TaeHyung || Back Pain

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A/N: If I were to make a TXT sickfic book would you all read it? Please tell me! Tbh I just want to write them, I don't care if people would read them I just wanted to ask..


Anyways this chapter is inspired by a One Direction sickfic I read, if I can find the user than I'll edit this chapter and put their name in. If not, I'm sorry.... 🤞❤


Tae has always struggled with back problems, it was 'his thing'. The pains were always sharp and long, he couldn't even straighten his back. To make matters worse, the boys didn't seem to care. He was always seen as old, or he was the 'punching bag' of the group. All attack me at once why don't you. He never gets any sympathy for his back, and to be honest he didn't want it anymore.

He used to be such an attention seeker when it came to his pain, but ever since they started teasing him for his pain he didn't want it anymore. Don't come running back when you're the one who ran away. He doesn't want it anymore, they can't be bulletproof if all the bullets are fired at Tae. Especially if they are firing the bullets.

That's just not how it works.


Tae groaned as he got out of bed, his back aching. He leaned heavily against the edge of his bed, breathing deep and slow breaths. His back continued to ache, as a sharp pain passed right down his spine. Feeling this, the whimpered lowering himself to the ground, back against the bed. He arched his back as he tried to get up after a couple minutes, no longer standing straight up.

He walked over to his bedside table, picking up his phone and looking at the time. 7:57. Three minutes until Jin would come barging in telling him to get his old self out of bed. He sat back down on his bed, head in his fists as he tried to ease the pain. His back still arched, he leaned forward to try and stretch it out a bit. He then flopped back onto the bed fully, breathing heavy from the amount of effort it took. He lie on the bed for about 2 minutes, which he could tell by when Jin came in.

"Come on Tae, get up we have practice at ten today." Tae responds by trying to sit up straight, failing miserably and whimpering once more.

"Is it your back again Tae? You're getting old!" Jin laughs softly at his teasing, leaving the room not helping the younger, who is clearly in pain. When the younger finally gets out the room, his back still arched the others immediately begin the teasing session, Jin must have told them.

"Tae's back hurts! Again, that sucks for you!" The others laugh quite loudly at Namjoon's comment. Tae ignores the comment, going to the linen closet across the room. He grabs a heating pad, plugs it into the wall and sits down on the couch. He slides the pad under the back of his shirt, so that it's on the aching spot on his back.

"The grandpa has the heating pad out again!" Jimin shouts from the kitchen putting bread in the toaster.

"Wait wait wait! I have a joke!"

"Go for it." Yoongi says from the opposite side of the kitchen Jin is on.

"Ok ok, Can you just remove it completely?"

"What?" Jimin says, not letting him finish the joke.

"My Spine, it's holding me back!" Windshield whipper laughing starts now. Everyone laughs except for Tae, and Hoseok.

"Guys don't you think we are being a little mean? He's clearly in pain.."

"He's fine Hoseok, lighten up a bit." Jungkook says playfully hitting Hoseok on the shoulder. Smiling at him. Hoseok shoots Tae and apologetic frown, earning a smile back. Tae removes the heating pad from the living room back to his room, completely over this whole situation.


Dance practice was going to be so fun. It's not like he hasn't had pain in his back before, it was just never this bad. He was nearly in tears by the first water break, his back aching to the point he couldn't stand up straight. Even if he tried, he just couldn't.

Every time he moved he got hit with an extreme wave of sharp pains in his back, he just wanted his heating pad. The heating pad was the only thing that relieved his pain, it made his back feel better. Of course, his heating pad was in his room, on his bed exactly where he left it. It's not like he could use it during dance practice anyways.

"Tae, could you please just get it together. Stop complaining about your back and practice properly."

"I-I'm sorry. I'll try h-harder."

"Good. Let's continue." Jungkook takes over for Jimin, who previously got mad at the second maknae.


Tae continues to mess up until he actually can't anymore. His eyes water from the intense pain he is feeling, eventually letting a couple fall from the corners of his eyes. Those few tears turn into sobs, he can no longer see where he's stepping or that all the members have stopped dancing and are standing at him. All he knows is that his back hurts badly, and that he's supposed to be dancing right now.

"Y-yes?" He stopped dancing at the sound of JungKook's voice.
"Why are you crying?" This made Tae furious, the members couldn't see his true pain until now. Until he was on the verge of collapsing because of it, until he actually couldn't take it anymore. He glared at JungKook, as well as everyone except Hoseok. He walked out of the dance practice room, going into the hallway sitting against the wall. His back arched, head in his arms.

"Why is he not mad at you Hoseok?"
"Yea! What did we do Hoseok Hyung?"

"You should know what you did. You made fun of his back pains, and now he's hurt physically and mentally. Now if you excuse me, I am going to help my friend." The other 5 look down, in shame. 


"I feel bad now. I didn't know we hurt him that much, I thought he knew it was a joke."

"Me too, I thought making a joke out of it would make it better."

"Guys, enough feeling sorry for yourselves. Tae needs our help, and an apology." The 'mature' one, Yoongi spoke up. He led the group outside the room, to see Hobi trying to get Tae to straighten his back. 

"You need to stand up straight, or it will get worse Tae."

"I-I-I'm trying. It hurts Hyung."

"I know baby, but you have to try."

The five make their way over trying to encourage Tae to stand properly. Hoseok eventually has to do it for him, supporting him by his stomach and back; he presses on his back, hearing small cracks until it slowly straightens. Tae screams in pain, sobbing harder than before.

"You did so good Tae, good job," The eldest says, "I'm very sorry baby."

"We are all sorry, we didn't know it was this bad. How about we go see a chiropractor okay? I'll make an appointment for tomorrow okay?" Tae nods, trying to calm himself once more.


The second maknae is now on the couch with his heating pad on his back, with the things that make him most happy. His Hyungs, because together

they are bulletproof.


Another abrupt ending! Wowowow.... *sighs* anyways, I hope you like this chapter. Again, I'm looking for the person I got inspo from, make sure to tell me if you want a Txt book as well. <3

~JungKook requests closed~

~Suga requests open~

And yes I skipped Jin, this is because I have an idea for him and I really want to write it. I hope you all don't mind. (I just forgot how to spell yall or where to put the apostrophe so I just put you all haha.)

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