Chapter 37:First Day of Torture:We Learn Not To Mix Unknow Ingridents Together

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Moray's POV
A few days after the crazy, insane events that went in with his winglet, it was time for them to begin their training as Dragon Riders.
He put on his uniform-not uniform; they just wore the clothes the Riders had put in their drawers. It kind of felt like a uniform to him because all the clothes looked of the same design, except for the colors. He wasn't a big fan of uniforms. It reminded him too much of the uniformed soldiers with the flame sigil on their red tunics. The very soldiers that attacked his village and killed Nalania. Nalania was the only person he ever trusted besides his late sister Fallyn, who was killed by the same demonic monster that possessed Reena and nearly killed him; he was getting tired of people trying to kill him.
   He exited his room with Riptide and went down to breakfast with the rest of his winglet.
   As usual their winglet sat with Siku's cousins' winglet. Siku sat next to Kumaglak on one side of the table, while Moray sat next to Siku. All the girls sat on the other side of the table. Reena seemed to get alone well with Nimue. Both of them didn't like being messed with as he noticed. If you did you got yourself into quite a predicament.
While they ate breakfast, Kaya gave them a rundown of where their classes were and what they were about and if they were easy or hard.
After breakfast Kumaglak, Kaya, and Nimue went to their first class of the long day: Charms. Moray's winglet went to their first class: Potions.
According to Kaya it was fairly easy as long as you followed the directions. Kumaglak and Nimue on the other hand thought it was difficult, especially as you got farther in the year.
   They headed down to the Dungeons for class.
   It was chilly down here in the Dungeons. He was from the Hundred Isles where it was warm all year around. He wasn't use to this cold temperature.
   The Potions Classroom was huge. It was big enough for dragons three to four times the size of a full grown giraffe.
   There were a few stone tables in the room. A stone water basin with a carved stone dragon fountain head was carved above the basin. Cabinets full of mysterious jars and other things were up against one of the walls. A few windows at ground level let in meager, warm, sunlight. A desk for their unknown teacher was in the front of the room. A large slate chalkboard stood near the wooden desk.
   He noticed on one of the tables three metal cauldrons sitting on separate fire bowls with grates on them. Black coal already filled half of each bowl. A tinderbox laid near each fire bowl.
   The three of them went ahead and sat down at the table. Siku sat between him and Reena.
   The second/tardy bell rang.
   Their teacher still hadn't shown up yet, so they just sat in silence, waiting for their teacher to come.
   A few minutes later their teacher showed up.
He entered the room, and picked up a thick, leather bound book from the desk and started flipping through it.
He looked around forty years old. His brilliant jade-green eyes reminded him of a chunk of polished jade a Zhongese trader tried to sell one of his father's friends for ten gold pieces. Which was also two hundred silver pieces or five thousand copper pieces. His father's friend refused and that was the last time his village allowed that trader to come to their island.
The man's blackish-brown hair hung in his eyes.
The elder Rider didn't say anything to them, but just stayed focused on the giant book he was looking through.
Moray had noticed when the Elder came in Siku perked his drooping head up a little bit and watched the Rider's movements. It was like Siku knew this Rider from somewhere.
The Rider then closed the large book with a loud thunk, startling them all out of the eerie silence that had settled over the room. The Rider placed the book back where it was on the desk.
The Elder looked at the three of them, his eyes lingering on Siku just a little bit longer.
"Today for class we will be learning how to measure ingredients for potions and understanding the directions for brewing a potion. Tomorrow, however, we will be brewing our first potion: The Vitamix Potion. This potion gives the drinker a burst of energy, sharping one's reflexes greatly. We will be going over the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane. Would anyone like to guess the difference between them?" The nameless Elder asked them.
"Aren't they the same plant?" Reena asked.
"Yes. Very good, young lady. May I asked where you learned this, not very many people know wolfsbane and monkshood are the same plant." The Rider praised her. He also sounded curious about how Reena knew that.
"One of my father's tutors taught me about some of the plants around Zhong and Eura." Reena responded.
He had the impression that her family was rich by the way she talked, acted, and carried herself, as if she practiced these things all her life. But her attitude said differently, like she was forced to have these things drilled into her head to where it was just instinct to do them.
Their teacher nodded, and then continued. "Now I am going to give you each a different ingredient to measure, cut, or shred. I will tell you whether to cut, measure, or shred the given ingredient."
The Elder crossed the room to the wooden, packed cabinets and started picking out tools and ingredients in jars.
   He walked back over to their table with an arm full of jars and tools. Giving them each one, telling them what it was and what to do with it.
   "Dittany, shred it," the Elder gave him a plant with a dark green stem and leaves, and a metal shredder.
   "Ginger root, cut it into one inch pieces," the Elder gave Siku a tan colored root with a leafy green stem and leaves, and a small knife.
   "Fire seeds, measure one cup of them," he told Reena, giving her a small jar of orange, fire colored seeds, and a hollowed out straight horn with measurements marked out on the sides of the horn.
   "You may begin."
   Moray picked up his piece of dittany and started shredding it against his metal shredder. The Elder gave him. He saw small tendrils of greenish smoke rose up from the small pile of freshly shredded dittany.
   He saw Siku cutting his ginger root up into one piece inches like the Elder told him to.
   Reena was scooping small amounts of fire seeds into her measuring horn. While doing so one seed fell out of her hand and bounced over to his small pile of shredded dittany. A small spark jumped from the fire seeds to the green smoking pile of dittany.
   True to its name the fire seed lit his pile of dittany on fire, causing a small explosion from the greenish smile rising up from the dittany.
   Moray fell backwards in fright and surprise from the mini gas explosion.
   The Elder quickly extinguished the fire, and helped him up.
   "I forgot to tell you all that fire seeds are highly flammable once thrown into a fire or when near fire like substances and flammable gases. Dittany sometimes releases a flammable gas that can cause as you have seem, small or large explosions depending on the of dittany present. That was my mistake. I was never very good at Potions when I was your age. I could never remember all the usages for the ingredients or which potions they went into." The Elder apologized to them for what happened.
   "Now that you all did well at your tasks. Now let's move on to understanding the steps to follow when brewing a potion."
   The Elder went over the various steps in interpreting and understanding steps in brewing a potion.

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