree, jump, don't question me. Just do it."
Reena responded by pulling the hood tighter over her head, so it wouldn't fall off, and she sprinted off towards the huge tree, her cloak billowing behind her as she ran.
When she was about ten feet away from the tree, Terra yelled, "Jump and grab the nearest branch in front of you, and use it swing yourself onto the wall."
Reena did as Terra commanded, as she jumped with all her strength and the strength Terra lent her. Reena soared through the chilly night air, and she grabbed the branch nearest to her. She used her momentum from her jump to swing herself into the smooth stone wall, almost slipping off due to the smoothness of the wall. She gripped the edge of the wall to keep herself from falling off.
She stayed huddled down on the wall as she peered over the edge. There was no other way to get down except for jumping, but that was only if she wanted to break all the bones in her legs. But there was no other way to get down.
She looked at Terra, who just stared right back with bright green eyes that glowed faintly in the dark, and Terra nodded at her, and she nodded back.
Gathering all her courage, Reena jumped off the wall, the wind rushing in her face, tearing her hood off.
As she neared the ground, her natural instincts kicked in, and she rolled once her feet hit the ground. She was luckily uninjured.
Her heart was racing as she looked back up at the top of the wall she jumped off of.
If she could do that then she could do whatever Terra and Sandstone had planned for her.
Looking back at Terra, who had glided down, she gave Terra a nod to indicate she was ready to go.
Terra nodded back, and scurried off into the woods.
Reena pulled up her hood, and followed.

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