Namjoon || Flu

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Request by BTSismylife2019

Everyone! Go read Sisyphean! Hehe. Jk you don't have too, I hope you enjoy the little short story I made. It's angsty or whatever. Thank you so much for all the requests! And I'm sorry if yours is taking a bit. And please be on the look out for A/N's! There are some important ones to look out for soon.


It's no secret that when an Idol is sick, that it's hard to continue the concert. Most of the time they just have to persevere. Hundreds of people have come out to watch you, from all over the world; they paid to see you. Obviously that doesn't mean that a concert can't be cancelled from an idol's condition, but it's rare.


"Guys.. I really don't feel good." Namjoon says, clutching his stomach rubbing little circles against it. He was holding a small rectangular shaped pillow on his stomach, also gripping this tightly. Jungkook took this opportunity to snuggle up to the member, rubbing his back softly.

"I know Joon, just try and get some rest before tomorrow's concert." Jin told him softly, careful not to worsen the headache the younger had.

"You can have more medicine in about 30 minutes Hyung." Jimin camly announced from the archway connecting the kitchen and living room, in which the other were sitting on the 'L' shaped couch. Namjoon was cuddled up in the corner of the couch with Jungkook, Jin sitting just beside them. Hoseok and TaeHyung were on the opposite side of the couch, engrossed in whatever movie was on currently.

Namjoon nods, not really paying attention to what the younger was saying. Namjoon laid his head on the maknae's shoulder, closing his eyes sighing contently. Jungkook closed his as well, after whispering into his ear, 'get well soon Hyung'. Jin cooed at them, frowning when Namjoon's stomach gurgled. Clearly upset with the soup Jin had forced him to consume not even ten minutes ago. At least he's keeping it down.


"Guys....I- I think I'm gonna- krrllppp.. Ughhh.."

"Jimin go get a bucket!" TaeHyung shouts, now paying attention to the poor one. Jungkook shoots up from his spot, underneath Namjoon's sweaty armpit. He manages to hold in his own gags from the stench. He knows the leader can't help it, his fever is making him sweat a lot. Jimin comes running back with a mixing bowl, which is a pair to the kitchen aid mixer in the corner of the kitchen. Jin gladly takes it, thanking him silently. Namjoon's stomach is persistently torturing him, making him feel nauseous and heavy.

Jin places the bucket right in front of Namjoon's face, right under his chin.

"No.. not gonna- krrrlllpp.." This sends a shiver down his back, followed by him hunching forward; feeling extremely nauseous. The nausea ends after a couple seconds, coming and going. It eventually gets intense, in which he leans over to grab the bucket dunking his head far into it. He heaves, releasing a thick stream of warm liquid from his mouth. He coughs, instead of earning a well deserved breath; he earns another stream of vomit burning his throat as it releases itself messily into the bowl.

"Good job, it'll be over soon. Don't worry."

"Hurts.. Ughh."

"I know, just concentrate on breathing." Jungkook has left the sight, feeling nauseous from the sight and smell of vomit. Instead, he had went to go grab a glass of water for the older.

When the rapper finished, he fell back onto the closest person which so happened to be TaeHyung. Tae flinches at the sudden dead weight on him, but eventually adjusts himself to make the rapper comfortable. Jungkook returns, handing TaeHyung the glass half filled with water before kneeling down in front of the poor one. Even though the older towered over everyone, including the maknae; he still felt like the older brother. Jungkook played in the older's hair, picking at tangles and loose strands. He brushed some loose strands of hair out of his face, which were drenched in sweat. Placing his hand on the rapper's forehead, retracting it quickly like you've accidentally placed your hand too close to the burner. Which in reality was how hot Namjoon's forehead felt.

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