The Fight

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Liam opens the door you get angry and yell "ARE YOU SERIOUS"? He looks at you confused and asks "what"? Your eyes start to twitch they begin to turn pink you close your eyes and turn away from him he asks "you ok"? Your eyes turn normal you turn to him and ask "WHY WAS MY DRINK POISONED"?

He turns pale white he grabs your arm and pulls you inside "what do you mean your drink was poisoned"? You get angry and yell "MY DRINK HAD A HOLE IN THE TOP OF IT AND WHEN I DRANK IT I WAS SLEEPY SO TELL ME WHY DID YOU POISON IT"!?! He looks at you still pale white and says "please calm down your gonna spark it".

You get more angry and yells "DOES IT LOOK LIKE I CA-"! You hear "baby who's here"? You turn around and sees a girl naked you chuckle and say "I'm glad you found a hoe I guess I can go".

You go out the door and walks outside until Liam grabs your arm and pulls you close to him you slap him and yells "DON'T TOUCH ME"! You pull away you turn around and walks into Tim you look up at him "Tim let's go he's not worth it".

Liam laughs and asks "aww big brother what you gonna do"? Tim says "mom and dad both said to never treat a woman badly but yet look what your doing". Liam grabs you and puts you behind him you try to run to Tim but Liam has a hold of your arm Tim gets angry and yells "GIVE HER BACK NOW OR ELSE"! You get scared and back up then you see his eyes turn blood red your eyes widen "Tim what are you"? You ask scared.

Liam laughs and asks "you haven't told her"? You get mad and yells "LET ME GO"! Liam looks at you and says "no your not going with him he can hurt you". You ask "like you have"? You see his face getting angry "I'm not letting you go". You get mad and screams "YES YOU ARE". Liam slaps you and pushes you against the door pinning you "no I'm not". You cry and yells "YOUR SCARING ME"!

Tim comes out of no where he punches Liam, Tim grabs you, you both go to the car you get in crying he gets in he drives you back home you look at tim scared because of what you saw you arrive home you both get out you both go inside he rushes upstairs you follow him being curious of what he's going to do "Tim what are you doing"? You ask him and still somewhat crying but concerned. He turns around and looks at you he asks "you wanna know what I am cause you seen my eyes turn"? You say while calming down "yes".

He walks towards you, you don't move his eyes turn blood red he turns into a ocean blue wolf just like his regular eye color you get scared at first but you see him lay down you walk to him and kneels down he nudges his nose on your hand you pet him "your so beautiful". You say amazed by his color.

He gets up and sits he licks your face you giggle he rolls on his back you scratch and rub his stomach you stop when you see him getting up "Tim you ok"? He turns into a human you stand up he asks "your the first one that hasn't gotten scared of me why is that"?

You look at him scared and explains "be-be-be-because I'm a witch and a wolf my eyes turn pink when I get mad cause I got a curse of when I turn into a witch I burn everything up and when I cry it turns into ice then when I turn into a wolf my eyes turn silver and its when I protect the person I care about".

You realize he's smiling at you while your explaining yourself "what"? You ask uncomfortably. He walks over to you and says "I haven't met anyone like you that explains herself about who she is". You smile nervously and ask "I wanna know something else"? He looks at you confused and asks "ask me anything"?

You look at him and asks "why did you say give her back to me I know you have to protect me cause those are your orders or whatever but you said it as if y-".

He interrupts you and shouts "YES I CARE ABOUT YOU IF YOU KNEW, YOU WOULD UNDERSTAND". You get scared and back away from him he realizes he was turning "that was not a wolf, you talked about me being honest why don't you be honest with me".

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