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          Eddy sat down in front of the camera next to Brett, but for some reason he couldn't focus on the words he was supposed to be saying.  For the third time, Eddy struggled to get a sentence out. Brett looked at him, sighed, and leaned over to turn off the camera. "Dude, what's the matter with you?" He asked. "You've been spacing out on me this entire week, but this? You can't even talk." 

          Eddy looked at the floor, not knowing how to reply. He had been acting weird lately. He found himself not being able to focus when he was around Brett. What was making him feel this way, he didn't know. It was as if their relationship had become strained, but he had no idea what was causing the strain. Nothing had changed, as far as he knew. They did the same things, went the same places, had the same easygoing conversation. He forced a laugh, "I don't know, bro. Feelings are strange things."

          "Yeah, tell me about it." Brett said, seemingly letting the subject go, much to Eddy's relief.  "Want to go get some bubble tea? Might make you feel better," He suggested. Eddy's face instantly brightened as he nodded. As they stood up to head out, the weird feeling in Eddy's stomach worsened. It didn't help when Brett offered him a steadying hand which lingered for a bit too long. 

         Eddy locked the door behind them as they walked to the bubble tea shop. He tried his best to focus on the conversation, but the feeling kept distracting him. When they finally arrived, there was a long line. As they stood with touching shoulders, the feeling shook Eddy to the core. Eventually, Brett stepped forward to place his order, breaking the touch. The warmth that had spread over Eddy's body starting at the shoulder that was touching Brett's dissipated. Eddy followed Brett, disappointed, and soon after, they were sitting down in their booth. 

          A blush crept up on Eddy's cheeks as Brett's fingers touched his as he handed over Eddy's drink. Brett shot him a confused look. "What's the deal with that?" He asked. "Thinking about a girl?" 

          The question snapped Eddy out of it. A girl? He hadn't thought about one romantically in a very long time. There was that bassoonist he dated for a while several years ago, but other than that, nothing. "No, not a girl." He tried to formulate a good sentence in his mind. "I haven't met many girls to think about lately."

          "No?" Brett asked, raising an eyebrow. "Not even in orchestra? We talked to several at last concert's afterparty...Did none of them catch your attention?" 

          "Not really, they were all nice, but none of them seemed to be remotely into me." Eddy explained. In all honesty, the only thing he really noticed at that afterparty was tipsy Brett out on the dance floor. They had met up with several of the other orchestra members at a nearby bar, had a few too many celebratory drinks, and all piled on to the dance floor. Eddy remembered how Brett had swayed in time with the music, his sweat making his thin dress shirt cling to his body. 

         Brett interrupted his thoughts, "That's unfortunate, but did you notice how that Branleigh girl looked at me? I think she was definitely checking me out."

          Eddy laughed, a real one this time. "Yeah, I saw her looking at you, but since when did your standards drop? What is she even, like a third violinist?" 

          "Hey! I didn't say I was into her at all," Brett defended himself, "I was just saying that I liked the way she looked at me."

          Eddy almost choked on one of the tapioca pearls at that. "At rehearsals, she literally dresses like one of those girls on TikTok!" He commented, "I've talked to her before, she's super self-centered, not something a guy like you needs." He surprised himself by saying the last part out loud, but the feeling in his stomach seemed to like it.

         Their conversation continued along those lines for a good while, but Eddy stopped paying much attention. His mind wandered to what did a guy like Brett need? Eddy figured defiantly a musician. Someone who could deal with Brett's off-days. Someone who always knew how to cheer Brett up when he was down. Someone who knew what Brett enjoyed doing. Someone like...Eddy. 

          Eddy tried to snap himself out of it. What was he thinking? How did he even let that thought creep its way into his mind? There was no way he was going to let himself think any more thoughts like that one. Brett was his best mate. No need to go ruining the relationship with weird thoughts. 

          "Well, are you ready to go?" Brett asked, sucking up the last pearl from his bubble tea. "Maybe we can try to finish that video when we get back?"

           Eddy nodded in agreement. "I think I've got my focus back now. Thanks for the outing, I think I needed it."

          "Whatever you need, Eddy." Brett said, taking Eddy's cup from him and heading over to the trash can to throw both cups away. They walked out of the shop, the little bell on the door pealing as they left.

          They began re-filming their video, and Eddy concentrated like a rock star. He knew that was normal, he was supposed to always be able to concentrate, but he felt it deserved to be congratulated due to this stupid feeling in his stomach. They shut off the camera, and re-watched some of the footage before sending it off to the editor. Everything was cool, Eddy seemed as chill as ever. And Brett, perfect Brett, was doing everything right, no mistakes anywhere. Not in his playing, not in his reacting...nowhere. 

          Eddy tried to drag his mind out of that gutter. Did he really just think of Brett as perfect? Like, without flaws perfect? What was going on with him? He couldn't put a finger on it, all he knew was that the weird feeling seemed to like the thought of perfect Brett. 

         "Well, I'm going to head out. I enjoyed the filming and the bubble tea. I'll see you tomorrow, and after we film, do you want to grab dinner?" Brett's question startled Eddy, and he jumped.

          "Y-yeah, sure, sounds good," Eddy managed to get out.

         "Oh, I'm sorry Eddy, I didn't mean to scare you," Brett apologized as he gathered his stuff, "I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

         Eddy nodded, and followed Brett as he made his way to the door. Eddy longed to give Brett a hug, but he knew it would be odd, so he refrained. As the door shut behind Brett, all Eddy could think about were Brett's words out of context, "Whatever you need, Eddy..."

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