(Draco Malfoy) Slip of love

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Slip of love

Draco looked at his best friend who was now currently fawning over a Weasley. A Weasley of all people! He stabbed his eggs viciously, then groaned when it fell off his plate. Can nothing go right? Since when did (Y/N) watch Weasley with stupid love heart eyes? And since when can he not eat eggs?

“Stop staring,” Draco grumbled.

(Y/N) turned to Draco, “Huh? Did you say something Draco?”

He rolled his eyes, “Stop staring at the Weasley, you might catch his Weasley-ness.” Draco scrunched up his nose at that thought. “Disgusting,” he mumbled under his breath.

“Isn’t he just dreamy?” (Y/N) placed a hand on top of the table and placed her chin on it. “I mean the way that he eats, it’s just,” she didn’t finish speaking, she just closed her eyes and smiled. And bloody hell was that a small moan emitting from her mouth?

“What the hell is wrong with her?” Blaise asked as he sat down in front of (Y/N). He followed her stare to the Gryffindor table. “A Weasley?”

“Like you can talk Zabini,” Theo piped up. He received a light punch to the arm by Blaise. “Dick.”

“I swear to god she’s been slipped a potion,” Draco muttered. It was the only explanation. She didn’t like the Weasley’s…the only ones that she can stand were the twins and they were long graduated, and the Weasley girl. Unless… she did really like Weasley. Draco shuddered. No, it definitely wasn’t that. (Y/N) disliked the Weasley’s, not as much as Draco but still.

“I’m right here,” (Y/N) groaned. “And I wasn’t slipped a potion. It’s just you know when you wake up and see someone in a different light, and suddenly they’re the only person you can think about?”

Draco sat there silently. Of course he knew, he’s been feeling that way towards her ever since fifth year. He was hoping to ask her to Hogsmeade, maybe join his family’s holiday to Germany, but (Y/N) taking a fancy to Weasley certainly put a damper to his plans.

“But he’s a Weasley,” was all Draco came up with. It sounded pathetic even to him, even though he would never admit it.

“Names are just labels.” They all watched as Ron walked out of the Great Hall with Potter next to him, then they turned to (Y/N) who started packing up her things.

“And where are you off to?” Blaise asked. “We have a free.”

“So does Ron, maybe I can catch up to him.” (Y/N) picked up her bag and ran towards the exit.

“For fucks sake, you’re screwed mate,” Blaise said as she bit into a muffin. Draco groaned and smacked his head against the table.

“Draco! There you are! I need help!” (Y/N) called out as she rushed to her best friend.

Draco placed the book he held in his hands into his bag, “What is it?”

“Hold my hand so he gets jealous.” (Y/N) pointed to Weasley who was laughing loudly with the other Gryffindor’s. Draco gritted his teeth, he had to pinch himself because he knew that he would do some serious damage to his mouth if he continued.

“Why me?”

“Because you’re my best friend, you’re extremely attractive and Ron hates you? Please?” (Y/N) pleaded, then turning on her charm -she pouted at Draco. She knew that if she did this action he wouldn’t say no.

Draco internally groaned, fuck, it was that pout. The one that made him want to snog her, the one that made her adorable as fuck. “Fine.”

(Y/N) smiled and intertwined their hands together. Draco had to rein his gasp when (Y/N) took his hand. Fuck her hands were dainty and small, and so soft. He relished in the feeling for a moment. Unconsciously his thumb rubbed her palm, she threw a curious glance in his way.

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