Pilot (PT1)

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This is my first x reader, in all three of my accounts lol. So I'm sorry if I mess up loads. Also, I might mess up or change how the perspective is. So please excuse me if that happens. One more thing, some lines will be different/cut so as to be able to fit you in the story. That should be all. Please enjoy.

Y/N L/N ran through the desert away from her village. She was sure she was safe from the villains that swarmed the village looking for her.

Part of her didn't want to leave, but she had to to keep her friends and parents safe.

She reached the top of a hill and was met by an old man, causing her to jump in surprise. "Who are you?" Y/N asked.

The man took a sip of tea then got up. "I am Sensei Wu. I wish to offer you safety." He introduced.

"How much do you know about me?" Y/N asks.

"I know most everything about you. I know your elemental powers are truly powerful and unique. Your identity and powers would be kept secret. Even from your partners."

"Partners? What do you mean?"

"You would be a ninja, along with my other pupils. They would know nothing of your powers, as I said, or your home. For your safety."

Y/N pondered for a minute. Traveling with this man who would keep her safe would be better than traveling alone. "I'll come with you."

"Great. Now come follow me." He said as he walked off.

*     *     *

We walked up a mountain with many steps and then arrived at the top to a huge monastery.

The huge doors opened and we walked inside. There was training equipment running and three people in black ninja gis were training.

Sensei Wu banged his staff and they stopped training then came over. They stopped and bowed. "Hai Sensei."

"Good morning students. I want you to meet someone." Sensei Wu said, then gestured to Y/N. "This is Y/N. She will be your new partner."

Y/N waved as the ninja took off their masks, showing three boys. They smiled and waved back.

"I would like you to take Y/N and show her to the F/C bedroom. Then you can get to know each other, but you are to stay out of sight and be quiet until there is trouble or I say so."

"Yes Sensei." They all said in unison.

"Are you leaving again Sensei?" The one with platinum blonde hair asked.

Sensei Wu nodded. "I will be back soon." He then turned to Y/N. "This will be your gi for now." He said, handing it to Y/N. It was black and looked like the others' "It'd be best for you to put it on."

Without saying another word, he left the monastary.

When he was gone, the ginger haired boy approched Y/N and held out his hand. "I'm Jay. Nice to meet you Y/N."

She smiles and takes his hand. "Nice to meet you too Jay."

The others then introduced themselves. The blonde one was Zane, while the other one with black hair was named Cole. Who was nice and kind of cute.

They showed me to my room, then we kind of just hung out there and got to know each other. All while being quiet and staying out of sight like Sensei Wu instructed.

Y/N learned about Jay mostly. He was super talkative. Zane was the least. Y/N didn't tell much. Cole insulted Jay loads, which caused Y/N to laugh louder than she should have.

Unbreaking Love And Loyalty Ninjago Cole x Female Reader (Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now