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Didn't expect this to happen at all. I always thought that there could be no harm done to anyone, but me. I was wrong in so many ways. I learned that when I met my, now, boyfriend and my, now, friends. I didn't expect anything like that to happen to be honest.

I'm different from my friends and boyfriend. In a good way I believe. Thanks to me they're saved. Thanks to me their whole world got saved. They call me their 'Savior'. I don't understand why. I'm no hero or savior.

My parents were so proud of me for what I did. Why would they though? It was their idea in the first place to go. They do adore Draco.

Draco. Draco Lucius Malfoy. He's a pure blood wizard. He's someone I saved. He's someone that I fell in love with. He's someone who doesn't like to admit that he's a softy. He's someone who doesn't like when I call him short when he's only up to my shoulders. He's my shorty. He's my boyfriend. He loves me and I love him. But why does he?

I ask him every day why he loves me. He says the same answer every time that I ask.

"I don't understand why you always ask me this. You're you. And it's you that I love. It's every thing about you that I love Hare."

I smile every time I hear that. He's my world and I don't know what I would have done if I ever lost him. I almost did. It hurt seeing a gun directed at him. A gun that was shot. The bullet that came out that almost killed him. If it wasn't for their nurse and my mom, who I contacted to help out with all these people, I wouldn't have him by my side now.

Before all that though I only had a stuff dragon to call my friend. No one didn't want to be my friend. I never understood why. I always saw people tempted to come up to me to become my friend. Most of them were girls, hoping that I would take them home and give them the time of their lives. Sometimes guys would even come up to me for that hope as well. I always declined. They weren't the one. I wanted to give the one the time of their lives. A-at least if they wanted. Heh.

You're also probably wondering why a very handsome, built guy like me wouldn't have friends. Why they're only looking for a one time stand with me. The answer is simple. I knocked up one of the most popular girls, my used to be girlfriend, of the school at the age of fifteen. They all thought she was sweet and innocent and wouldn't do anything like that. She spread rumors around that I raped her and that she didn't want any of that, which was a lie. People saw me as the bad guy and did shit to me. Someone even called the police on me! They found nothing on me and let me off. I don't understand why, but I had a feeling my dad, head of chief of the police department, had something to do with it.

But that still doesn't answer the question why people still wanted to sleep with me. That answer is simple as well. The gossip group of the school said I give a good time and would whore around with anyone. That's a lie as you could tell. I don't sleep around. No one believed me of course. The people I told no to even started lying and said I had the biggest whatever in the whole school and was better than their ex's. I usually shrugged it off.

There was this one girl. She was tiny, delicate, innocent, had long blonde hair, the brightest blue eyes anyone could have possibly seen, and pale skin that seemed like it couldn't tan. She was one of the first people who believed me. Someone who knew the truth behind it all. She was actually my first friend ever since the incident. But of course someone had to go and ruin that.

They scared her off. She thought I was going to manhandle her in some way. I knew it was someone who put that mindset inside her head. Me compared to her. I probably could have manhandled her if I dared. I wouldn't though. She's too innocent to go through any of that. I made sure to not go off her boundaries and not even touch her unless she asked for a hug. That's the furthest I would go with her. I didn't even see her in that way. I only saw her as a little sister that I would love and protect.

As I went into my junior year of high school, being sixteen and all, she came up to me on the first day, crying. I was so broken hearted to see her like that. I just wanted to give her a hug. I didn't though. I didn't want to make whatever she was upset about worse. So what I did was asked.

"Fiona? Is everything ok?" I had asked in a very soft voice, as to not scare her off.

"I'm s-so s-stupid," she stuttered in a whisper.

"What do you mean?" I was very much confused on what she was on about.

"I was stupid for leaving you like that." Now I was stunned to the bone to hear her words. "I knew from the beginning that you wouldn't touch me, but they just drilled in my mind that you were going to use me an I-"

I really couldn't take it anymore. She really needed some comfort, so I did the best thing that I could. I hugged her tightly to my chest.

"It's not your fault Fiona," I whispered. She was tense for a spilt second and then relaxed in my embrace. "It's really not your fault. You were just a freshman at the time. Fourteen and scared that someone was going to go use you like that."

"And they did," she croaked out.

My eyes widened at her statement and let go of her to look in her eyes. "Wh-what do you mean 'and they did'?"

"A senior, he's now in college, used me. I thought he wanted to be my friend, but I was so wrong. He said that he would never hurt me. Said he would never be like you," she glanced up at me with those sad blue eyes. "He was definitely nothing like you Harry."

I shrugged. No one is like me. Will never, in their lives, be like me. "I was never the one to be popular. I only got that attention because I decided to date Kathy. I was so stupid then."

"She used you. Didn't she," it wasn't even a question she asked, it was a statement.

I nodded. "Sure I was the one in control, but she tricked me. Said that she wanted me to be her first. Found out that she's been hooking up with other guys behind my back. She ended up getting pregnant with my baby, had it, and then threw it to another family like it was nothing."

"You didn't even get to see them?" She asked sadly.

I shook my head no. "Don't even know the gender. To be honest I wanted to keep that baby. Raise it with the help of my parents. They even said that they would have helped. But I didn't even know she had it and it broke my heart knowing that she just gave it up. Didn't even ask me to keep it for gods sake!"

"It was probably to get under your skin Harry. If she knew you wanted the baby then it was a possibility she would keep everything that involved it from you."

"Yeah. Well, I can't change anything now."

"No, but that doesn't mean that they're still out there. One day they would probably want to know who their birth parents are."

"And if they don't?"

"Then I guess you can't do much about it. You live your life I guess," she smiled. There was so much guilt and empathy in her eyes that I wanted to tell her to stop feeling bad for me. I didn't though. This was the first time that someone, other than my family, as ever really felt bad for me in a long time.

"Thank you Fiona."

"No problem Harry."

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