Suga || OCD📙

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I mean this is an option, but I recommend reading the previous Suga OCD chapters just so you aren't confused as to why tf these things are happening, so yea.

Happy birthday suga! It's 12:01 so I was close to exactly midnight 🙄
Suga ocd || chapter four - complete

Trigger warning~ mentions of depression, mentions of self h*rm

Keep in mind these are only mentions! No self h*rm is actually taking place!


The morning had consisted of a lot of silence. The breakfast table was awkward and tense, no one seemed happy, no one seemed comfortable. Yoongi was at one side of the table, and Hoseok was at the other. The two rarely made eye contact, unless Hoseok had caught the older eyeing him. Yoongi was concerned, no doubt, and he honestly was very confused. Was it his fault, or not?

Breakfast was served as normal, jin had cooked and the others had politely waited for their serving, minus jungkook's begging. "Hyung! I'm hungry." He pleaded, the maknae only had a small grip on 'waiting his turn'.

"Jungkook, listen to me. You can your food once everyone else is served." The maknae only pouted. Normally, this would have made Hoseok burst into laughter, nearly falling out of his seat. Today he could only sigh and shake his head. "Or you could make your own meal and get served first." Jin jokingly suggested.

"Hyung..." He whined again.

"You heard me Jeon Jungkook." The eldest said while serving each member (oldest to youngest, besides himself) a plate full of breakfast and fresh fruits. "Eat up, boys. Hoseok you have a doctors appointment at 2, and Yoongi has one at 3. Everyone else has either has driving duty for those boys or practice. Meaning Joon, you have practice." No one groaned in annoyance, or even smiled at jin's hidden insult towards Namjoon.

"I will get my drivers license, okay?" He seemed annoyed.

"Relax, it was just a joke. I was trying to lighten the mood." Jin scoffed, namjoon sunk into his chair. Yoongi did the same, he didn't like all of the arguments and heavy, annoyingly loud chatter. The whole world seem to be mocking him, knowing well that he didn't like it. Nothing was going his way.

"Everyone get dressed. It's not going to be the best day today, but it's necessary." Once again, no one said a thing. Everyone had left the breakfast table expect Yoongi and Jin. "Listen to me Yoongs," He pushed the youngers cheeks so that he was facing him, though they didn't make eye contact.

"Everything will be okay." Yoongi fidgeted in his seat, he was on medication at the moment. It sure wouldn't fix everything, but it did make things slightly better between two of the rappers in the band. Hoseok wasn't blaming himself far as much for Yoongi's behavior, and Yoongi, well, he didn't feel 100% responsible for watching everything the younger did. The world had let up a little bit, giving them time to collect their thoughts.

Noon came a lot faster for the boys than they had originally planned it to. The rap line was in Hoseok and Jimin's shared room, chatting about anything and everything. The vocal line had originally been playing some video games in the maknae's room, but Jin and Jimin couldn't focus to save their lives.

The two had taken a break, jimin deciding to read and jin scrolling through his phone. But the look on their faces had let the two youngest know that they weren't just unfocused, they were worried sick. Jimin's usually happy, cuddly aura was pale and dull. Jin was tapping at his screen aggressively, and periodically turning it off and on. Maybe the contents of his screen would be different now?

Different then all the websites, all the armys worrying about Yoongi, noticing how off he looked at the ceremony. Maybe when he turned the screen off, and it went black, a cultural reset would happen. The world would leave them alone for just a quick second, just to gather thoughts and emotions, to think of plan C. Fake it until you make it wasn't working for them anymore.

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