Her true name

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The brown haired girl walked in through the wooden doors, pushing them open with her left hand; pushing her sunglasses up on her head with the other. She stopped right on the inside, her brown eyes scanning the place with slight intrest. Her black tight fitting jeans, blood red tank top and high black heels she was bound to get attention as she walked up to the bar.  

Her sensitive hearing picked up on everyone’s conversation, one in general catching her attention. By two weary familiar voices.

“But I…Katherine did this…what do you mean Katherine? She’s…dead” a dark voice said, a few seconds later a slightly lighter, yet masculine voice answered.

“Are you shure, Damon? She wasn’t under the church…she can still be alive” it said back.

Serenity’s eyebrow arched and she turned on her stool, watching the two guys.  The raven black hair and icy blue eyes was just the same, just as his brothers brown hair and green eyes. She tilted her head, playing with one of her curls, watching them with a smirk on her lips.

“my, my…if it is not the Salvatore brothers” she mumbled to herself. She saw both their heads snap in her direction and she perked an eyebrow, taking a sip of her drink as she locked eyes with Damon. Her one true love. Stefan…Stefan was just a little boy that she could play with…But Damon…Damon was a man…simply too good to resist.

She saw them glance at each other and then Damon stood up, walking over to her with one of his charming smirks. She got a devilish smile on her pink lips as she tilted her head, her curls tumbled over one shoulder as she did so.

“Katherine…I thought you were under the church” he pointed out, having one arm on each side of her waits, planted on the bar behind her. It gave the delusion of her being trapped, but she could see so many ways of getting out of this little trap of his. His ice blue eyes met hers as he narrowed them. “But you weren’t…Anna told me that you knew exactly where i was the whole time” he growled in her face, his eyes darkening.

Serenity pouted and stroke a thumb over his cheek, her eyes traveling over his face before they met his eyes. “Oh, Damon…I have been checking up on you…in 1945…you were on a little get together…with that damsel sage…” she said, almost growling her name. “and in 1800…or something, you were in a funeral with Stefan…I didn’t care to see who it was for” she said with a little frown and then tilted her head. “so Anna is right…I knew exactly where you were” she said, her lips inches away from his.

His jaw clenched while he glared in to her eyes. “Why?” he asked simply while searching her eyes, his eyes growing slightly softer.

“I love you, Damon…I always have…why would you doubt that?” she shot back while arching a perfect dark eyebrow. He snorted and stood up straight, putting his hands in the pocket of his black jeans, watching her with narrowed eyes.

“Yes, Katherine…after a century I’ll believe that” he muttered while glaring at her. She giggled and stood up, her high heels clicking as she did so.

“Well, you want me to prove it to you?” she whispered in his ear, her hands resting around his slim waist. She felt him tense and then his arms around her wrist, pushing them down and away from him. She blinked and looked up at him, arching an eyebrow.

“I’ve moved on, Katherine…deal with it” he smirked while giving a dark laugh. She narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms.

“With who?” she asked while tilting her head to the side. She saw him glance over at his brother and then back at her.

“That’s none of your business” he snapped while walking away from her. She arched both her eyebrows and did a little satisfied smile while walking after, glad to make him pissed or somewhat near that. Damon sat down across from his brother and took a swig of his glass of bourbon.

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