Chapter 1

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It was the start of Winter at Hogwarts. And unlike the other winters, this one was harsher. Everything was covered in snow. The wind was harsh and cold. Students could hardly walk without trembling with each step. Many had gotten frostbites, Quidditch practices were cancelled, despite the protests of Oscar Wood. Students couldn't even see clear because of the cold air.

But even during cold hardship, classes were still going on.

"I can't believe they still made us do classes in this cold!" Cried a freezing Sirius. "I think the teachers want to kill us Moony"

Remus who was by his side, was tired of his complaining. "Stop whining Padfoot,  classes are over from today. Christmas is almost in a few days".

"I know. But it's cold and I wanna complain" whined Sirius as Remus rolled his eyes.

Behind them James snickered at the scene and Peter fiddled with his sleeves as if to make them longer. He stopped when Remus scolded him.

"S-so w-what are you guys g-gonna do this holiday?" Peter asked, covering himself with his Cloak to stop shivering. Too cold.

"Hmm I don't know. Probably gonna stay in my room and pretend I don't exist".

"Padfoot. Not again" said Remus.

"Hey it's not my fault I got that hag as my mother". "I rather have Prong's mother. She's so nice. I don't know how James is related to her. He must be adopted". Said Sirius.

"Ouch hey!" Shouted Sirius, when James kicked his ass from behind.

"I'm not. And don't go stealing other people's mothers". "And besides I'm staying at Hogwarts this Christmas" said James

"Huh?" They all said

"You're gonna stay at Hogwarts in this cold? Are you mad, Prongs?" Asked Remus.

James just shrugged. "My parents are in Berlin for some work and won't be back till a few weeks so I thought it's better if I stayed"

Remus thought it was weird since James would have been over joyed for a once in a lifetime chance at staying home alone. 'Something smells fishy and it's not Sirius's breath '. But the others didn't notice that.

"Sad". "well don't miss me too much" winked Sirius. James rolled his eyes
"Oh no how could I not miss my deer Padfoot. I'll go pawsitivly mad without you" whined James with a hand over his heart and tears in him eyes, leaning against Sirius.

"Here we go again" said an unamused Remus as Peter giggled watching them.

"Now now my deer. Don't cry, we won't be separated furever. Even if I have to wrangle that hag I'll still come back to you" Sirius said in a cooing voice, holding James' shoulder as a spotlight shone above them. Remus wondered where the hell did the spotlight come from.

James and Sirius, who were too busy being dramatic. Didn't notice anything till a voice broke through.

"Move it Potter and Black. Some people are trying to get through" said the voice.

"Oh hey sevy~" said James as he shoved Sirius  who was caught off guard and fell into a nearby bush with a scream.

Remus tried to hold back his laugh and went to help him.

"So what's up Sev? Miss me?" Asked James, stopping Severus from leaving.

"Not in the least. Now move I'm freezing" said Severus as he tried to go past him.

"Aww Sevy are you cold? if so then come here. Let me warm you up" said James as he went in to hug Severus.

Severus slid past him and elbowed James in the stomach . "N-no way" he said as he ran for the dungeons.

"Ow!" Cried James straddling his injured spot.

"Cold" said Peter. "The weather or the person". James chuckled but then winced.
" Both" said Peter.

"Well that just makes it more fun and besides I lo- ahhh!" James shrieked as a frog landed in his face. "Ew bloody hell Padfoot!".

"And that's for pushing me prongsy"

"Stop being so immature and go to the common room and Sirius please don't talk your breath stinks" said Remus

Sirius gasped. " Nonsense Moony my breath does not stink". "Take a look yourself"

"Ugh, Padfoot gross, get away from my face. It smells like fish"

"Guess I do need some mouthwash"

"Trust me mate you'll need more than some mouthwash" chucked James. Now it was Sirius's turn to roll his eyes.

"G-guys let's go b-back. It's so c-cold" Said Peter who was hold back a sneeze.

"Okay ok let's head back but tonight I'm gonna hold a early Christmas party of our own for our deer prongs over here. It's gonna be fawntastic. Even doe he doesn't deserve it"

James and Remus rolled their eyes as they all walked up to the portrait of the fat lady.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2020 ⏰

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