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"What did you and Kit do?" Dru asked me the next morning at breakfast.
"Went for a walk"
"Sat by the lake"
"That's it? Man you're boring"
"Dru! Be nice to your brother" Helen yelled from the next room. Dru rolled her eyes and continued to eat her breakfast.

"Are you sure this is the right house? It looks like no one's been here for decades" Dru said beside me. We were standing outside the Herondale Manor waiting for Kit.
"Yes it's the right one"
"Well then knock on the door don't just wait"
I walked to the door and knocked. After a couple moments Tessa Gray answered the door.
"Oh hello Tiberius and Drusilla, are you looking for Kit?" Tessa asked, we both nodded and Tessa motioned us to follow her inside.
"No one ever calls me Drusilla" Dru mumbled.
We followed Tessa to the kitchen where Kit was sitting shirtless eating pancakes.
"Kit your friends are here" Tessa announced. Kit turned around and smiled.
"Ty was wondering if you'd come and train with us" Dru said. I glared at her then looked to see what Kit's answer was.
"Yeah, okay, sure" Kit said and he stood up and put his dish away.
"I'll just go change" he added then left the room. Dru and I stood in the kitchen awkwardly by ourselves.
Footsteps approached and there was Kit in training gear, this time with a shirt. How and arrows strapped across his back and daggers hung at his waist.
"Let's go this house is giving me the creeps" Dru said.


I didn't miss the target once when I shot my arrows. But Ty watched from across the room which was making me nervous.
"You've gotten way better since the last time we trained together" Dru said standing next to me.
"Dru, I don't think we've ever trained together" I added and shot another arrow.
"Probably not, but you're way better than me. Ty knows it too. He's trying harder now that you're here"
I looked across at Ty, he was throwing knives at a target, his headphones covering his ears. He was sweating buckets. Every time I looked at him, I was more and more attracted to him.

After hours of training I went back to the Herondale Manor, Tessa and Jem were having lunch. Tessa laughed at something Jem said.
"Kit! Are you hungry?" Jem asked, I shook my head. Jem and Tessa continued their conversation as I went upstairs to shower.
I threw my training gear on the ground to deal with later.
After my shower I put on a hoodie and shorts and layed in bed.
"He's happy" I heard Livvy say. I groaned and turned to face her.
"He's smiling, talking to Jules." Livvy said and smiled sadly.
"Er is he not allowed to smile?" I asked.
"He hasn't really smiled since we left" she responded. "Just please don't hurt him"
I nodded then she was gone.

I love you, Ty | KittyWhere stories live. Discover now