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I stumbled back into my room, drunk of course. I tripped over a stack a books that were sitting on my floor.
I heard Jem rush down the hall.
"Kit! Are you okay?" Jem said bursting into my room.
"Yeah I'm ok, sorry for making too much noise"
"It's ok- are, are you drunk?" Jem looked shocked.
"Just a tiny bit" I replied. Jem smiled.
"Okay, well get to bed. It's almost 4 am" Jem helped me get up and then closed my door.
I stood in the middle of my room, books were scattered over the floor and my head was pounding. I put on a pair of sweats and got into bed.


I woke up with the worst headache. It was noon so Tessa and Jem would have been up already for hours. I walked downstairs, Tessa, Jem and Mina were all having lunch. I sat down at the table and grabbed a strawberry off of Mina's plate. "Kit you're up! Would you like some lunch?" Tessa asked stirring her drink.
"If it's not too much trouble" I replied.
"Of course it isn't!"
Jem smiled at me and handed me a cup of coffee.
"Did you hear the news?" Jem asked.
I shook my head cause I had no idea what he was talking about.
"Emma and Julian are getting married" Jem smiled.
"It's in two weeks and we're going"
I just stared at Jem and nodded. Tessa put a plate in front of me with a sandwich and fruit on it.
"Isn't it wonderful! You'll get to see the Blackthorns again! That isn't a problem is it?" Tessa asked.
"Uh no not at all it's no problem"
Jem and Tessa gave each other a look then smiled at me.
The Blackthorns. It's been a two years and I haven't seen them since.

"I love you, Ty. I love you"

I'm going to have to relive it all again. I quickly finished my lunch.
"Thanks for lunch. I'm going on a run" I announced and ran out of the room. I ran upstairs and put on shorts and a t shirt and grabbed my shoes.
I ran longer than usual today. I was covered in sweat when I got home. I wasn't done for the day I needed to do more training. I grabbed some weapons and went outside in the yard. I set up some targets and I started throwing knives. I heard someone walk up behind me. Jem.
"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked, he looked concerned.
"About what?" I replied and threw a knife that completely missed the target. I sighed.
"There's nothing really to talk about Jem. I'm fine."
"It will be good. For you to see them. The Blackthorns"
I nodded.
"I guess. Maybe it will"
I picked the knives and started throwing them again.

After a couple hours I went back inside and took a shower. I put on a tshirt and shorts and walked downstairs Jem and Tessa were making dinner and Mina was sitting in front of the TV. I went and sat on the floor next to her. She's 2 years old and she's pretty quiet for a toddler. She smiled up at me and leaned her head on my arm.
"Kit! Mina! Supper is ready!" Tessa called over. I stood up and held out a hand for Mina to take. "Up pwease!" She said and started jumping. I smiled and picked Mina up. I walked into the kitchen and strapped Mina into her high chair.
I usually didn't talk much at dinner, it was usually Tess and Jem talking then Mina throwing her food which was usually aimed at me. I always had to watch her carefully.
"I think we should leave for Idris next week" Tessa said.
"But the wedding isn't for two weeks" I said confused.
"I know, but no one has been in the Herondale Manor for years and I think it needs a bit of work done. Plus there's some people I'd like to see there before" Tessa replied. I nodded.
The Herondale Manor was the place where Tessa and her husband Will Herondale would go to when they went to Idris. My hands were starting to sweat, we were going earlier than expected.
I felt a carrot hit the side of my face. I looked over at Mina and she started laughing.
"Mina don't throw your food" Jem warned her.

After we finished eating I started washing the dishes. I filled the sink with hot water and soap and put the leftover food in the fridge.
"Kit, how are you doing?" Tessa asked, she started drying off the wet dishes.
"I'm okay"
"Is anything bothering you?"
"What happened with you and the Blackthorns?"
I stopped.
"Livvy died it was pretty traumatic"
"No after that. What happened?"
I looked at her and shook my head.
"I'm sorry. I don't want to talk about it. I'm sorry"
"Kit, you don't need to apologize. Just whenever you are ready, I'm ready to listen" she smiled at me and kissed my cheek. I went back to washing dishes and she dried. We stood in silence.

After washing the dishes all four of us sat in front of the TV and watched a movie. Something appropriate for Mina to watch as well. Mina wanted to watch Toy Story so that's what we watched. Jem had never seen Toy Story which I still think is weird.
Once the movie was over Jem, Tessa and Mina all went to bed. I stayed up, I was reading Sherlock Holmes. Ty's favourite books.

After finishing the book I went up to my room to get the next one. It was 2:30 am so I had to quietly walk upstairs to my room.
I walked into my room and screamed and tripped over the books on my floor.
Livia was sitting on my bed.

I love you, Ty | KittyWhere stories live. Discover now