Chapter 2 - "The Date"

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I stretched out my arm and pointed my finger to him, causing him to turn to my direction. "I finally found you."

He raised me a brow and turned his back walking towards the volleyball court. I quickly took my bag and ran after him. "Sa-Ku-Sa" I shouted as I catch my breath trying to ran after him. He didn't even bat an eye so, I threw my bag at him. "I said wait!"

The bag hit his back causing him to turn around. "What the f*ck?" I heard him say. I ran towards him. He gave me a death glare but I didn't mind.

"I'm (y/n)." I said and he just stared at me rasing one brow.

"So? We all have names what makes you special?" He said turning his back on me.

"Don't you remember me? I'm germ!!" I shouted. I heard him gave a soft laugh before he started to bicker. "Everyone's a germ for me. What's your point?" I sighed as I realized that he does not remember me at all. I took my bag and brought out a hospital gown.

"See this stain here?" I pointed the big black stain on the hospital gown. "You did that!" He just stared at me as I continue to speak. " This is the time you brought spray paint in the hospital thinking it's Lysol and you sprayed it all over me calling me a germ and a jerk."

"Okay, nice story. I'll get going now." He turned his back and started to walk towards the volleyball court once again.

I was so pissed I threw the hospital gown to his face. He started shouting as soon as the hospital gown touched his skin. He took the hospital gown clenching his fist around it as he walks towards me and he snapped.

"What the f*ck is your problem?! Do you know how many germs hospital gowns have?!" He threw the hospital gown on the grass causing it to get some soil in it.  "Who cares for the stupid Sakusa who thought spray paint was Lysol? It's all in the past." He turned his back and ran towards the bathroom immediately.

"I do.." I whispered as I slowly picked up the hospital gown and tried to wipe the dirt on it. 'It's all in the past huh? Well, I'm still not over it yet.' I thought as tears came running down my face.

I stood up and wiped my tears as I turned to my back I saw Lilia she looked so shocked. I thought she's shocked that I was crying so I said I'm fine and my eye just caught some dirt.

"Sakusa the guy you're looking for?" she asked.

"Yeah, he's the guy." I said with a smile.

"Oh..." I heard her whisper. She looks so down.

Sakusa's P.O.V.

'That stupid germ' I thought as wash my hands so hard with soap and water. I removed my face mask and washed my face. I turned to the mirror. "(y/n), huh? Such a persistent germ." I wiped my face and hands with handkerchief. As soon as I'm done cleaning, I walked straight to the gym for volleyball practice.

"You're looking good today, Omi. Your spikes are unstoppable. Did something happen?" Komori asked. I just stared at him. I'm really pissed today. I feel like my body has been contaminated by an unkillable germ. "Filthy" I whispered.

NOTE: For those who don't read or watch Haikyuu. Komori is Sakusa's Cousin.

After practice I walked with Komori home. 

"Is everything alright Sakusa?" Komori asked.

"Yeah." I said, looking up at the clear night sky. There's no clouds and you can see the twinkling stars clearly. 'So pretty.Is he even seeing this right now.' I thought.

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