09 - tree climbing

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I sprint after you as our hands intertwine, you pulling me excitedly through the forest near our cottage. Only a few minutes ago, you rushed into our cottage, frantically telling me about how you stumbled upon an abandoned treehouse in the woods near us, not far at all. Before I knew it, you were leading me to it with the biggest smile on your face.

You were right, it didn't take us very long to get there at all. Just a bit off of the forest trail was a wooden treehouse. It didn't look too old really, not at all. Some plants had started to weave their ways around it, but other than that, it was in great shape.

I briefly wonder if anyone was still using it, but there weren't any other houses near us; not as close to the treehouse as we were, at least. Turning back to you, I point out your expression - your smile as you gaze upon me with glittering eyes.

Pulling me close, with your ever-so soft voice, you tell me that maybe one day, we can freshen up this place for our future kids. I have never been one to do any kind of construction, but the idea warms my heart like none other, so I couldn't imagine saying no to that idea.

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