Namjoon || Migraine

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Hey! Welcome to the chapter.. Back to boring titles but y'know I suck at coming up with names haha...

Not a request

Enjoy.. <3

The schedule was packed to say the least. Worst of all, it wasn't even the fun part of being an idol. It was meeting, upon meeting, along with photo shoots. Don't get them wrong, the boys loves seeing the outcomes of the photos.

It's just the process of getting the photos, changing into new outfits every 20 minutes. People shouting out poses and lights flashing, and you were there for hours.

It would give you a headache.

But what if you already had one?


Oh wouldn't that be fun. Namjoon's head was pounding like it was trying to win the 'whack a mole' game at the arcade. It was hurting right behind his left eyebrow. And it hurt, bad. You guessed it, they had a photo shoot today. Today was supposed to be one of the longer shoots, for a whole new theme on their Instagram.

Namjoon woke up in quite a panic, the boys had known he had a headache the day prior but this, this was not an ordinary headache. This was a migraine. The pain forcefully pushed it's way through his skull settling for his left eyebrow. It was practically begging him to go back to sleep, so he did. He tried at least. He lied back down on his back, facing the plain white ceiling. Tossing and turning trying to get comfortable, he just couldn't. The pounding of his head was enough to prevent him from sleeping.

Before he knew it, his alarm was announcing that it was time to get up. Alarms are loud, everyone knows this. Namjoon's are especially loud because of how heavy of a sleeper he is. This only makes things worse, the constant beeping mushes all the current sounds into one. All he can hear is loud beeping, it would only stop if he got up to stop it. So that's what he needed to do.

Operation turn off the alarm is a go.

He rolled over, now on his left shoulder facing his nightstand. He kicked his feet out from under the comforters putting them down on the ground along with numerous pairs of dirty socks and underwear from the days before.  He reached his hand out before grabbing his glasses, placing them on his face. At least he wasn't blind anymore.

He glared at the alarm for a few seconds, probably thinking that it would see his pain and turn itself off. Nope, it only got louder as time went on. Realizing that it wasn't very sympathetic, he threw his arm out basically smashing the 'off' button. As he was doing this, Jin walked into the room preparing to scold the leader.

"Namjoon turn that alarm off now.. Are you okay?" He questions, walking closer to the rapper taking in the sight.

His eyes were bloodshot, red and puffy. Tears stained his face, along with the dark eye bags indicated he had been up all night doing who knows what. The elder said nothing about this, only going over to give the young rapper a hug. Namjoon flinched at the contact, but readjusts himself to hug the oldest Hyung back.

"Do you still have a headache Joonie?" The singer whispers, careful not to disturb the rapper more.

"M-migraine. H-hurts Jin Hyung."

"Aw, I'm sure it does Joonie. Hyung will be right back to get you some breakfast and then you can have some medicine okay?" The older doesn't get a response, but leaves the room anyway. Returning with what he said he would come back with, plus a cuddle ready Jungkook. Namjoon makes grabby hands toward the medicine, but Jin shakes his head.

"You need to eat first." He hands the younger the bowl filled of oatmeal and a piece of bread. (Does anyone else eat their oatmeal with a piece of bread, or am I just weird?) Jungkook goes over to the leader, making eye contact before sitting in the bed next to him drawing soft circles on his back.

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