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The Criminal Prince smirked.

He loved the feeling of power flowing through his body. He loved the feeling of strength and authority.

This must be how every king before him felt.

He lifted the head his old enemy.

"So tell me, Thomas, what exactly were you fucking thinking by hurting my sister."

The man laughed. "Oh come on Gavin. You can't tell me-!"

"Tell you what? She is an officer doing her fucking job."

"And yet she'd arrest you.."

Gavin slapped him across the face. "You shot her in the chest and lower torso." his hand curled angrily over Thomas's neck. "You do realise I was asked to lookout for them. And she wasn't wearing a fucking bullet proof vest!"

"She shouldn't have ran in."

"She was saving the fucking children you and your assholes kidnapped. Thankfully all are OK. But that doesn't excuse the fact that they are fucking innocent children!" Gavin raised his voice.

Thomas said nothing.

"Yeah that's right. Shut up." Gavin took out his gun, checking the bullets. "People like you disgust me."

"Oh poor you."

"I have to protect my siblings."

"But.. You always fight Johnathan?"

Gavin sighed. He put his foot on the corner of the man's chair, leaning down.

"It's different. I want to see Johnathan can protect himself. When I was young, my father would get the bodyguards to spar and attack me when I least expect it. He wanted to help me with understanding how to fight." He sighed, looking down. "Johnathan never had that.."

"Oh yeah, because your petty father died before he could learn."

Gavins green eye twitched. In a blink, he had grabbed Thomas's neck and was holding a knife up to his ear.

"Careful what you say, shit head. We wouldn't want anything.. Bad to happen to you, would we?" Gavin spoke lowly, dragging the knife down his ear and cutting along his jaw.

Thomas glared, gasping in pain.

"Be thankful Jimmy isn't here." Gavin stood up, lighting a cigarette. "I'm reasonable. Until you cross a line."

Thomas tilted his head.

"And when you cross that line.." Gavin took out the cigarette, blowing out smoke. He smirked cruelty at the man. "There is no going back.."

The man stared at Gavin, his eyes now wide with fear. "What are you going to do?"

"Oh come on. I'm not for the 'killing' and the blood." Gavin laughed. "So I will either shoot you or put a mark on you so everyone will know who you are." Gavin lifted his head. "You're disgusting."

The man glared at him.

"You know what? Jimmy has been good lately. I think he'll have fun with you."


"Jimmy?" Gavin called.

A small guy walked in wearing a light blue hoodie. He giggled as he twirled his knife.

"Hey darling." Gavin kissed his head. "I have a gift for you. Go nuts."

"You're gay? The Criminal Prince is gay?" The man laughed at him. "Oh fuck."

Jimmy threw the knife into his shoulder. Thomas screamed in pain.

"I'll let you have your fun." Gavin kissed him and walked out.

He ignored Thomas's painful screams. Besides, he had a place to go.

The hospital.

Officer Jennifer Toast was laying in the bed. Her partner, Officer James Maloney was sitting beside her.

She hadn't moved since she had been brought in.

There was a knock on the door and when it opened, a figure walked in, holding some flowers. His hoodie covered his face.

"Who are you?" Maloney stood up, getting ready to grab his gun.

The figure shut the blinds and took his hood down.


"You, sh." he snapped. "Either you scram or keep quiet." his green eyes glared at him.

Maloney nodded. "I should arrest you."

"Well, can you do that after she's better?" he looked over at his younger sister. "Don't worry about trying to find the guy. Jimmy got him."

Maloney blinked. "In a Jimmy way or a Gavin way."

Gavin smirked. "He was hurt in a Gavin way. But he dies in a Jimmy way." he shook his head and took his sisters hand. "How is she?"

"She hasn't moved since the surgery." Maloney teared up. "She lost a lot of blood. Thankfully they found both bullets and they didn't hit anything vital."

Gavin nodded. He sat down on the bed and gave the flowers to her partner.

"Give these to her when she wakes up. But don't tell her who they are from."


Gavin sighed. "I don't want her to know I was here."

He had a few minute quiet with them. The only noise in the room was the heart monitor beeping.

When the time passed, he stood up.

"James?" he turned, looking at the officer.


"You better look out for her. She is a good person. I trust you will help her whenever she needs it as she does for you."

He nodded, partly being scared by him as her older brother and partly being scared by him being the Criminal Prince.

Gavin knew he was intimidating. He just had to intimidate the right people.

"I'll see you soon, Jennifer." He leaned down and kissed her forehead.

"Ga.." a voice whispered.

He teared up. Her hand slowly moved, reaching out to him.

He smiled a bit and took her hand, holding it tightly while being carful not to press the tube in the back of her hand. He kissed her knuckle and allowed his hands to stroke her hair.

"Hey Jennifer. How are you?" be spoke softly.

"I love you.." she whispered, squeezing his hand.

"I love you too. You've been so brave, Jennifer." he paused. "Oh. I made you this. I haven't sewed in a while but I hope you like it."

Jennifer's eyes opened as she looked at the small toy her brother had made for her. "Thank you.. It's so cute.."

Gavin blushed a bit. "I'm glad you like it.."



"Can you stay for a while?"

His green eyes looked at the clock. "I should think I can make it. I just need to be back in time for Jimmy's cooking. He is making spaghetti and meatballs for dinner."

"Making or stealing?"

Gavin paused. "Probably stealing. But he cooks better than I do." he smiled as his sister giggled.


I hope you are all OK. You're all amazing people.


Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the one shot and I will see you next time.

Bye my lovely bird people.


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