Namjoon || Hypothermia pt. 2

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So um. Welcome to part 2. I hope I didn't make you cry in the last chapter. 🥺 same warning as last time, except maybe some fluff at the end if you're lucky

I'm not really proud of it. But I felt like writing, and posting before my tournament tomorrow ALL DAY. But yeah

Ya little brats

I'm sorry, please forgive me


Beep beep beep.

He jolts his head to look at the heart monitor. It's not a flat line. But a light up and down mountain.

He's alive.

He will be okay.

But this is only step one.

On Namjoon's recovery.

Yoongi's POV
Doctors rush into the room, shocked looks on all of their faces. Namjoon is alive. And he will stay that way, I guarantee it. He seems to be in an immense amount of pain. His face is scrunched up and I don't know if he's awake or not. I can clearly see his muscles tense up as he starts convulsing. It's a scary sight to see but the doctors treat the situation like we aren't witnessing this. Tears are still being shed. Taehyung screams as he sees our leader shaking uncontrollably.

Doctors grab him, and make sure he's safe. He starts coughing again, choking on water exiting his lungs. The doctors move him onto his side, water pouring out of his mouth. Poor baby. I usually don't show how much I care for the members, but they know I do. They know how clingy I can get. And how attached I am to them. I can't stand to see him like this.

Jin and Hobi seem to be having the hardest time with this. I can't imagine the pain they are pacing right now. Even though I'm facing it myself. I don't bother to move out the room. I'm too, what's the word. Shocked. (Jungshook) I'm scared, happy because he's alive, yet I'm not feeling any emotion. I don't know how to explain it.

My mind is racing, yet my body and face are decades behind.

Eventually we get pushed out of the room. His seizure lasted 3 minutes. The scariest 3 minutes of my whole freaking life. Everything is so much scarier when you're not the one suffering, yet you still do suffer.

We get our own private waiting area. Which basically means Namjoon is gonna die, and he just deserve comfort I guess. But I am not gonna accept it, he's gonna live.

Because he's strong.


Namjoon is taken to a private room after being treated for his seizure. He is awake and conscious, but he's confused and dazed. He keeps drifting in and out of sleep. And he feels all around sick. He's having trouble breathing. His lungs still filled with water, and minimal internal bleeding.

Hoseok's POV

"Family of Kim Namjoon please?" The lady at the front desk kindly addressed us. We walked over to her expecting horrible news.

"Namjoon ja awake and conscious luckily. But the doctors want to talk to you about his health." This makes us flash smiles to each other.
"He's waiting in the room across. H 44."
"Thank you." Jin says bowing.

We make our way to the room she says to go to. 3 of us sit in chairs, the rest standing in the back. JungKook sits on Yoongi's lap who is on a chair.

"Hello. I'm Doctor Lee. I am Namjoon's main doctor. And today I would like to talk to you about something rather serious."
"Yes sir, go ahead."
"We are thinking about putting Namjoon in an induced coma."
"What's why?!" Yoongi shouts, the rest keeping quiet.
"Yoongi, let him speak dear." I say to him.

"Well, we need to get all the liquid out of his lungs. We need to gather it all through a tube. As well as for his internal bleeding. This will be quite painful if he'd not in a coma. Both situations could cause brain damage." (Trusting the internet rn)


Brain damage?

"Could we have some time to think about this?"
"Yes of course. We need your decision by tomorrow morning. He needs immediate treatment."


The night is the most uncomfortable one ever. (My brother has a friend over, they are acting crazy and distracting me lmao) They sleep in the uncomfortable hospital chairs, even after confirming they are aloud to leave. They will not leave the poor boy behind, never.

JungKook is taken back to a private room receiving private care after fainting again. The poor boy is really stressed and worked up. So Jin stayed with him. The rest of us, have our own chairs but still leaning on one another.

Our poor baby is in there alone.


"We are ready to discuss the plans about Kim Namjoon." We all immediately arise, leaving JungKook to sleep. He needs the rest.

"I would like to know your decision so we can immediately begin treatment."
"We would like to put him in a coma please."

The less pain Namjoon has to go through the better.
"We will begin immediate treatment."

The next time we walk into the room, Namjoon is sound asleep. Not a care in the world. He looks so, peaceful. Happy. Painless. Unlike the rest of us.

~~ Two weeks later~~

JungKook's POV
I'm holding Namjoon's hand hoping for some sort of movement. He's been doing really well. He's getting better each day with no sign of brain damage. When he wakes they will do tests to figure out for sure though.

So far so good.

All the blood is gone, and the water. He's okay. He will be okay.

Because I will never leave his side.

Never. Not until I'm pulled apart from him. My hand feels pressure almost like a squeeze. My mind is playing tricks on me. It happens again. I move my eyes to his hand. I see it, he's squeezing my hand.

He's awake.

"Baby, good morning! I've missed you!" He looks so confused, my poor baby. I know I should call him Hyung but he's my little baby right now.

I immediately press the nurse button.

Namjoon walks out of the hospital completely fine, 100% healed.

~~1 year later~~

"Hey! Do you guys want to go iceskating?" Namjoon calls out from his room. It's our day off from work.

"Hell nah."


So uh. I don't really like the ending. But I couldn't think of anything else. Maybe one day I'll go back and change it. For now this will do. I did some research but I don't completely trust the internet. I'm sorry if some things are wrong.


Jimin requests closed

~Taehyung requests are Open~


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