Chapter 24:The Calling:Moray:Two Years Later

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Moray woke up when the sun rose this morning.
He sat up, and pushed off the covers.
He was about to stretch out his arms when he remembered he couldn't stretch out or lift his right arm, his dominant arm, because of Timote's dagger that cut the muscles in his bicep and shoulder, preventing him from being able to lift his arm above his chest or stretch his arm to its full extent without it going numb for a few hours.
   He hated Timote for what he did. He crippled Moray to where he wouldn't be able to fight or hardly use his right arm at all. If that wasn't good enough for Timote and Piri then he didn't know what was.
   He stretched his left arm and his legs as he subconsciously fingered the scars on his shoulder and bicep.
   Rakin had told him that his arm might never be the same and he was right. His arm was just a dead weight that slowed him down and weakened him.
   He then changed the subject in his mind to something else: Riptide.
   As he did every morning, he thought about Riptide, who was now living in the small cove they always visited because he had grown too big to stay in his room. It wasn't exactly easy for a five foot tall dragon that was fifteen feet long to stay in his room.
   He got up out of his bed, and got dressed, and then snuck out his window at dawn, and took the forest path to the cove.
   He thought about all that had happened over the past two years: Riptide learned the name of his father, whose name is Webs. Riptide had a desire to meet him, but never could because of the war that had been raging on for the past twelve years between the three SandWing princesses. Princess Burn was the eldest and strongest of the three sisters and was allied with the SkyWings, the MudWings, the DriftWings, and the TempestWings, though they didn't fight in the war because of some problems the tribe was currently going through, but they did train Burn's troops, since the TempestWings were known for their military like tribe. Princess Blister was the second oldest and the smartest and most cunning of the three, and was in an alliance with the SeaWings, Riptide's and Manta's tribe. Lastly there was Princess Blaze, who was the youngest and the most vain, caring more about her appearance that those around her. She had an alliance with the IceWings and had most of the SandWings on her side.
According to Riptide, Manta didn't like her tribe's alliance with Blister, or Queen Blister as all subjects of Queen Coral had to call her. Manta thought Blister was creepy with her eerie black eyes that always seemed to be studying and calculating her next five moves, like a snake preparing to strike.
Blister sounded scary to him too. But not quiet as scary as Burn, who had a love for war and weird, unusual looking things that she even had a tower for her "collection" of weird things. Now that was just plain messed up. Between the three princesses, he chose Blaze because she wasn't bloodthirsty or conniving, even if she was ditzy and cared only about herself, that was ok with him if she wasn't focused on trying to kill him.
Then there was also Timote's and Piri's Nectar Cermony. When all kids turned eleven they had the chance to bond with a spirit animal. The kids had to take the Nectar of Ninani in order for them to have a complete bond with their spirit animal and not develop bonding sickness; a sickness due to effects of not drinking the Nectar before they summoned their spirit animal causing the bond to become unsteady and the spirit animal sometimes attacking those around it, even their summoners.
The twins were given the Nectar of Ninani on the day of their ceremony with the rest of the kids that turned eleven this month. The Greencloaks came to administer the Nectar to the four kids that turned eleven this month. Only one kid summoned a spirit animal, it was rare to summon a spirit animal, most families that had people in their family summon spirit animals before often had a better chance at calling a spirit animal. The kid that summoned a spirit animal was none other than Timote, who summoned a full grown emu. Timote seemed pretty frustrated when his emu, Waka, wouldn't listen to anything he commanded Waka to do, like Waka was a dog to do his bidding. Spirit animals were not dogs to order around and do one's bidding.
He actually found it funny when Waka wouldn't listen and just looked at Timote like he was crazy.
He felt really bad for Waka being paired with a monster like Timote. If he could, he would wish to have Waka bonded to someone else who was more caring for Waka.

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