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Song: Haikyuu Season 3 OST - Shiratorizawa Academy School Song

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Song: Haikyuu Season 3 OST - Shiratorizawa Academy School Song


I really thought it would be the end that day.

It should have ended.

How it didn't, I still can't fathom.

Could someone like me really be that lucky?

The emptiness that pervaded my senses after the last match of middle school, really made me believe that this would be the last time I'd see my refuge, my paradise.

That emptiness brought with it, sharp pangs of pain that pierced through every cell in my body, constricting my throat, burning my eyes with unshed tears, unhinging me, making me grow more and more aware that my mask of being 'normal' would be torn down any minute, to unleash... the... monster...

Were they right?

Was everybody right?

I thought I had gotten over it, but in those final moments, when my coach looked at me in sheer disapproval, I thought I saw who I was, reflected in her disproving gaze.

I saw... that I was a... monster... roaming the land of humans, the normal... acceptable... people.

I had never let it bother me till that day, but the thought of never being in my paradise again, was about unleash the demon in me.

I was an outsider, a mere spectre, whose existence had nothing of value. I was nobody, a nothing, to be cherished.

I remember letting that thought sink in and root itself into my soul, my breath quickened, as rage and agony washed over me, trying to break free the... monster... I believed had lived deep within the dark, closed off recesses of my psyche.


With that declaration, my angel had personally arrived to take me out of this inferno of self-loathing and self-doubt...


"You were the best Tori-niiii!" She rushed in, her giggles resembling what I imaged to be the softest bells that would ring in heaven, and hopped into my boney embrace. My rage calmed, my monster quietened.

I didn't quite catch her huff in pain; I thought my bones would have hurt her, but she only melted into my arms.

My little sister. Misato.

She was Misa-chan on normal days and Misa-nyan for when we were playing with her dolls and tea sets, and she'd put on furry cat ears on both of us. She'd get the pink ears (like everything else that she owned) to go with her black hair and I'd get red, to match my hair. She said I was prettier than any cat she'd ever seen, and hoped that one day she could get a real red cat.

I couldn't break it to her that ginger cats were the reddest cats she could get, and none of them would have the ghastly shade that my hair and eyes were.

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