The Conclusion: The final Decision

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I realized that I went through all of the doors that I was supposed to. The Corpse Bride was the finale of my trip, I was no longer in an Ice castle, and was sent to the world I was meant to be apart of. When I thought about it, I could never in my heart think about taking Barney Rubble away from Betty. The Corpse Bride reminded me of that.

Since I intervened, Emily was the one who ended up with Victor instead of Victoria. It was something that would make someone else happy and I was happy that Emily had gotten the wedding of her dreams. I gave up my job at the Bedrock Zoo because I knew I had to leave Bedrock behind. The necklace that I gave Barney Rubble had returned to my grasp. I was supposed to let fate decide where I must go and I learned that the one I was meant to be with was Simon. Before my adventure in the world of Shrek, I would have never guessed that I was meant to be a chipmunk, but it reminded me of The Great Gazoo’s question: Do you see a future with Simon? Fate has done a great job twisting and turning everything to make me guess who I was going to end up with. I almost believed I could live in Bedrock for the rest of my life with Barney Rubble and I also believed that Schroeder would be the one I could end up with. Here I am, standing in front of Dave’s house remembering how Simon saved me from the Chihuahua... How he told me that my pink eyes sparkled... How he and Alvin fought over me... How he cheered me up from my life’s crises... how he kissed me even though I was nothing but a beady eyed shrimp... and bumping into him while playing pin the wings on the bat. I was supposed to go to the world that was the most meaningful for me and when I compare the different worlds... I realized that Simon was the one I've been thinking about the most. It was a very difficult challenge given that I loved each of my options in their own way.

“Christy!” Theodore, Simon, and Alvin ran out the door to greet and hug me. “You’re back!” Theodore exclaimed. “Are you here for good this time?” “It seems like I am.” I answered. “Heh, hem. Th-That’s great.” Simon said, nervous about seeing me again. He knew the reason why I was here and that he was the one I was meant to be with after all. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I actually missed you.” Alvin told me. “Thank you, Alvin, I missed all of you too.” I smiled. “So, how was the rest of your trip?” Simon asked. “It was great!” I answered. “Theodore, I think your Apple Pie is ready.” “How do you know I was making Apple Pie?” Theodore asked. “Hmm, heightened sense of smell, perhaps?” Simon asked. “Funny, I can’t smell the Apple Pie from out here, how do you know it’s even done?” “Theodore had already put the pie in the oven an hour ago.” I answered. “Again, how do you know this? You just came back right now?” Alvin asked. “I was just thinking I should take out the pie, but that’s only in my head.” Theodore told me. “Quick, what number am I thinking of?” “You don’t really believe she automatically became Psychic or something, do you Theodore?” Simon asked. “Ability to read minds, great sense of smell?” I asked myself. “Is it possible I still have the powers of a Powerpuff Girl?” “Hold on Theodore, if we’re going to test this theory of yours, we’ve got to do it right so you’re not just making it up.” Alvin told him. “You tell us the number you’re thinking of.” “Ok.” Theodore said, whispering the number he is thinking of to both Alvin and Simon.

“Alright, Christy, what is it?” Simon asked, not too convinced. “The number is 3 because he counted you, Alvin, and himself.” I answered. “That’s actually quite correct.” Simon said. Ugh, if I’m not the same as I was when I first came to Dave’s House, Simon will think I’m strange. I thought. He’ll never see me the same way again. Then a cat was ready to pounce at me and I ran up a tree in a flash. “Heh, heh. Getting faster, I see.” Simon said. “Why am I always the one to get chased by animals?!” I exclaimed. “Come on, I was only playing.” The cat told me. To everyone else, all they heard were meows. “Playing? Why don’t you get a ball of yarn instead?” I asked her. “It wouldn’t be as fun.” The cat answered. “You’re fun to play with. I’m used to having them around, but you are an easy target to catch.” “Ha, if I’m such an easy target then why hasn’t anyone caught me yet?” I asked her. “Well, last time with the dumb dog, you had Simon send him away.” The cat answered. “I did not have him send the dog away, he just happened to be there at that moment.” I told the cat. “Well, now you seem to be too looney for anyone to figure out. You don’t see anyone trying to save you now!” The cat told me.

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