Jin || Burned

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Hello! Welcome to round two of this sickfic book! I'm so excited to write this one, I hope it turns out good. This is a request from.....


So um, yeah imma write the story now...


It was the Hyung's job to take care of the group. To feed them, watch them, and keep them happy. It was a big responsibility. The Maknae line really appreciates this. Any chance they get they thank the 4, for keeping their group happy and healthy.

Everyone knows how hard it is to be a Hyung. But no one knows who hard it is the be the eldest Hyung.

Jin has no Hyung's in the band. He is constantly looking over the other 6, even if they are old enough to look after themselves. He hardly has anytime for himself, he barely has time for basic needs. Yet he still puts his all out on the table.

He cooks, plans, helps. He does so much. Sometimes he gets tired. But he can't show it, because not only do 6 people look up to him. Millions, and millions do as well. And that's just the idol life.

Jin has been feeling really stressed lately, he had been staying in his studio for hours upon hours trying to nail his vocals. It had to be perfect. He only came home to cook, and that's it. He didn't eat what he cooked, he only cooked it.

Cooking is something Jin is passionate about. He loves it, he loves the smells, and the different recipes you can mix together to create your own. It's an art.

He follows the same routine every morning.

He wakes up at 5:30 to take his shower. He uses the same shampoo and conditioner, whenever he runs out, he buys the exact same size, and brand. He styles his hair the same way every day. He picks his clothes out at the same time every day, he chooses the same style every time. He wakes the members up in the same order every day.

And he's never had a problem with it.

But today, Jimin has stayed the night in his studio. Jimin never does this. It's only ever the rap line who stays in the studio overnight.

Jin wasn't ready for change. Jimin has told everybody that he was going to stay at the studio, but Jin has forgotten. He wasn't ready for a change.

Jin's alarm went off at 5:30, just like every morning. He took a shower and washed his hair. He styled it, a put on his clothes. Just like every morning.

He walked into Namjoon and Hoseok's shared room. (I don't know the room arrangements so I'm making this up) He shook the leader, lightly. This always woke him up. As expected, the snores stopped, and the rapper flipped towards the eldest.
"Morning Joon. I will start breakfast soon. Wake up Hoseok and Tae." He always has Namjoon wake Hoseok and Tae, it was part of his routine.

"Mm'k." This was the response he got this time. Namjoon arose from the bed, and starting slowly but surely trudging his way towards Hoseok.

Jin left the room to wake JungKook, as normal JungKook was already awake. He could hear the shower running from Namjoon and Hoseok's shared room so he only stuck his head in the door way. To make sure the Maknae was okay. Next was Yoongi, and Jimin's shared room.

He was expecting to see the two sound asleep. Instead, he got one. Yoongi was curled up in his bed, holding onto a pillow. The blanket he was using covering his head to the point you only knew he was there because hair was sticking out.

Jin paused. Where is Jimin?

He shook the eldest rapper awake, harshly.
"What?" He practically screamed out, sounding irritated.
"Jimin is gone!"
"What? Didn't he stay the night at the studio?"

Jin froze. Jimin has gone to the studio? Why couldn't he remember this?
"Did he eat?"

Jimin has had problems with his diet in the past. The members are constantly making sure he is eating full meals, so he doesn't fall into that state again.
"I'm not sure, maybe you should make him something and we will bring it to him when we go to the studio."

Before Yoongi even finished his sentence the eldest had ran out the room, ready to make food for the younger.

His mind was in a constant state of worry. What if Jimin has been starving himself? What if Jimin isn't okay? What if Jimin isn't at the studio?

He was quick with every movement, he ran around the kitchen grabbing various ingredients. He has to get to Jimin. Eggs will have to do.

He grabs the pan, lifting it in the air just above the burner, he opens the cap of Pam. He sprays the pan, then places it back on the burner. He turns on the burner to the second highest setting.

Quickly, he cracks each egg. Putting the shell of to the side on the nearest napkin. He mixed the substance of eggs, salt,pepper, and cheese in the pan.

It's not cooking fast enough. He tried to turn the burner up. It's stuck. He rotates the knob all the way to the dial that's labeled, off. It turns off. He tried to turn it back on, it's stuck.

He turns it with all his might, it flashes the yellow and blue gas. He moved the pan to lower the burner properly.

Without thinking he hovers his non dominant arm over the burner, he turns it up more. Flames erupt, the gas hitting his skin and burning it.

He quickly contracts, turning off the burner grasping his arm. He screams. It hurts. He runs towards the nearby sink on the opposite counter. Turning on the water, letting it hit his skin.

Yoongi comes running I'm at the sound of the screams,
"Jin Hyung? Why are you screaming?" He spots the boy at the sink and the pan of eggs sitting helplessly on the unused burner.

"Oh my gosh, ok. Um let me see your arm." Jin turns off the water, sticking out his arm for the rapper to see. The shirt is sticking to his skin, it's hot to the touch.

Yoongi runs and grabs the kitchen scissors, supporting the vocalists arm as he cuts the material. He cuts a slit in the shirt, tearing the rest to reveal and long burn along the back side of his arm.

It's swelling. The rapper drags him over to the sink yet again, drowning it in water. Jin hisses, pilling away.

"I know it's cold, but it's going to swell if we don't cool it down." He responds by putting his arm back under the water, gliding it back and forth to get all the areas covered.

"Jjjj- Ji-"
"Talk slowly hun."
"Jimin, he needs t-to eat."
"I know. We will get him food, I will tell Hoseok to get him some. But right now you need to stay calm so I can take your bracelet off."

Yoongi turns off the faucet, turning to face the injury. The bracelet is barely visible, covered by swelling and dead skin. He attempts to take off the bracelet, it's stuck.

He grabs an ice cube from the freezer, placing it where it's swelling. After 5 minutes the swelling goes down, and he can finally take off the bracelet. The slides the bracelet off, adjusting it every now and then to get it fully off.

"You don't need a hospital, so that's good. I will get some ointment for you. And tell Hoseok." He rushes out the room, not waiting for a response.

"Hoseok, can you make eggs and bring them to Jimin. Jin is really worried about him not eating."
"Oh yea sure. Wait what happened to Jin?"
"Burned his arm, I'm going to get some ointment from the bathroom."

He returns with the ointment, lathering it on the eldest's skin.
"Good job Jinnie."
"It's Hyung to you.."
"Whatever, Hyung."

They both laugh, feeling at home.

Everyone appreciates Jin's work.



I am not proud of this one.  It's everywhere, and makes no sense. But thanks for reading it anyway.

~All requests closed~

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