Pilot (PT2)

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I'm going to try a different POV. Last chapter was a little confusing for me to wright. So please excuse me as I use what I'm comfortable with. Thanks! It means quite a bit. Enjoy!

Y/N woke up on the roof of the monistary at dawn, laying down on Cole's chest. She heard the others calling their names. She sat up quickly.

"Cole. We fell asleep. The others are looking for us." Y/N said, shaking him awake.

Cole sat up and listened to the others call for them. "Let's go down."

Y/N and Cole quickly went down. "Hey guys, sorry, I fell asleep on the roof. Y/N came and found me."

Y/N looks at him, surprised that he was covering for her. Sensei Wu came forward. "Well, now that we've found you two, we must go. We have already wasted daylight. Just try not to do that again Cole."

"Yes Sensei." Cole said.

*     *     *

Y/N and the ninja were standing on a boat in the freezing cold, heading for the shurikens of ice.

"I spy something... white." Jay said.

Cole sighed as he tried to steer. "Could you try to be quiet for once? This ain't easy."

The boat rocked and Cole tried to steer again.

"Ugh. I spy something broken." Jay said.

"I don't think anything is too damaged." Y/N said. "Now shut up so Cole can keep us from capsizing."

Kai was complaining about how Sensei should steer if he knows the way.

"If Sensei knows the way to the next golden weapon... why isn't he steering the ship? We've been drifting aimlessly for miles."

"Sensei's wisdom is far beyond my own." Zane said, having no real answer as to why.

"The most powerful move in spinjitsu, can only be accomplished when all the elements are combined. Earth, ice, fire, lightning." Sensei said.

"What happens when all of them are combined?" Jay asks, going down.

"The tornado of creation. The power to create something, out of nothing." Sensei said, his cup appearing in his hands.

Kai started doing moves. To which Sensei spoke again. "No Kai. If done incorrectly, it will lead to disastrous consequences."

"Disastrous consequences. Heh, right." Kai said.

The boat crashed on land, and everyone fell down. "Wasn't me." Cole said.

"Did I do that?" Kai asks.

"No. We are here" Sensei said.

Cole helped up Y/N and smiled. "Thanks for covering for me earlier." Y/N said.

"No problem. It was my fault we fell asleep there in the first place." Cole said.

Sensei asked Y/N to stay on the boat, as they sent to go get the shurikens. They got them, and the boys came running out, carrying, or riding, a frozen Zane.

Y/N and the ninja then went for the nunchucks of lightning. Which were successfully retrieved.

*     *     *

It was night. Cole was playing the bongos, while Jay and Kai and Y/N danced to them. Zane and Sensei were meditating.

"Come on Sensei, join us!" Kai encouraged.

"There is still one weapon left. We must get our sleep." Sensei said.

"Aww, Sensei, look, you gotta admit, we're kicking their bony butts." Jay said.

Unbreaking Love And Loyalty Ninjago Cole x Female Reader (Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now