Chapter 6 - "Annoying Germ"

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I got home pretty late because I had to stay for a while in the hospital and accompany Mr. Sakusa. He's a good father. All our conversations shows how much he cares for Sakusa.

I rolled on my bed contemplating how am I supposed to do as I promised. 'Take care of his son. How am I supposed to do that?' I thought. I ran to my mom down stairs who's preparing food. "Hey mom! Are you taking care of me?" I asked.

"What's with that question, sweetheart? Of course I am." She replied.

"How do you take care of someone?" I asked again.

"Well, you make sure they're fine like, they're eating properly and making sure they're mentally healthy." She explained.

"Mentally healthy?" I asked again. My mom stopped chopping and looked at me.

"You make sure they still can give the most sincere and beautiful smile and laugh they have. It's important. You see, smiling helps reduce stress, pain and blood pressure. It's good for the health." She smiled as I took note of everything she just said.

"Oh thanks mom!" I said. I ran to my room and make a plan on how to fulfill my promise to Sakusa's dad. I took my notebook out. 'Hmm, let's see' I thought. 'Make sure they eat properly. Okay! This will be my first step for now!'

"Operation take care of Saku-chan, start!!" I shouted.

Sakusa's P.O.V.

I woke up from a loud noise. It's not my alarm, it's a sound coming from a annoying germ. I look at my window and there she is waving at me. It's still dark and she's already being a pain in the ass germ again. I took my sweater and mask then, head out to open the door. "What the f*ck do you want from me? It's f*cking 5:30 in the morning!" I said, annoyed.

"I'm here to feed you!" She drag herself inside my house. "Ojamashimasu" she shouted. I massaged my forehead trying not to get annoyed by this germ early in the morning.

NOTE: Ojamashimasu means "I will disturb you" or "I will get in your way." It is used as a polite greeting when entering someone's house.

"Oi, germ! I didn't let you in." She didn't even pay attention to what I said. Instead she asked me.

"Where's the kitchen Saku-chan?" She asked, grinning at my annoyed face. 'That's it! I'm kicking you out. I will not let anyone make a mess in my house.' I thought. I took my mop and used it to push her out of the house. 'I will not touch this germ! Never!' I thought.

"Wait! Saku-chan! I'm just going to cook food for you! You should always eat!" She shouted as pushed her out using my mop.

"I can cook for myself! Go away germ!" I shouted back as I closed my door. 'What the h*ck is her problem?' I thought before taking back my disturbed sleep but, I stumbled upon a bag of goods.

I looked at the goods and saw some pancake recipe, syrup and some eggs that's been cracked because of what I did. 'She brought this to cook for me?' I thought. 'I bet she doesn't even know to cook this. I mean what can a girl who grew up in the hospital do?' I added.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

'He kicked me out! After I stayed up trying to perfect how to make pancakes.' I ranted in my head.

FLASHBACK (Yesterday night)

I opened my YouTube and watched how people make pancakes. I bought some pancake recipe. My mom offered her help but, I declined. I want to learn this myself. I want this to be extra special that's why.

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