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"There you are." Jin smirked getting ready to annoy the shit out of him.

Namjoon kept walking by him not wanting to deal with his bullshit today. It had been a horrible night. This is the least thing he needed.

"I see you've blocked all of my phone numbers. Don't worry I'll just get more. Perks of being rich." He said following him behind.

Namjoon kept quiet pulling out his car keys. "You know I'll just find another way to bother you. I just want you to come to the party. That's it. Is is so hard to go to my party and have fun huh?"

He unlocked the vehicle and quickly opened the door. Jin held it and Namjoon finally made eye contact.

Jin suddenly let go realizing it wasn't a good time to joke around. Namjoon looked drained. Under his eyes there was evident dark purple marks. The nostalgia he was feeling was spilling through his eyes.

"Is everything okay?" He wondered. Not that he cared. He just wanted him to be okay so that when bothering him it bothered him to the max.

"It's not a good time Seokjin. Please leave me alone."

With that being said he got in and closed the door leaving him behind. Jin remained still wondering what could possibly be affecting him that much.

"Fucking shit." He cursed under his breath turning around. Now all he was thinking about was how upset Namjoon was.

So much for not caring.

Namjoon got home in about fifteen minutes. He unlocked his front door with the to go plate at hand.

On the way there he stopped to get Taehyung's favorite food. Maybe he would talk to him now and stop avoiding the situation.

"Tae?" He asked knocking on the door. The piano music didn't stop. He had been there since the kiss with Jungkook happened.

"I brought you food. It's your favorite." He added hoping that would get him out of there. When nothing was said he sighed defeated, "I'm going to leave it in the fridge okay?"

He walked to the kitchen and placed the plate in there. He made sure to write Taehyung's name there although no one else would eat it. Just in case.

On the way upstairs he caught Jungkook sitting in front of a window. He didn't want to have this talk with him. Not now or anytime soon.

But avoiding it wouldn't make it go away now would it?

"Jungkook. Can we talk?" He softly asked.

He nodded keeping his eyes locked outside. It was a gloomy rainy day. Was the earth aware of how broken he felt that it was crying with him too?

Namjoon took a seat next to him, "I'm sorry you misunderstood my intentions with you."

"It's okay. It was my fault for misunderstanding. I shouldn't have assumed anything."

"I still feel horrible about it. Looking back I can understand why you would think that. It was never my intention to lead you on. I was only being nice to you."

Jungkook smiled, "Yes. You're a nice person. I get that."


He finally got the courage to look at him. Namjoon noted how swollen and red his eyes were.

"No. You've been crying." He said sadly.

"It doesn't hurt that bad anymore. I promise." He said feeling guilty for hurting him.

"I'm so sorry. Fuck. I really am. I don't even know what to say. I don't want to hurt you and now Taehyung he...he's..."

"He's heartbroken." Jungkook whispered shamefully.

Namjoon nodded staring down at his lap. "He hasn't come out the music room. He's back in there playing the piano and avoiding me."

"He won't talk to me either. I didn't mean to hurt him Namjoon. I promise. He...he kissed me and I allowed him to do it because I want to see him happy. He should be happy he deserves that and so much more. I'm simply too troubled. I feel so much it's so difficult for me to sort out my emotions and...and I hurt him...and..."

Namjoon scooted closer and wrapped an arm around him for support. Poor Jungkook. He didn't ask for any of this.



"I know I have to let you go, but you know what?"


"I want you to know that I'm letting you go because I need to. Not because I want to. I could never leave you willingly. Never. You're too easy to love."


Yoongi looked at Jimin who was sitting on his bed with his notebook on his lap. He was wearing one of Yoongi's shirt.

He smiled and handed him a glass of strawberry milk. Jimin wearing his clothes was so cute.

"Yes!" He beamed taking it.

"I still don't understand how you think regular milk is nasty but not strawberry milk." He chuckled sitting next to him.

"It's different. It's strawberry milk." He clarified.

Yoongi reached over to wipe the milk mustache on top of his lips. Jimin grinned so hard his eyes were also smiling.

He continued drinking and finished it within seconds. "Wow. That was impressive. That was super fast."

"Why thank you." He said putting the empty glass on the nightstand.

Yoongi chuckled laying back on the bed. Jimin looked at him and instantly felt a burst of emotions. 

He pushed the notebook to the floor and climbed on top of Yoongi taking him by surprise.

"Jimin what-what is-?"

"Let me make you feel good Min Yoongi." He said in a deep voice leaning in for a messy kiss.

Yoongi breathed heavily returning the kiss. It was inevitable not to. "Jimin I think we should-we-" His sentence was cut short because Jimin stuck his hand down his pants catching him off guard.

He smiled gripping his erection, "You attract me sexually. That's not the only reason I like you though," he begun planting wet kisses down his neck.

"I want to make you the happiest boy in the world." He whispered against his ear earning a soft moan from Yoongi.

"I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I don't care in what form. As your friend, lover, or even just your operating system. I will take care of you today and always. I will care for you like no one else." He told going faster.

Yoongi tried really, really, hard to contain himself but ended up releasing with a low groan. The pleasure was indescribable.

"Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry-I tried to-I-"

Jimin cut him off by kissing his lips sweetly. "Forever Min Yoongi. I will be here forever."

Yoongi suddenly forgot all the pleasure he felt and it turned into deep sadness. "Jimin. I have to tell you something." He whispered.

"What is it?"

"When our six months are up I'm going to have to reset you. I don't-I can't keep you."

Jimin's face went blank. He couldn't really say anything at first. He locked eyes with him. "Jimin..."

Jimin forced a smile and pecked his lips sweetly. Though he was sad he didn't dare to show it.

"It's okay. Maybe my forever won't be that long. I'll be here with you either way."

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